Weight Loss After Hysterectomy?

I am wondering if anyone has stories of weight loss success after a hysterectomy? I am 35 yrs old, suffer from very bad/debilitating Endometriosis, and after numerous other treatments, I am now looking at having a complete hysterectomy and then going on HRT. I am wondering how this will affect my weight loss efforts. Everyone I've talked to keeps telling me not to do it, I'll never loose weight, etc. But the thing is I can't live in constant pain every day and having a constant menstrual cycle isn't very appealing either. My husband and I have discussed it and we are at peace with the decision.

So can anyone give me some hope about weight loss after hysterectomy?



  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    I am having a hysterectomy in May, although i have decided to keep my ovaries. I feel losing after shouldn't be an issue as much for me but will encourage you through yours. My step moms friend has been on HRT for years and she has not gained any weigh. I hope that is the case for you too. Best wishes!
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    My mom got a hysterectomy and after she was completely healed she actually lost weight. She said after the pain was gone it was easier to work out and she thinks that counter acted the negative effects of the hormone issues. Good luck with everything, I'm sure you'll make it work!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Everyone is different, womens metabolism slows down with the onset of the menopause but if you're keeping an eye on your weight, calories and fitness anyway then this should be no biggie for you.

    You may have to modify calories a little more after the op but then I have a feeling you will be more active as a result of the op so will automatically be burning more. Swings and roundabouts but i'd take a few extra lbs and/or having to work a little harder than live with endometriosis for another 15 years (by which time you'd probably be starting the menopause naturally and have to deal with the potential weight gain then anyway!)

    If you are at peace with your decision don't let others sway you.
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    I had a radical hysterectomy 5 years ago, had huge fibroids and endometriosis which had grown on my internal organs. I feel fantastic, I take HRT and have never found it easier to regulate my weight.

    I cannot believe how well I feel, how wonderful life is and how I wish I had had the op when I was 28 instead of 48! I was unable to have children and should have had surgery years ago, kept thinking things would improve and trying various other smaller ops.

    I wish you all the very best and if I can help in any way send my a message.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    You have to do what is needed for you to feel better---really, a pill does not make you gain weight---it may make you think it does, which may make us put more food in our body. The only thing that makes you gain weight is the food that enters your body.

    I believe with proper change in nutrition and exercise and a committment, you will succeed---you should discuss this with your doctor as well.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I got a hysterectomy in 2006. I lost weight right away without trying, but I didn't need hormone therapy. I was able to "cheat" it with my young age (35). I put some on, am now using MFP and have lost 17.6 as of today.
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    I too had a hysterectomy. Issues with fibroids caused severe anemoia. After healing from the surgery, never felt better, and actually started walking as part of the recovery process. I had a partial and left the ovaries behind, That's the only thing I would ask your doc about. Good luck and friend me if you would like support as you progress
  • te102763
    te102763 Posts: 2 Member
    Talk to your Dr. about your goals. He can prescribe a HRT that won't interfere with weight loss. I've had a hysterectomy and both my sisters have...we've all three gained and lost the same as before we had hysterectomies.
  • MarciMoorehead
    Don't listen to the "everyone" who is telling you that you will never be able to lose weight after a hysterectomy. I had a hysterectomy when I was 32 years old and once recovered I had never felt better in my life. No more pain, no more periods, no more PMS, and no more birth control!!! When I got home from the hospital I started walking every day. It was only around the block but each day I felt better and walked farther. Eight weeks out from surgery I was walking two miles a day and had lost 10 pounds. Now I am a cautionary tale though. I have battled my weight all my life. Over my lifetime I am guessing that lost and gained 1000 pounds. I didn't stay vigilent with my walking or eating and the weight came back little by little. I had a bad back injury in 2003 and exercising became very hard to do. That's when I really ballooned up. So I went back to the operating room. I had gastric bypass in 2006. I lost 176 pounds and managed to keep most of it off. Now I am not advocating that you have gastric bypass I just wanted to give you a warning about sticking with it. You are already on the right track. You are losing weight in a healthy manner. That should not stop after your hysterectomy as long as you are determined to be healthy and make healthy choices I don't see any reason why the surgery and HRT would stop you from reaching your goal. Stay in touch with all of us and we will cheer you on!
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    No more pain, no more periods, no more PMS, and no more birth control!!!
    When the doctor came in to tell me I had ovarian cancer, he sat down and was like "I have bad news. You'll need a complete hysterectomy. That means no more children and no more periods." I asked him where the "bad" news was!!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I too had hysterectomy but kept my ovaries, therefore no HRT. I found when I hit menopause was harder to lose weight than before, but on MFP am losing at healthy 1-2#/wk. This is a lifestyle change and commitment to a healthier you. will be here for support if you need/want, may add me as friend, just drop me a message. :-) Oh I am a fellow Maineiac LOL! :-)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    One thing will get easier - it is easier to move your body when it is in pain!
  • TamRob73
    TamRob73 Posts: 8 Member
    I am wondering if anyone has stories of weight loss success after a hysterectomy? I am 35 yrs old, suffer from very bad/debilitating Endometriosis, and after numerous other treatments, I am now looking at having a complete hysterectomy and then going on HRT. I am wondering how this will affect my weight loss efforts. Everyone I've talked to keeps telling me not to do it, I'll never loose weight, etc. But the thing is I can't live in constant pain every day and having a constant menstrual cycle isn't very appealing either. My husband and I have discussed it and we are at peace with the decision.

    So can anyone give me some hope about weight loss after hysterectomy?


    Hi Erin,

    I just had surgery 8 weeks ago with an Endo specialist. I had a hysterectomy (for fibroids) and removed one ovary as well as a bowel resection as I had endo on my bowel. It was the BEST decision I made.

    Having a hysterectomy doesn't cure Endo. I would definitely see a specialist that does excision surgery. I never thought I would do a hysterectomy and I tried everything to improve my Endo. Do what you feel is right and don't listen to what others say. They don't understand the amount of pain you go through with Endo. Now having said that, you can still have pain even after Hysterectomy unless you see a excision Endo specialist. Please research this. There is an amazing blogging site and information on endo-resolved.com.

    I don't regret my surgery and wish I would of done this YEARS ago. I feel better now than I have in 3 years!!! If you need any advice or recommendations, let me know and I can help on that. :-)
  • TamRob73
    TamRob73 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh and on the weight loss thing, I lost seven pounds from the bowel surgery I had. I have not gained any weight that is above and beyond what I weighed beforehand.

    I have heard some lose some gain and some stay the same. It really depends on what you eat and how active you are. I lost an ovary so I was sure I would of gained more weight than I have and I haven't. BUT I know that if I dont watch it - I would probably gain.

    I gained 36 pounds after my first Endo surgery three years ago which was just to remove an ovarian cyst. I think taking care of the Endo by seeing a specialist will enable to be pain free and I will be able to be more active and lose weight now as opposed to spending half the month in bed in pain. :) I have not had one day in pain for 8 weeks now, ever since my surgery. I am really really happy with my results!
  • jala9656
    jala9656 Posts: 31 Member
    I had a hysterectomy at 38. Best decision I made. Also am on HRT. Did not gain weight from taking med., just from my lazy habits.
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Keep in mind that women are all different. Not every woman who goes through menopause needs HRT, (they're just very vocal about their symptoms) LOL and not every woman who has a hysterectomy will either. I'm 54 years old, had a TAH with BSO 3 years ago and have never taken (nor needed) HRT.
    During that time, I've had a one or two random weeks of hot flashes, but it's my personal belief that exercise has helped keep me feeling well. While you may find yourself in need of HRT, you may also find that you don't. I'm a big believer in not borrowing trouble. Good luck with your health issues.
  • shortwave
    I have been trying to eat a healthy diet with excercise...but nothing helps...what did you find that worked
  • MrsClark925
    Bless you HysterSisters! I am scheduled for a TLH due to massive issues from endometriosis next month. (TMI alert) Earlier this month I had a laparoscopy which diagnosed the endometriosis and informed me that the years of living with this left my bladder and one ovary fused to my abdominal wall. They removed the endometiosis they could get to and cut down my bladder and ovary. Why they didn't just take it all then is beyond me (I understand the liability) but I would have preferred it all being done at once. I am 35 with 3 children (18yr old, 16yr old, and 14yr old). My baby days are long behind me and my husband had a vasectomy years ago. So the decision to have a hysterectomy wasn't one that we had to discuss for long. I asked my Dr. what the draw backs were and she said "no more children and no more periods". Those are my kind of draw backs! My period cycle has been every 20 days with 9 days of spotting before, 7 days of massive flow, and 5 days of spotting after so I very rarely get a day free of wearing a pad of some variety. When I started reading up on THL so many people said their average weight again (even years after surgery) was 25lb. I have fought long to loose weight my whole life. I am currently within ten pounds of my goal (I've lost 75lb so far). After reading so many stories of people gaining and keeping weight after surgery my husband found me sitting on the kitchen floor with a pint of Ben and Jerrys in tears. I figured if the weight was inevitable I was going to do it right. After reading your stories I just wanted to thank you for not feeding the negativity and sharing your honest stories. I will embrace this new part of my life with a smile and my workout shoes and leave behind years of pain and pads.
  • UndercoverAngel74
    UndercoverAngel74 Posts: 185 Member
    I had a nightmare hysterectomy 2 years ago. I had every complication in the book (my case was rare, so don't be alarmed). I ended up having to be cut from hip bone to hip bone due to an enlarged and prolapsed uterus. I am now in the best shape of my life and feeling amazing! I don't really have a weight issue--I just need to tone up.
    It is taking me a little longer to reach my goals than it did when I was in my 20's, but I think that has more to do with age than my surgery.
    Pray, talk to your doctors, and make a serious effort--you will be fine!!!!
  • Nidia2323
    Nidia2323 Posts: 1 Member
    I just had a partial one leaving ovaries behind a week ago. I have the same concerns about weight gain even though I'm not menopausing yet at 45. I'm planning to start walking this upcoming week and I'm trying to make a whole lifestyle change. I'm hoping thst since I will be feeling healthier now without the bloating n pains, that I can fully commit myself to a healthier lifestyle now. Good luck to you.