
Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone have tips on how to stay better on track on weekends? Weekends are my downfall! I do great M-F, but then Saturday and Sunday - blah! I'm a stay at home mom so the only difference on the weekends is my husband is home all day both days. I just can't figure out why I have such a hard time. And I'm staying right in the same few pounds of weight because of it, get down to a certain point Friday just for it to be back up Monday then back down again Friday. I hate that this keeps happening to me! :(

Also, how often should you or is it recommended you work out during the week? I am doing the 30 day shred (just started) on M, W, and F. Thinking about doing my 2 mile walking video on T and Th.



  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Which day do you weigh? I weigh once a week on a MONDAY. It certainly helps me to stay focused at the weekend .....
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    Get your husband to work a second job on the weekend.:laugh: Only kidding. Do you cook different meals? I know its hard sometimes, my husband doesnt like half the stuff I do. I sometimes cook what he likes and I just have something thats healthy for me. Not that my husband doesnt need it too but there are things he just wont eat. If its exercising...go on a family walk..
  • chrymo
    chrymo Posts: 17
    Lose your calendar and forget what day it is... lol!

    Anyway, yes since your mind is telling you that its weekend, its time to take a break and other psychological factors, we tend to overeat during these days. (I mentioned "We" since im guilty of it sometimes too).

    What helped me is to write a post-it in the mirror and write "Today is the same day as Yesterday", that way I will still be on track. I now even forget the day, I just go at it...
  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    My weigh in day is Friday's, but I usually weigh myself Tuesday or Wednesday as well. Like today, I am up 1.3 pounds from Friday, yet again, which is what happened last week too.

    We tend to be more 'lazy' about our eating on the weekends for some reason, I still haven't figured out exactly why its like this. Its not like the routine for my kids is any different on the weekends. Guess i just need to focus myself more and try my hardest keep on track better if I want to loose this weight...
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I find I do this to myself. I eat well and exercise all week. Then I "reward" myself by blowing it on the weekends. Usually when I'm sick of my weight yo-yoing. I'll be good for 2 weeks straight (including weekends) and my weight will come down again.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Stop thinking it is the weekend and treat it like any other day----if this is a challenge then write a list of thigns to do---to stay busy. Sounds like you are letting your husband dictate how well you do on the weekend. You hve to tell him that this is for you and you need him to support you on this and to make sure he does not tempt you---until you have done this long enough--it will be come simple for both of you.
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    leave the kids with him on the weekend and go for a walk. Add a family walk or a healthy picnic.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'm in the same situation as you as a SAHM. I weigh in on Mondays so I have to try and be 'good' during the week and at the very least on Sunday. My husband is very supportive of my efforts, however, he still offers me chips, icecream, cookies on the weekend...maybe it's some kind of test!?!?! When he is home, I have a hard time remembering to eat my snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon) and I sometimes overeat at meals. Tips? Just say 'no thank you' when faced with temptations - unless you have enough calories to eat it. Plan for some indulgences over the weekend and then you might not go overboard. Don't snack like the kids (i.e. Goldfish, gobs of yogurt, fruit snacks, cookies) - at least like how my kids snack! Good luck
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    Also, how often should you or is it recommended you work out during the week? I am doing the 30 day shred (just started) on M, W, and F. Thinking about doing my 2 mile walking video on T and Th.

    This sounds fine. I workout MWF and do cardio on tues and thursday. Works fine for me.
  • Becca,
    I just looked through your food diaries and I hope I'm not too forward in saying that your calories could be better utilized and that you are not getting enough fiber. The thing is, it is completely safe and healthy and great for your metabolism if you take one day "off" per week from dieting. Your current diet is not doing you any favors nutritionally and I would be glad to help you if you'd like some tips on how to get the most of your diet with the right amount of foods to keep you healthy and lose weight faster. You could be eating so much more while feeding your body properly. I don't mean to seem condescending at all, I really do want you to have a good dieting experience and meet your goals!

  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    This is my major problem, too. I can do great during the week and then cancel it all out with the weekend.

    Last weekend, I tried really hard to stay on track, a couple things that I think helped me:

    - I filled out my food journal ahead of time, both with things I knew were good to eat, and things I wanted to splurge on. This way I knew how many calories I had ahead of time, and I could eat what I wanted (like pizza) without going over

    - Instead of just eating what I wanted all weekend, like I normally do, I tried to eat well for two meals, then splurge on the third (like an egg white breakfast, salad lunch, and pizza dinner, as opposed to omelet and hashbrowns, sandwich and fries, snacks, and pizza)

    - Tried to see the weekend itself as the treat, not what I was eating during it. Went for a walk which I don't do during the week, tried to stay somewhat active and enjoy the nice weather

    - Weighed in on Monday morning and had lost weight for the first time in a while, and that made me feel like it was worth paying a bit of extra attention to what I was doing during the weekend, and more valuable than considering it all free time
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