Question about body fat...

NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I don't even know how to ask this question so I'll just give the situation.

I've been working out and doing intense ab work. I feel like my abs are getting a lot tighter, but the fat on my stomach looks like it's getting bigger! It's popping out more and looking kinda funny.

My question is... Will the fat just eventually go away to reveal my new abs? Is it just shifting around getting ready to go away?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Ab work will not reduce the amount of fat over your abs, that takes a strict diet and cardio to do (80% diet, 20% exercise). There is a saying that goes "Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym".
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    I think your ab muscle get bigger and the fat on top grows with it (sounds stupid, I know). But in order to loose the belly fat, sit ups dont work. Your probably have a nice toned belly and with a lot of cardio the fat dissapears.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    you need to increase cario maybe? Eveeryone has a six pack, some peoples are just covered in a lyer of fat.
  • allie_00
    allie_00 Posts: 73
    Honestly, as weird as it sounds, I know what you're talking about. I think, as somebody else mentioned, it's just your muscles on the inside becoming a little more toned and perhaps making the outside fat poke out a little. I never used to believe the nutrition = abs thing but it's soo true! I've really cleaned up my diet and I notice a huge difference! I'm still waiting for the line down the middle, though. :) Eat healthy and clean and you should see dramatic results. Also, running seems to really melt away fat through the middle.
  • djhowzy
    djhowzy Posts: 4
    Hi there Dutchess!

    Good question indeed!

    It is true that if you have fat on your belly and you work your abs out hard (like you're doing), it will unfortunately look like you have put on weight!!! What you are in fact doing, is building the muscle underneath your belly fat, which is slowly pushing your belly fat out. This belly fat will not go away with abdominal exercises - you will have to do aerobic exercise and change your diet in order to achieve that. It sounds like you are developing some nice abs, you just need to find them!

    This happened to a friend of mine who had quite a large belly and he couldn't believe it when he started looking fatter after weeks of work on his abs! He probably had a six pack under there, but we couldn't find it lol!

    Running will help blast some fat away and will also tone your abdominal muscles. I have heard though, that some people in your situation still couldn't shift the very last bit of belly fat, even from running! (Bugger!) This is where you may need to change your diet and eat some 'super foods' that are good for burning belly fat. It should be easy to research.

    I hope this helps,

  • My suggestion would be to not do as much ab workout and do more cardio. I wouldnt stop doing the ab workouts all together but would defintely tone it down a little bit and in that time you dont do ab work out do some type of cardio to make sure your keeping those abs you worked so hard on but are getting rid of the fat that sits on top of them at the same time. :) good luck!!!!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    My diet is pretty good, a few oops but nothing compared to what I used to eat.

    I guess I'm on the right path, increasing cardio and keep the weight training going.

    It's just funny how I feel fatter, working out. LOL
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Good Nutrition = abs. I am prepping for a body building competition... My abs are the last to come in. I had the same "effect" as you are describing... The other thing is that we are not used to "vacuum" in our abs (trying to bring our belly button to our spine) on a regular basis. If you practice this, you'll see a difference in your posture for sure and the belly fat will lessen in appearance. BUT, I agree that abs are made in the kitchen!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Hi there Dutchess!

    Good question indeed!

    It is true that if you have fat on your belly and you work your abs out hard (like you're doing), it will unfortunately look like you have put on weight!!! What you are in fact doing, is building the muscle underneath your belly fat, which is slowly pushing your belly fat out. This belly fat will not go away with abdominal exercises - you will have to do aerobic exercise and change your diet in order to achieve that. It sounds like you are developing some nice abs, you just need to find them!

    This happened to a friend of mine who had quite a large belly and he couldn't believe it when he started looking fatter after weeks of work on his abs! He probably had a six pack under there, but we couldn't find it lol!

    Running will help blast some fat away and will also tone your abdominal muscles. I have heard though, that some people in your situation still couldn't shift the very last bit of belly fat, even from running! (Bugger!) This is where you may need to change your diet and eat some 'super foods' that are good for burning belly fat. It should be easy to research.

    I hope this helps,


    I do very low carb (almost no breads etc). I'm sure I'll be fine. I just have to keep it up. I think I'm on the right path.
  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
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