My recent BREAK-UP :(

With the recent break-up of me and my boyfriend (now ex). . .i have not been focused at all. . .I have fallen off and definetly need that extra push/support/motivation. . .

last week wednesday - sunday , I ate like pure crap and didnt work out at all. . .the weird thing is. . .i lost weight! BUT I know that is probably from stress.

Break-ups are normal and we have all been through them. People come and go out of our lives for a reason and I have come to accept the way things are now.


The drive I had to eat right, work out, better my health and body. . .I DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT HAS WENT.... AND IT HASNT COME BACK YET...yesterday I attempted to workout but it wasnt for long. I was not even into it like i used to be just 2 weeks ago...

PLEASE HELP. . .any motivational/inspiring words or similar experiences??


  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Best thing I can tell you is that you were doing it for YOU, not anyone else. It's your health, not the others in your life. That being said take it from me sometimes it takes a while to recover from grief so just don't beat yourself up over it, you'll get back to it when ready.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself, you just went through a tough event. Breaking up can either motivate you to be strong and move on, other times it will loose all motivation and you will feel lost, alone, and even hopeless with dieting. My only afvice to you is What do you have to lose now except that weight you were carring while you were with your ex. take all that frusteration and use it towards working out harder than ever (opf course without hurting yourself). Make yourself be sexy for you and show him what he's lost! take time for you and love you again! :-) Im here for you!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    chin up! you can do this. just keep in mind that your health is completely and soley about *you*, and no one else, and you are so worth it. i think it's awesome that you worked out for a little bit, even if it didn't last long. keep doing this until you are back in your groove - you'll get there. and don't beat yourself up for feeling sad and stressed and eating the way you feel - like crap! this happens to everyone, and the important thing is you acknowledge your feelings, and then stand back up and keep moving. you'll be fine! and you are a gorgeous woman - his loss! :flowerforyou:
  • Girlypeekaboo
    Aww sweetie ur beautifull! Don't let some guy or anyone ruin all ur hard work u have done
  • andybr
    andybr Posts: 6
    Yes, do it for yourself. Keep working out, and eating right. Keep your logs and get yourself back on track for you! It's ok to slip every now and then. But you have to get back on track for you and your goals. The best way to get back at someone after a relationship is to live a good life. If you set you goals to live healthy and continue to grow, you won't need to worry about the ex. You can move on and become better without them. Live your life for you, be good for you, stay positive and find your focus. Sounds like by coming here and posting you already know what you need to do to get back on track. You just needed someone to tell you to do it! :)
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    the motivation to work out comes from working out, push through to the endorphin rush and that will become reason enough to make the effort, a great looking body and good health are icing on the cake
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Depending on the relationship (friends or boyfriends) ... Sometimes you need to take some time out and just grieve, wallow, allow yourself some pity time. It's never something that's easy - even when things are mutual (in my case).

    After some time, then start to get back at it one by one. Start by getting out of bed each morning. Start looking in the mirror and telling yourself how much your worth, how beautiful you are, how strong you are because of it all. Never look back and regret.

    That pit in your stomach will go away. You just need to give it some time. Give yourself some time and love.

  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    We go through ups and downs in this process. I haven't lost for a couple of months now because I quit smoking and wasn't all that motivated to eat healthy. Just take a walk or do something small that gives you stress relief. You have the blues right now and that's normal. Be patient with yourself. If you need to go on maintenance for a couple of weeks before you find your motivation again, it's ok. I've done that several times during this process when I was particularly hungry or just not "feeling it" when it came to exercise.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    What you're experiencing comes from the depression felt after losing someone you loved. It is normal to lose motivation. I know this is cliche but time really does heal all wounds. You will come out of this alright in the end. You will come out even better if you tell yourself that you are worth more than this depression is allowing you to be! You are going to go through the natural progression of hurt whether you work out and eat right or not. So make the decision to push past this pain and not let it get the best of you or your body. Good luck babe!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Awww, it's normal to be sad for a while. The one exercise I like when I'm sad is walking. Walking down the street or on the beach (I'm in Cali) listening to slow jams is therapeutic for me, plus I get a workout in! I also like high incline on the treadmill or ellipitical while listeining to come back songs like "fighter" by christina aguilera. Beyond that, I would take it a little easy for a while and not force anything. I know you are doing this for you, so your drive will pop right back in a few days

    The good thing is, by the time you're over your breakup you'll probably already have reached your goal and will be ready for a new hottie :wink:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Set yoursef a time limit on being sad, give yourself two weeks to do nothing but cry and eat and generally not do much. And then pick yourself up and kick butt. Imagine bumping into him and looking and feeling amazing :)

    I have just gone through the same and I have to see him because we have a baby and the thought of seeing him and thinking ha, look at me, actually motivates me more. I have also just read a book called breakup because its broken. And it is basically saying you can have a breakover, you have now got extra spare time and you should use it to make yourself even more fabulous or flabuless :D
  • lEEAVii20
    lEEAVii20 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you all so much. I really appreciate you all. Today I promised myself to push through and take all of the positives out of this seperation. Last week I couldn't accept the situation but I think the fact that i do now will help me push through even more.

    I'm not one to normally tell others my personal buisness but I love MFP and you all because I know I can always count on someone to understand how I feel no matter the circumstances and support me.

    Thanks you all
  • Dancinhiphop4life
    i just got a broken heart back in december. the whole month of december i ate like crap and didnt exercise. i couldnt push myself to even get out of bed sometimes. sometime in january my motivation started building again. i started with my diet and worked out a couple times a week. then in march is when it really got going. now when i run i listen to music about getting thru heartbreaks and being strong enough to not need that person anymore. im still in love with him but i know it wouldnt be the same if we got back together so im trying to live my life to the fullest and working towards the body ive always wanted. plus it would be nice to have him see me sometime after i do transform my body and secretly laugh in his face that he lost me.

    girl its going to take time, there are times where you wont care at all and that is completely normal. everyday it gets easier and soon the broken heart that you have will need to feed off the exercise. it does make ur heart feel better when you push yourself through a good workout. it helps heal it. Were here for you!
  • lEEAVii20
    lEEAVii20 Posts: 50 Member
    THANK YOU!! :)
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. I agree with others who have said set a time limit for you to "not care" about what you're eating, doing etc. but if you can muster it, go for a walk, even at 2 mph for 30 minutes, you'll keep moving and burning. Switching to maintenance might also ease some of the guilt your feeling for overeating and not working out. Think of it this way: You're giving yourself permission to eat more, and if you don't eat your maintenance calories you'll still have a small deficit and will keep losing, just more slowly, even if you don't work out. Working out will be an added bonus to your deficit when you can handle it. If you can, still try to make healthier choices, but don't deny yourself food. It's an emotional stressor that will cause more mental activity which will require more carbs. It's only natural that you want to eat. Just know that when you eat "junk" foods, your body will crave them more. Try to eat more lean proteins and whole grains when you can. This will help fight the "sugar cravings".

    You can't ignore what you're feeling. If you do, you'll end up with a host of other problems that will surface in your food habits. Journal your thoughts, feelings, babble, whatever - just let it flow. You'd be surprised where your thoughts will lead you when you start writing freely (don't worry about grammar, spelling, etc. Just let it all come out.) Write him a nice long letter (that you'll never send). Tell him how you felt during your relationship, things you like and disliked about being with him, how you feel about being apart and the impact it's having on you right now. Put it away for 3-6 months (or even until you reach your goal if that's longer) then when you reach that time, pull it out, read it, think about how far you've come, and burn it as a final symbol of closure.

    Best of luck to you in this phase of your life. You can stop and rest but never give up!