UTI-Urinary Tract Infection



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My wife used to get them all the time. She took cranberry pills as well, but still didn't help much. We eventually discovered that when she had surgery 6 years ago they forgot to tell her that 6 weeks later she needed to have her bladder stint removed, this was a year ago. :noway: No that it's gone, she hasn't had one since.
  • jriftin
    jriftin Posts: 4
    Wow...it's amazing to see how many of us are out there. As women, we have to endure so much crap, it's crazy. I also have had UTIs since I was 15. And they have NEVER been mild. It's always excruciating pain (like your insides are trying to come out trhough your pee). Craberries, in any form, have not helped, so that must mean I have a different strain of bacteria that causes it. About 15 years ago, my doctor recommended a urethra enlargement. That's when they tear the opening, to make it bigger, so that it's not as easy for bacteria to collect...well now the opening is even smaller due to scar tissue. So my advice...don't do that, it's not worth it! Now, I just have a standing prescription for Septra, and usually the 1st pill helps 99.9%. But, I agree with the rest of you, WATER, WATER, WATER and just be super dilligent when it comes to all things down there.

    Does anyone else miss Pyridium (the little miracle pill that turned your pee neon orange, but killed the pain super quickly)? I wish, they found a replacement for it, as opposed to just discontinuing it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Please don't take medical advice from a message board...seek out a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th opinion from other doctors if the one you're seeing isn't helping or listening to your concerns. Make sure they're looking at your diet and lifestyle and not just trying to fix things with meds. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself!!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I experienced my first stone at the tender age of 3!...Had them several times since and its pure hell so i can totally relate!~ My stones were always staghorn which are unable to pass. After my first laser surgery to break it up, my urologist had me strain my urine to collect the stone to analize it and low and behold it was citric acid causing all my problems. I changed my diet, but continued to have UTI's and infections due to my one of my kidney's not functioning properly - it was tiny, crystalized & not functioning correctly. I found a wonderful kidney specialist and he suggested to have the kidney removed. My other one had been doing all the work since i was little so it was large and said i'd be fine with just that one. So 2yrs ago i had the bad one removed and have had NO problems since. You won't find anything over the counter to help you... i suggest seeing a specialist and have testing done. Good luck!~
  • audradetillier
    Does anyone else miss Pyridium (the little miracle pill that turned your pee neon orange, but killed the pain super quickly)? I wish, they found a replacement for it, as opposed to just discontinuing it.

  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I have had multiple UTI's and I get so tired of the dr bills, cause we don't have insurance. But I discovered a home remedy that has worked several times now, for me. Apple cider vinegar. 1 tablspoonful every 4 hours the first day, then 3-4 spoonfuls the second day, to prevent a reoccurence. The pain/bleeding was GONE 4 hours after the first spoonful. I normally have NO FAITH in home remedies, but out of desperation I tried this one, and it has saved me days of misery and hundreds of dollars so far. Tastes awful, though. :wink:
  • jriftin
    jriftin Posts: 4
    Does anyone else miss Pyridium (the little miracle pill that turned your pee neon orange, but killed the pain super quickly)? I wish, they found a replacement for it, as opposed to just discontinuing it.


    Any idea where I can get it in Canada? Have never heard of it
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    Thank you everybody. I appreciate all the responses.
  • KellyS0828
    KellyS0828 Posts: 32 Member
    They still make Pyridium. We give it all the time to our Urology patients.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My wife used to get them all the time. She took cranberry pills as well, but still didn't help much. We eventually discovered that when she had surgery 6 years ago they forgot to tell her that 6 weeks later she needed to have her bladder stint removed, this was a year ago. :noway: No that it's gone, she hasn't had one since.

    That's HORRIBLE!!
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Please don't take medical advice from a message board...seek out a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th opinion from other doctors if the one you're seeing isn't helping or listening to your concerns. Make sure they're looking at your diet and lifestyle and not just trying to fix things with meds. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself!!

    Totally agree. Both recurent UTIs and kidney stones can cause permanant damage to your kidneys if not properly managed.