Maybe the scale is wrong :(



  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Nope... but I'm blaming it on winter clothing. I'm sure they'll notice by the time I'm wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts.

    At least, they'd better... dang it! :wink:
  • gladreal
    gladreal Posts: 2
    First, congratulations! I agree with a previous poster who told you that maybe people didn't want to say you looked as if you lost weight so as not to be insensitive. I've lost about the same as you, it's about a third of the way for me, and I am lucky (I guess!?) that it is very noticeable right away in my face and friend noticed right away after about five lbs! Also, I am announcing every little while if I am down a pound or boxed up fat clothes for donation....
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. Don't worry, people will be sure to notice in time.
    I don't care who doesn't notice. I love the way my clothes fit and that's enough for me. Besides by summer, if I keep up with the good eating habits, my clothes will tell the story. keep going anyway, irregardless! You're doing this for you, right?

    Yep. Since starting MFP last month my pants fit much more loose around my waist and no more deep inhaling when I have to button them. And if I didn't know any better I would swear that my cleavage has slightly shrunk (as someone who is top heavy this is a VERY good thing).

    If people notice my weight loss that's great, but as long as I know I look better I don't care one way or the other.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I wouldn't worry too much about what other people do/don't say (some people may have even noticed and chosen not to say anything because weight is such a sensitive issue for a lot of women) - as long as YOU feel good about yourself and your progress, that's all that matters!!

    It took me about 20lbs for people to finally say something. Don't let it discourage you though, you're making awesome progress! :)
  • I hadnt lost much weight but i trimmed down and dropped a pant size, i was a little discouraged because no one noticed and then i went to a formal dinner in a slim black halter dress and everyone was like. "you look fantastic, have you lost weight?" I would just smile and nod. My mother even commented on how flat my sttomach was becoming. It takes time, but keep up the great work. Im a tomboy so i usually wear mens shirts which as we all know have NO curves. I was so excited the other day when i put on a top i hadn't worn in a while it was kinda baggy but i love it., My dad just smiled and said "you look alot better in that top now sweetie" I swear i almost squeeled. The hard work totally pays off!:happy:
  • tremendacooke
    tremendacooke Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 23 and nobody hasnt say anything but is ok i notice keep it up you are doing PHENOMENAL
  • people only said to me after i lost 2 stone... so just really as i've lost 2st 2lbs, i have only dropped 1 dress size too which is depressing :(
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 5'2" and it took exactly 20 lbs for anyone to notice.
  • There's also a psychological theory that everyone goes around with a sort of "mental image" of the other people in their life. Very rarely do we stop to reassess this mental image until something drastic (e.g. a change of hairstyle, a different way of dressing, etc) happens to make us. A dress size might mean a lot to you and you, who looks carefully at your body to actively look for the changes, might see the losses, but for someone else who doesn't really think about your size very often, it might take that little bit more weight loss or perhaps wearing tighter-fitting clothes before their mental image of your readjusts. It does happen, it just takes time.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    I've lost 45 pounds. The people that knows I am doing this will tell me that they can see changes (that's because they look for it). While those who do not know has not said anything. I am really big to start with. I read somewhere that it's like the paper towel. The first sheet you take off, it still looks the same. But the more sheets you take off, the more noticeable it gets.

    Here's to hoping my next 45 pound sheet is more noticeable! :-)
  • dwellsouth
    dwellsouth Posts: 158 Member
    There's also a psychological theory that everyone goes around with a sort of "mental image" of the other people in their life. Very rarely do we stop to reassess this mental image until something drastic (e.g. a change of hairstyle, a different way of dressing, etc) happens to make us. A dress size might mean a lot to you and you, who looks carefully at your body to actively look for the changes, might see the losses, but for someone else who doesn't really think about your size very often, it might take that little bit more weight loss or perhaps wearing tighter-fitting clothes before their mental image of your readjusts. It does happen, it just takes time.
    That is a GREAT point! Personally, I see an overall person and do not look for specific characteristics, like muffin tops for instance... For me to notice even a close friend's weight gain or weight loss, it's going to have to be pretty significant! I have a skinny friend who always looks skinny to me, even when she tells me she put on 15 pounds! I'm like, WHERE???? LoL

    Hang in there! :glasses:
    My husband noticed when I wore a tight shirt for a change...that was Saturday at 14 pounds lost.
  • OMG! this is exactly what I just said to myself. Where are you placing the scale? is it a flat surface? I have lost 9 pounds and NOBODY has mentioned anything nor have they even hinted of a difference but the scale say's I haven't lost in about 5 weeks!
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    My mom and my husband started noticing MUCH sooner than people who didn't see me as often as them. It took about 25 lbs for other people to notice.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Sadly, I am one of those people who do not notice another person's weight loss until it is just incredibly obvious! When they finally do notice you'll have even MORE to brag about!!! Keep up the good work, it is a never ending road. Keep your new good habits for ever!
  • No one noticed untillabout 2 weeks ago. A colleague told me that my trousers were too baggy around my bum! Since then a couple of others mentioned things. I have since sorted out my old (big clothes) and started wearing the smaller ones. No people notice! My sister didnt say anything to me, but told my mum she was so proud of how different I looked.

    A lot of people feel they cant say anything, so if you see anyone who has lost weight, tell them.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    People tend to not want to say anything because it might make you uncomfortable or they don't want to pat you on the back and then have you fall off the wagon. I have seen people lose a tremendous amount of weight, but I only said something once because I could tell she felt awkward about the attention.

    Don't take it personal that people haven't said anything. Just because they haven't said anything, doesn't mean that they haven't noticed. Maybe you have to make the first move and say something.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Another thought might be that they actually are noticing your weight loss, but in case they may be wrong they aren't saying anything about it. Bringing up weight can be somewhat of a topic that people stay away from.
    Keep up the excellent work! :)
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    it took me a while also!!! I have lost 21 pounds and I haven't heard from too many people! So hang in there, because I know that I have lost and things are loser.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    There's also a psychological theory that everyone goes around with a sort of "mental image" of the other people in their life. Very rarely do we stop to reassess this mental image until something drastic (e.g. a change of hairstyle, a different way of dressing, etc) happens to make us. A dress size might mean a lot to you and you, who looks carefully at your body to actively look for the changes, might see the losses, but for someone else who doesn't really think about your size very often, it might take that little bit more weight loss or perhaps wearing tighter-fitting clothes before their mental image of your readjusts. It does happen, it just takes time.

    Good Point. Compare it to when you first realized you were waaaayyy too fat and decided to do something. Most of us just put on our make up and do our hair in the mirror and go about the day. When clothes get too tight, we might notice that, or "suddenly" it is harder to tie our shoes, get short of breath while walking, etc. And WE are with outselves all day long! Ha! Ha! IT is usually that one incredibly unflattering picture that gets us. Then we ask ourselves AND others if we really look like that. Which is pretty silly because everyone else I think looks "normal and like them " in pictures. We just weren't paying attention!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about what other people do/don't say (some people may have even noticed and chosen not to say anything because weight is such a sensitive issue for a lot of women) - as long as YOU feel good about yourself and your progress, that's all that matters!!

    It took me about 20lbs for people to finally say something. Don't let it discourage you though, you're making awesome progress! :)

    Completely agree. You don't need anyone to validate your success. I'm 5'8" so it took about 25# before people really noticed. A lot of my female friends didn't really start gushing about it until I hit the 50# mark. And my hubby? He has been my cheerleader, but doesn't say a lot about it.

    People that see you every day will take a lot longer to notice than people you haven't seen in awhile.
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