hi everybody, newbie here with 60lb to loose

Hi there,
My name si Zuzana and i currently live in the UK. I have used MFP on n off since january when I attempted to do p90x. I lasted 40 days and then I gave up and cheated in my diet.Not good. I thought that i can eat whatever I want if i exercise enough. How wrong I was.
Anyway, here I am, eager to make it right this time with keeping my nutrition under control and I am going to tak emy time. My starting weight was 225 lb and I have lost 5lb since I started about 2 weekes ago. My goal weight is 160lb. I designed my own work-out system: a hybrid of TurboJam, TurboFire and Turbosculp. I cycle almost every day too.
I think I am getting addicted to this website, as I constantly keep readinng the message board post. Everybody who posted their before and after photo really inspire me. I know that one day by Gods grace, I will post my before and after photo soon.
All the best everybody. x
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    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi and welcome, I have been here a few weeks and I love it !!! Good info and good people for sure. Lots of helpful information, I wish you the best of luck. Add me as a friend if you like so we can inspire eachother along the way. My first step into this is also to lose 65lbs. Hang in there and like you said take your time :)
  • Anise76
    Anise76 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome! The support on here is fantastic, and it's enough to keep me motivated, unlike a standard slimming club. Good luck!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome! We have very similar goals!
  • janelle1993
    janelle1993 Posts: 128
    hey read your story. Don't worry I know you'll get your great before and after pictures on here. I love this site and it has really helped me loss weight. I can't weigh myself to after Easter because I took the No Scale for lent challenge. So then I will get to see my results. Add me as a friend if you need support.
  • nrin04
    nrin04 Posts: 15
    Hello, I'm also a newbie...on this website. I also have 60lbs to lose, and ready for a before and after picture too :). Also, feel free to add me as a friend so we can inspire each other and give support when we start struggling with our diets. Best of luck....
  • Hey there!

    I am also in the UK and a newbie to this site! It's my second day and neither today or yesterday have gone to plan, which means my diet has gone up the wall! However, onwards and upwards, I am going to ride this one out and lose the desired weight and most of all prove that I do have willpower to stick it and and beat my sugar addiction!!

    Let me know how you get on and just take each day as it comes. :-)

    Lea x
  • Hi there! I opened this in Jan 2011.. but just getting back on track here. I also have 60 lb. to loose maybe a bit more..lol.. I find it so hard to eat healthy and work out. I have 4 boys ages 5-13. With there daddy 14 years now.. pre kids I was too skinny.. never really worked out.. but looked good 120lbs. Post kids was 230 lbs. my highest ever! Current weight is 125. I need to get under that 200 mark!.. Once I do I know the rest will be much easier.. I hate working out alone.. I need that push! Maybe this will help me.. to see other mothers doing what they set out to...Good Luck! Add me as a friend..
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    You will for sure have before and after pics. You need to remember that it is okay to have bad days but then get right back at it the next day. Work hard and you will see results!
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Hello. Welcome to MFP. My name is Zuzana too and I live in the UK too....I've been here for few months and this site and very lovely people are really helping me to change my life.....a big time. I hope it does the same for you. :laugh:
  • Kindrex83
    Kindrex83 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome. I am looking to lose about the same. Good luck on your journey!
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    I have been here since january too and also in the uk.Im sure that you can do this.You have had a real good look at the site now and have seen people having success,so you know it can be done.Your doing the right thing by taking the decision to give this a real go.You know that all the support that you may need is here for you and once you get some success you will be a great motivation to others as well as yourself and that can feel so good.

    Good Luck and Best Wishes....:smile: