What time do you eat breakfast?

Hello all! I'm pretty new and I wanted to get some feedback from anyone who is interested in giving it. :) I have always heard that you should eat breakfast soon after waking up to get your metabolisim working. However, I find that if I eat first thing in the morning I am hungry all day and usually end up going over my calorie goal. This has been my basic eating "plan" as of late:

6:00 - Up and at em'
7:00 - Headed to work with coffee in hand
7:10 - 9:30/10:00 - I'll drink my coffee, but no food until this point
9:30/10:00 - Breakfast (usually between 200 - 300 calories)
12:00 - Lunch ( I don't feel hungry at all between breakfast and lunch)
2:30/3:00 - Afternoon Snack
6:00/6:30 - Dinner
8:30 or after (after the kids are in bed) - Evening snack

So far this has been working for me as far as staying in my desired calorie range. However, I want to do the best I can do and make the best choices I can make for the greatest success. What are your thoughts? How early to you start eating in the morning? Should I be eating earlier to increase the chances of my success? Thanks for taking the time to read and post your responses.


  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I workout in the morning so mine goes:

    6:00 am bottle of water and cup of coffee... off to workout

    7:30 breakfast normall a protein shake :]

    10 am Meal 2
    1 pm Meal 3
    4 pm Meal 4
    7 pm Meal 5
    10 pm Meal 6

    :] usually 200-250 calories for each meal with protein spread out evenly
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    BOO *hisssss*

  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. U should eat something to get your metabolism moving.

    As for the original quote- I nanny part time (on disability), so I wake up around 930 and have breakfast then. But this summer, I am working full time and nervous about getting up earlier and being hungry all day.
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    haha I will let everyone else tell 4theking what they think hehe :) I feel bad for the guy already! I think if what you are doing is working for you then stick with it. I typically don't eat breakfast until after I get to work and get settled in the day's routine. It could be 9 or so before I have breakfast and maybe later on the weekends. This hasn't hindered my weight loss.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I have been trying to eat breakfast w/in the first couple hours I get up. Although I have low blood sugar so I'm supposed to be eating w/in the first 30 minutes of waking and every 3 hours thereafter.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    Every four hours is the rule of thumb. If you go over that then you can get too hungry and binge. NOT good. It looks like you are on about every 2-2 1/2 hours wich isn't bad. I would try to eat a small breakfast earlier if you can. LIke a banana or an apple. just something small that is good for you.

    I get up at 7 and eat around 7:30 or so and then eat lunch around 12. I really should eat a snack midmorning but it is hard for me to do while i am in classes. I have class from 8:30 to 12:00. Then I eat supper at 5:30 or so and then have a snack later. I really need to follow my own advice and do the every four hour thing.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    normally between 9-10 for me
  • GIJaye
    GIJaye Posts: 7
    they say it should be about an hour or so after you wake, but I agree if what you're doing is working for you then stick with it ;-)
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    Everyone is different.... I eat every three hours.

    6:00 Cottage Cheese and Pistachios ~ 200 Calories
    9:00 Chobani Greek Strained Yogurt - ~160 Calories
    12:00 Chicken Salad with Vinegarette dressing ~ 400 calories
    3:00 Some type of granola bar ~150 calories
    6:00 some type of protein and vegetable ~ 500 calories
    7:30 Gym/Run/Weights ~ burnes about 400 calories depending on my mood!

    This works for me... Good Luck!
  • TheBeautyofWellness
    Breakfast is very important for your metabolism - for the sake of your metabolism and blood sugar levels, eat within two hours from the moment you wake up. This gives your body - metabolism & blood sugars the proper energy boost for you to function throughout the day. I also agree with GIJaye - if whatever you're doing is working for you, stick to it. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My morning routine is similar to yours (but no coffee)--I get up at 6 and eat around 9:30. I've tried eating bf--even a protein shake on the way to work--it just ends up being extra calories b/c I'm still just as hungry later in the day. I also work out in the afternoon so I need a substantial meal for dinner.

    I understand the whole "breakfast jump-starts your metabolism" theory, but we are all different and if you know it doesn't work well for your body and your lifestyle, then I feel, don't eat it.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS GUY!!! He is off his rocker. Every dietician will tell you that breakfast is THE most important meal and it will boost your matabolism. This guy must just be a meat head and needs to SHHHHHHH!!!!!
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    "They" say to eat within the first 30 minutes to an hour after waking up. So, what I do is pop open a slim fast shake, b/c it's easy on the go and I can drink it in the car on the way to work. Then... I snack on fruits and nuts til lunch time and so on and so on. I'm NEVER hungry and always within my caloric intake. Once your body gets used to it... (a week for me)... it's sooo beneficial! Always getting to eat and losing weight. GOOD LUCK!
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I'm up around 5 am, but I don't usually eat anything until at least 7 am, someimtes 8. I have a cup of tea or coffee around 6, then wait to eat breakfast with my kids. Then I eat lunch around 12-ish, usually a snack around 2 or 3 (or not if I'm not hungry), then dinner between 5 and 6, then I work out at 8. If I'm hungry, I'll eat a little something after my work out, but I usually just drink more water. You do what works for you! My husband used to have to leave by 5 am, and he just couldn't eat that early, so he'd eat around 9 or 10, then have lunch around 1.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Eating breakfast does nothing for your metabolism. The best thing anyone could do for weightloss is skip it.
    Ready for the hate. lol

    Actually, you're spot on. A 16 hour intermittent fast followed by a workout and then eating your meals in an 8 hour window will kickstart the metabolism/burn fat. People have had this ingraned/pounded into their heads for quite some time so no use trying to explain.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Most morning I usually skip breakfast and just have coffee, If I do have breakfast it's usually around 10 and is something small like yogurt or a fruit cup.

    Lunch at noon

    Small snack such as nuts, fruit, or pita chips

    Dinner time varies for me sometimes I don't eat till 9pm
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    you should eat an hour after waking up.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    I've always wondered about breakfast! That and late night snacks...

    Your meal plan seems pretty stellar, especially if it keeps ya going throughout the day! Mine goes like so:

    6-7 am - Wake up, water
    7:30-8 - Breakfast, usually around 200-300 cal
    10 - Yogurt
    12-1 - Lunch - 400-600 cal depending on if I'm working out at night.
    2:30 - Snack - 100-200 cal
    5-7 - Dinner hours vary on workout
    8 - Dessert/Snack (though I'm trying to curb this, I've heard its not so good to eat late at night? But I dunno!)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    OK, probably wasting my time here but what the heck. Not eating, intermittent fasting, skipping breakfast, whatever you want to call it, raises your metabolism by 5 to 6% from a rise in adrenal hormones as well as growth hormone. The studies done that show higher bodyweight with skipping breakfast are flawed.