Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • Clovergirl17
    I'm 5 ft 9.5 and weigh 229lbs... absolute nightmare seeing as I used to weigh 145lbs! I feel like because I'm taller, the fact that I'm big sticks out a lot more - anyone else feel like that?
    Feel free to add me, I'm new so need some encouragement!

    Actually, I feel like because I'm taller it hides a lot more fat because I look more proportionate. My mom is only 5'7'' so her weight looks a lot more than mine, when I actually weigh in about 25 pounds more than her. I am 6'0'', and have longer legs so I feel like that helps me a bit. However, no amount of tallness can hide 360 pounds; I too felt like I was totally fat in high school, which I was compared to the other girls. However I would KILL to be as skinny as I was my Freshman year!!! I know now that losing the weight caused from years of emotional eating is going to take a lot of hard work, but if we all take it one day at a time, we WILL make our goals a reality! Keep up the great work ladies!!
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 5"9 as well. I think I was most comfortable with my body at 140. Currently at 212. I am walking/running 30 minutes a day on my treadmill and am eating about 1400 calories a day. This is my third week in with MFP and I have lost 10 pounds. I think it will take me until November to reach my goal weight of 145. Long haul bit it took a while to get here too.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I am 5'11". My high weight (3 years ago) was 279, I am currently 209. Most of the weight I lost last year when my family started a biggest loser competition (50pounds). I would like to get down to about 169-175. I try to avoid sugar & most wheat as they trigger headaches.

    OMG you are 209 and your thighs don't touch! I remember your post yesterday.....yeah I'm officially jealous lol
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am 5'10 and weigh 207. My Goal Weight was 175, but now I've changed that to when I can say to myself "Girl, You look GOOD" - I have found that planning meals ahead helps a great bit. I plan my meals at least a day ahead and go ahead and log them into MFP. This helps me to stay on track and see if there is anything I need to add/drop or change before meal time. I try to stay within 1200 cals per day (3-5 meals). This week I started to workout for 30 minutes in the morning (30 day shred) and 90 minutes in the evening (Zumba) for 5 Monday-Friday and HOPEFULLY I will start running/walking 60 minutes on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I am very new at this and appreciate any feedback. Good Luck to everyone and WE can do this!!!
  • lynxcoco
    lynxcoco Posts: 58 Member
    I am 6' 0" and weigh 300.2...I have been in the 300's since I had my baby 17 YEARS AGO!!! I am trying to get to 225-250 whatever will put me in a size 16 comfortably. My highest weight was 340 pounds. I've lost 25 pounds with WW but it took THREE YEARS! I've lost 12 pounds with MFP in 6 weeks. Watching my water intake and moving more is helping. This is the year it will happen. I too always get "you don't look like you weigh 300 pounds because of your height" I fed into it and now I'm here...300 pounds and feeling like it whether I look like it or not. Luckily other than some arthritic knees I have perfect health.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I really HATE when people say you don't need to lose weight because of my height.

    I am glad we are talking about where to get pants! I had no idea Charlotte Russe and Eddie Bauer sold tall!!

    A little about myself! i am 43 married with two sons 19 and 16. The 19 is in college and my 16 is a Junior in HS. All i have to say is I HATE TEENAGERS!!!! It's something about the age 16 it's like a crazy switch goes off and they are nuts!!! LOL!!!

    As you can see from my picture i have a little Shih Tzu Marley!! She is my baby!!!

    I am an Oracle Database Administrator and I work from home 4 days out of the week.

    How about the rest of you! Tell a little about yourself!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Whomever suggested Eddie Bauer - what would you suggest for a person who is 5'9" and about to be wearing a size 12? For shirts? Would I be a large?
  • octoberlightning
    Yeah, it seems like every single person that I talk to says "you look like a good weight for your height." And I feel even more horrible because I know they're just saying that to be nice...I know that I'm fat lol.

    I'm 6ft and I weigh 244 now. At one time, at my highest, I was at 267. I have a big bone structure too so I am just guessing that about 180 would be a good weight on me if I build up a little muscle with it. I really don't wanna feel like I'm too skinny, I like to have a little meat on me lol just not as much as I have now. I've been pretty big weight wise ever since I turned 13 (and I'm 24 now). I have actually went to wearing guys clothes most of the time because I feel so bad wearing womens clothes...most of them I like are made to be tight and I can't stand that...makes me feel even fatter than what I am.

    My main issue is belly fat...I got more fat around my belt line than I do anywhere else. I am going to work on drinking more water, drinking less sodas, walking for a half an hour-45 minutes/ 3-5 times a week, and eating things with less carbs, fat and sugar (since I am a type 2 diabetic) in them. Then once I get to a certain weight, I wanna start on weight training to get rid of these rolls of fat around my belly and work on toning my arms a bit.
  • Cynden9
    Cynden9 Posts: 5
    I'm 5'10. I started in January at 177 and weighed in Saturday at 165. I'm trying to reach 155. I'm medium frame and am currently fitting into a size 10 from a snug 12. I don't mind being a size 10. My goal is to convert fat into muscle. I've mainly been focusing on a daily calorie goal of around 1800 calories and working out 5-6 days a week, 3 strength sessions and 3 cardio sessions for an hour each. It's really worked. I also limit my carb intake during the week and have been very liberal with my diet on the weekends (pizza, ice cream) and I still seem to be losing weight. I've read a couple of great books - currently the '17 Day Diet' and the other book that has been inspirational is "This is why You're Fat" by Jackie Warner.

    It's great to hear from other tall women and the struggles you've had with self-image over the years. I can totally relate. I feel better than I have in years and I'm looking forward to sporting my bikini at the pool this summer! It's amazing how losing some weight can boost your self esteem :o).
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    Where do you guys find shirts and pants? I have trouble with tee shirts - even the sleeves are too short!

    My favorite place to shop is Kohls, a few of their brands run longer than average, and they have larger womens shoe sizes. I recently got a new bathing suit top - it is by Croft & Barrow and is specifically for a long torso (the majority of my weight loss has been off my top half - now the bottom half needs to catch up!). And I love to shop their sales & clearance racks =0)
  • pinup_mama
    pinup_mama Posts: 33 Member
    First of, let me just say, hooray for the tall girl post! I've often heard the "you look great for your height" comment and struggle with finding jeans! I'm 5'9 (I swear I used to be 5'10 before two pregnancies!) and am 7 months post-baby. I signed up for MFP when I got my droid phone and kind of just forgot about it, but in the past month I've been getting into a routine which includes 3-4 days cardio (I use a treadmill) and limiting my caloric intake to 1500 per day. Oh, and the stairs. I have an office on the third floor, so I've been hoofing it up and down for the last month.
    SW: 200
    CW: 184
    GW: 160
    I'm fairly new to the message boards, so feel free to "friend" me!
  • Suecoo
    Suecoo Posts: 11
    I too am 5'9" and at my heaviest of 170. I was squeezing into size 12 jeans and I think the worst was buying tops in extra large sizes because I didnt like the way they felt. Then I saw some pictures of me from a group outing and was DISGUSTED with the way I looked. I found MFP and although I have only been on a few weeks I have dropped 5 lbs. I found some girls at work who are training for a 20 mile walk and I walk with them a few days a week after work, It is forcing me to do 3 miles a day sometimes 5 ! I used to barely be able to do a 1 mile walk. My energy level is way up too.

    I am so glad I found this site.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I see so many of you 5'9" women have a GW of 160. Which is making me wonder if I should stop at 160. I am 162. I was thinking about 140. I am 43 and I still get carded for ID. So I am thinking will 140 make me look too old? If I lose too much more weight I don't want the wrinkles to show in my face.
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    I see so many of you 5'9" women have a GW of 160. Which is making me wonder if I should stop at 160. I am 162. I was thinking about 140. I am 43 and I still get carded for ID. So I am thinking will 140 make me look too old? If I lose too much more weight I don't want the wrinkles to show in my face.

    I would say it depends on your frame size. Measure the smallest part of your wrist and if it is less than 6 1/4" you have a small frame, if it between 6 1/4" - 6 1/2" you have a medium frame, and if it is over 6 1/2" you have a large frame (I found this info online and I am sure it needs to be taken with a grain of salt). If you have a small frame then 140 might be right for you. It also depends on where you are comfortable and what you can realistically live with. Also, the amount of fat vs. muscle you have will affect your weight as muscle weighs more than fat.

    For me, 140 would be unhealthy, I would be happy to be a fit 165 - but every body is different! =0)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    The tee's at Target fit nicely also.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    My goal weight is 190-195 as this is the weight I felt most confident and still had my curves. I felt like I looked too thin or sickly under 185.

    Thanks for posting this. I'm 5'10" and have never been smaller than a size 16 as an adult and was the fat kid when kids weren't fat. I have no idea where to aim since I've not been under 200# in over 20 years. I guessed at 175# based on the BMI tables (174.8# is the highest "normal" at my height) but I have a large frame and have always been muscular. Loving the tall gals thread, but reading all the (hopefully) smaller boned girls aiming for 130 - 160 disheartened me!! I guess we'll continue to aim for 175# and reevaluate when we get there....
  • RussianLynx
    I hate being told I can carry more weight because I'm tall. Ugh!

    I'm 5'11" and currently weigh 240 pounds. I started MFP at 252. I'm a size 18.

    I have big bone structure (massive man-wrists and just a heavy frame in general) and I play a lot of sports, so I'm very muscular. I have gained more than 100 pounds in the past decade and it's ridiculous. I'm so done with being a fat girl.

    I weight 125ish in high school... and looking at pictures of that, I can see how disgusting that was (for me). As horrible as it sounds, I looked like I had just wandered out of Auschwitz. And to think, I thought I was fat then! Talk about a warped mental picture!

    My goal is 160 pounds. For me, that would be very lean, but allow for the amount of muscle I'd like to have. I will never be dainty, not in a million years! I'm just done being fat.

    I'm going to try to rein in my sodium intake in the next few weeks. I try to avoid all junk food (if I have a little, I want to eat all the junk food in the entire world. Not joking). I also try to eat every few hours. I have a protein shake every morning (to drink on the bus on my way to work) to help start the day on the right foot. I still drink diet coke (one per day at most), diet Red Bull (if I have weird work hours), and diet Ocean Spray juice. I would love to get to the point where the only things i drink are water and herbal tea. I've got a long way to go in that respect.

    I have also just started the Couch to 5K program. I also use kettlebells for upper-body sculpting and cardio. I have a gym membership and my asthma will force me to go to the gym to workout as the weather gets ridiculously hot and sweltering.

    So done being a fat girl!
  • keepsiejess
    keepsiejess Posts: 51 Member
    bump! love the tallies! Im 5' 11" and 196. Lookin to be 160, but that it feels a looooong way off. Thanks tall ladies for givin me some inspiration. I love this thread!
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member
    I see so many of you 5'9" women have a GW of 160. Which is making me wonder if I should stop at 160. I am 162. I was thinking about 140. I am 43 and I still get carded for ID. So I am thinking will 140 make me look too old? If I lose too much more weight I don't want the wrinkles to show in my face.

    I'm shooting for 140-145 too. I was that weight 2 years ago (when I was 43!) and my face looked fine, in fact my face has stayed the same even though I've gained 20lbs!! It just depends on your frame (I'm quite small-boned - 6 inch wrist) and where you carry the weight (All of mine is on my hips and thighs!!).

    I suppose the thing to do is to just keep droping slowly and if you start to feel like you look gaunt in the face then just put a few more pounds back on. We all know how easily that's done! :happy:
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm 5'10 and currently fluctuating around the 142-144lbs range. I'm hoping to get down to 135, just to give myself a little buffer. My starting weight was 167. I'm all leg and don't think that I have a large bone structure. Currently on 1500/day, plus exercise calories.

    Oh, and I'm 22 by the way. :)

    What are everyone else's limits? It always intrigues me as most people on MFP are quite short, and therefore SHOULD eat less than me.