If I can do it, ANYONE can do it .............

HoboRat Posts: 13
edited September 26 in Success Stories
I love my two adorable little nieces. After having a huge revelation that I was terribly fat and out of shape over Christmas 2009 when I discovered that I could barely play with adn enjoy the cuties, I resolved to get off my fat *kitten* and get my body back into shape. My initial weigh-in was 305 lbs, which was very depressing. On Jan 4, 2010 I started by running on an elliptical nearly every morning for an hour (we have a gym at work and my boss is very positive so e worked out a modified schedule so I could do this). Well , ok, it wasn't a full hour at first, but I got there and kept improving. Starting in Jan of this year, I added a nightly workout doing P90X. Well, after 15 months, my current weight is 235 and I am much stronger and feel much better. I have just started "round 2" of P90X with a modified schedule combining P90X and P90X+ workouts. My resting heart rate has dropped like a rock (avg is 45), and I am down to 1/2 blood pressure pill a day and, hopefully, can be off them completely by end of year. I think I could be off them now, but, Dr needs a little more convincing. Ultimate weight goal is 200 lbs. Although this is still technically above my "ideal" weight, if I get to 200 lbs I will be carrying about 15-20 lbs of loose extra skin left over from my fat days. Which will mean I have actually reached my ideal weight. I'll just need to deal with the skin rolls after. I've found a new "mental toughness" that keeps me going to the workouts every day regardless of how good or bad I feel. If I can make a change like this and turn it around, so can YOU. All you need is a little support, and the determination that you are going to win the battle. Why this post? There are a lot of people getting on this site that are just starting. It is tough. it is a lot of hard work. But it is worth it and you need to see these stories to know that you can SUCCEED if you really want to and do it. Good luck to everyone.


  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!! Good for you. You have busted your butt and it certainly paid off!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Wonderful and so very well done to you :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Wow! I'm so happy for u hun! Ur almost there, u can do this!
  • katdon88
    katdon88 Posts: 39 Member
    Good Job!:wink:
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Wow...your story is amazing! You should be so proud of yourself and all you have accomplished.
    Thanks for sharing....reading your story this morning was a great way to start the day!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Great job! You deserve to be very proud of all you have accomplished! Keep up the good work.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Wow, thanks for sharing. AMAZING, Kudos to you and thanks for the inspiration! :bigsmile:
  • Don't sell your self short man! If ANYONE can do it EVERYONE would do it. What you have done takes determination, strength of Heart and incredible will power. EVERYONE has this in them they just need to find the key to unlock there potential. I applaud what you have done and the reasons for your decisions to make your change. Your story is an inspiration to ANYONE looking to make a positive change in their life and in the lives of the ones they love!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    awesome - thanks for the inspirational story - and congratulations on all your hard work paying off!

    I also think it's great that you have a flexible, supportive boss- it's nice to hear about a supportive person for once! you probably have already done so but,if not, why not give them a thank you note or similar? during a battle against excess weight so many try to sideline us or think we won't be succesful- I think it's nice to thanks those who support us :-)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Fan taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas tic!!

    I was flagging as my scales dont seem to be moving, but, I'm going to do Cardio X now, in your honour! :flowerforyou:
  • chrymo
    chrymo Posts: 17
    Good Job Man, we are almost on the same track and goal... However I cannot run at the same pace as you do, although I still think I can do it, albeit a little slower than you... Just keep doing it man!
  • great job !!! keep up the great work YOU CAN DO IT !!!
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Congrats. Great job. Keep it up. And you are right. ANYONE can do this, especially with the help of this site.
  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
    You are so right. I'm struggling with the excercise thing but I appreciate your post. Thank you for sharing.
  • HoboRat
    HoboRat Posts: 13
    Thanks for all of the supportive words. I appreciate it. I hope everyone else has success too. For the person who asked, my boss is awesome and we get along great. He is also fighting to lose a little weight and he has a few medical issues. We talk and swap stories and workout tips all the time. My company is also awesome with the employee gym. They recognize it helps their bottom line for benefits, sick days, and productivity when the employees are healthy and they have a great facility. My adult son is also doing a program to lose weight. He was heavier than me and has been at it about two and a half years and is down over 100 lbs. He's happier, healthier, and he is even playing on a soccer league now. He lives a state away but we talk and text al the time and encourage each other. He's the one who got me into P90X. BRING IT !!!!! Ooops. Sorry. had a Tony Horton moment. Time to go downstairs and do Cardio Kenpo. Keep at it everyone.
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