9 pounds in one week..help me?

kendallan Posts: 79 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
ok..in 1 week i gained 9 pounds. bLAH. i was not binging but eating whatever i wanted when it was lunch/dinner time. how much of that could be from sodium and water? how quickly can i lose that? I am back to my juicing diet w/ all the nutrients necessary. I am doing a body wrap today and use laxatives to help get things moving....do you think i could drop the excess 9 pounds of fat/water/sodium quickly?


  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    it is most likely water weight> STOP the laxitives. You don't need them. just eat lots of fiber and drink plenty of water. It will be off in less than a week.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Not likely...or at least not in a healthy manner without putting strain on your body/organs.
  • SarahDeeGee
    SarahDeeGee Posts: 12 Member
    When they say slow and steady wins the race, they aren't kidding.

    Quick and easy might seem like a good option. But it's just small, incremental doses of overall failure that set you back even more, because they get in the way of you actually developing healthy, permanent habits.

    Say to yourself. Okay...nine pounds, so what. Then make a list of three new habits to stick to for at least three weeks, and you'll be surprised at how much better you start to feel...
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    You can't crap out 9 lbs nor can you 'wrap' them away. Start eating better. Drink lots of water. Ingest less sodium. Moderate exercise.
  • awooga82
    awooga82 Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah I'm with the others, Drop the laxatives and also take it easy on the body wraps. Your body needs a certain amount of water. Were both your original weight measurement and this weeks measurement taken at the same time of day? I know my weight can easily shift up and down by around 5lb during the coarse of a single day.
  • No laxatives. That's terrible for you, especially if it's not medically needed and you're going to throw your organs into hysterics, as well as major muscles and your body balance of potassium, sodium and magnesium will get all messed up and could be potentially VERY harmful. You'll also end up dehydrated and your body will retain more water in your cells to help counterbalance this, causing you to feel and look more bloated. Drink lots of water to flush things out and go back to a healthy diet. Raw veggies are high in fiber and good for cleaning things out.
  • Julesgfu
    Julesgfu Posts: 1
    It probably isn't truly 9 lbs, as a women our weight fluctuates do to our cycle and water retention. At the end of the night I can weigh myself and in the morning it is 5 lbs less or vice versa. Try to eat foods that help shed water like cucumbers and celery. . Sodium does affect so don't salt the cucumbers! Don't go to extremes laxatives will severely dehydrate you and could damage your colon and kidneys.
  • No, if you have been using laxatives and not drinking water, and generally abusing your body so that the scale reads what you want it too, you are being short-sighted and not caring for your body or your health. You need to start eating right, exercising, and staying within your precribed calories. Do this for a week and see what you weigh at that point. I'll bet you will already see some weight loss and feel healthier!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    sociable is right. If you throw off your levels too bad you risk seizures, heart attacks, and syncope (fainting.) Don't use the laxatives.
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    just so every one knows i am not abusing laxatives this is the first day i took them. well i took them last night then went to bed. but i do not use them daily or weekly.
  • not to sound like a b!@#$ or nothing but laxitives should not be your weight loss tool. those can get dangerous and addictive. ive lost that much in about 2 weeks. am week may be possible but you also dont wanna loose it too fast or it just mite sneak back real soon. look for a way to plan your meals for the day at least a general plan so you know what you should and shouldnt indulge in. if you know you want a piece of cake you can always incooperat it into your plan and go from what you have left in calories for the rest of your meals. good luck with loosing the extra just make sure you do it the healthy way
  • Be careful about losing these 9 pounds back so quickly in that way. your body may react and you make gain them back again sooner than later, putting you in the same situation again... at least, that's what I think...

    You don't seem to need to lose much, you're already skinny
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    just so every one knows i am not abusing laxatives this is the first day i took them. well i took them last night then went to bed. but i do not use them daily or weekly.

    The problem is, using laxatives to see a weight loss is you just trying to fool yourself. Your body is only going to start storing up waste again and you'll slowly see the weight you just flushed out come right back. It's just like when you get a stomach virus and lose a couple of pounds, but a day or two later, they're back.

    Ignore the scale for a week. Go back to eating the way you know you should be, no junk, record everything and stay around your calorie goal. The weight will drop off.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    "not binging but eating whatever you wanted"

    Were you logging your cals? Eating a healthy, balanced diet?? Drinking your water??

    I agree with everyone else. Laxatives are not the way to go. Boring, but eating healthy, exercising and drinking your water is what you need to do. :flowerforyou:
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