"...was under his/her calorie goal"



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Stewie you also apparently weigh 110 lbs and don't have much to lose, which is not the case for the majority of the people on here. Of course everyone needs to find their sweet spot and make adjustments as needed. But if you eat 1200 calories, exercise for a burn of 800 leaving a 400 calorie net, you won't get a "congratulations" or a "good job" from me. Because in my opinion, you're hurting yourself.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Stewie you also apparently weigh 110 lbs and don't have much to lose, which is not the case for the majority of the people on here. Of course everyone needs to find their sweet spot and make adjustments as needed. But if you eat 1200 calories, exercise for a burn of 800 leaving a 400 calorie net, you won't get a "congratulations" or a "good job" from me. Because in my opinion, you're hurting yourself.

    In principle I agree with you - in practice I don't always follow the rule though because I do some seriously major burns: + 1200 Calories, and I find it really hard to consume this the same day I do the work... As a result I put up my base calories from 1400 (when I was sedentary) to 1650 and on a exercise day ensure I consume at least 2000 (target 2200)

    Its not going to work for everyone but I find that over a two day period (exercising every other day) I'll consume 3650, burn 1200 and so average around 1300 per day. I also try and ensure that no more than 200 calories per day is just bulking from snacks: 80 calories from a protein drink is not equal to 80- calories of chocolate!

    Note that I alternate between CV days (plus 1200 cal) and weights with a little CV (about 700 cal) but calorie intake on a weights day is the same as a CV day.

    Net-Net: I think the best way to manage your calories if you are working out is to try and change your average rather than try and eat famine/feast - your body will need the calories during recovery anyway.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    This is the oldest debate on this and other weight loss websites...whether or not to eat the exercise calories back. It's almost like a religion debate where both sides are trying to prove what is right. No matter what you tell people, if it is stuck in their mind that they are right you can't change their point of view and they will go on doing things their own way. As many sites as I have used, eating back your exercise calories has always been the gospel and that is what I personally practice. But we are all unique and what works for some of us doesn't work for all of us. If you are putting in the effort and making a bona fide go of trying to eat right, exercise and achieve your goals then my hats off to you. In the end your body will tell you what's wrong and what's right.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I was actually thinking about this topic earlier this morning. I think that a lot of people don't do research on the best ways to approach weight loss. The general thought process is less calories = weight loss. Many people don't think about the minimum their body needs to operate, and applaud themselves for barely eating anything, because that seems like the fastest way to get to their goals.

    I understand that people's bodies function differently, and there are many different goals, but I agree that applauding someone who could be unintentionally sabotaging their goals or their health because of a lack of information, is not helpful.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    My my we have hit a nerve!!

    I honestly try and hit net 1200. It does not always happen...especially if I end up working out harder than I had originally planned. HOWEVER...with that said...I don't see anything wrong with coming within 200-300 calories of your net goal...Not because it is good to go below, but because who is to say we are not underestimating calories? And, who is to say EXACTLY what you are going to burn (with or without an HRM....)

    So, with that said...I make doggone sure I net a minimum of 1000. It is working for me, yes, and I don't think I am going below my TRUE net goal all that often!

    What a beautiful day in the neighborhood........................
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    I've unfriended people because they've posted "900 cals under my goal" and their other firends have posted "Good Job" messages. I don't need to see that.

    I've also suggested MFP change the way it summarises your daily intake - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/201128-instead-of-under-over

    If anyone wants to support me on getting close to my goal every day (doing really well now - I just need to let myself sometimes be a little over, instead of just a little under) feel free to friend me ;)
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    i love everyone saying no to eating back calories has lost around 3lbs, and the people eating some of 'em back are in the -20lb range. jusssst an observation.

    And that may be the case for some, however.... You don't know when that 3lb loser (lol) started...or how long that 20lb loser started....or if that 3lb loser has lost weight prior and just had a baby and restarted or if that 20lb loser has been trying for 3 years.

    I don't eat my exercise calores ::::looks at loss:::
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    (if any of my friends read this, no offense to you, cause this happened on a previous MFP account that got so annoying, I deleted it and started over)

    I personally get annoyed with the "WTG!" "Awesome day!" "Well done!" when I have completed my diary, every single day by the same people saying the same stuff...it ended up being meaningless....I donno, that's not motivating, it's annoying (a comment with meaning is fine).... matter of fact I dont need motivation like that, I'm pretty self motivating. I like the comments that end up into a conversation "Oh you ate XXXX today, I might have to try that, what's your recipe???" ---I like that. I like to keep my diary public so maybe someone who does read it will see what I'm eating (yes i'm taking an extreme route, it's working for me) and maybe it'd help them.

    But I do realize some people thrive on it and it helps them. But I agree, I'm not about to ever post "WOOHOO You ate 687 calories today, you'll look amazing in a year at this rate"! yeah right.

    <Editing cause I'm typing faster than my brain is thinking>
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    You know, it's posts like this that are SO unhelpful and unnecessary. I saw this post immediately after my workout tonight, and instead of feeling proud of myself that I did a kick *kitten* workout, I started to feel guilty for not eating all 1700 freaking calories. I eat healthy, and I'm not hungry at 9 pm after my work out. If I am, I drink water. It's not okay for you to make people feel guilty because they're not hungry.
    The only person who can make you feel guilty is you. And if you were feeling guilty because of Celo's post, then maybe you should ask yourself why you do and why you reacted the way you did instead of lashing out at her (him? :laugh:).

    I don't comment on my friends' diaries either because, like someone upthread said, I'm no expert. There is one friend in particular who did ask that we be brutally honest with her when it comes to her diary and I try to look and comment when I can but other than that I don't comment.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    i love everyone saying no to eating back calories has lost around 3lbs, and the people eating some of 'em back are in the -20lb range. jusssst an observation.

    And that may be the case for some, however.... You don't know when that 3lb loser (lol) started...or how long that 20lb loser started....or if that 3lb loser has lost weight prior and just had a baby and restarted or if that 20lb loser has been trying for 3 years.

    I don't eat my exercise calores ::::looks at loss:::

    Yeah, I feel like no one read my post at all... I addressed this. I lost 19 pounds doing it my way (which I'm NOT saying is the only way, it's just the way that worked better for me) Then when I was on maintenance I developed bulimia and gained it back. The three pounds I've lost is within a week of trying to recover from bulimia, so I didn't appreciate that rude comment at all.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    i love everyone saying no to eating back calories has lost around 3lbs, and the people eating some of 'em back are in the -20lb range. jusssst an observation.

    And that may be the case for some, however.... You don't know when that 3lb loser (lol) started...or how long that 20lb loser started....or if that 3lb loser has lost weight prior and just had a baby and restarted or if that 20lb loser has been trying for 3 years.

    I don't eat my exercise calores ::::looks at loss:::

    Yeah, I feel like no one read my post at all... I addressed this. I lost 19 pounds doing it my way (which I'm NOT saying is the only way, it's just the way that worked better for me) Then when I was on maintenance I developed bulimia and gained it back. The three pounds I've lost is within a week of trying to recover from bulimia, so I didn't appreciate that rude comment at all.

    Wait, what rude comment? Something I said?

    My reply was my thoughts, I didn't say anything in regards to your posts....therefore that doesn't mean no one read it. Maybe it wasn't anything anyone want to reply to? <<shrug>>
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    @ Misspenny..You are barely eating even on the days where you don't exercise. You eat the same foods over and over..cereal, lunch meat and a small fruit and still don't touch your daily calorie goal. I realize you are a recovering bulemic and it's fine if you don't want to eat your exercise calories back, but at some point you have got to eat more nutritious and plentiful meals...one day you had a surplus of 800+ calories w/o exercise.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    When I first started a little over a month ago of course MFP set me at 1200, I then moved it up to 1250 and finally 1300. Well weight stalled. I did some reading around and finally upped my activity level to very active. My base is now 1690 and once I exercise that goes up to around 2400. I know how MFP works and I eat those exercise calories back because I still have the built in deficit from MFP.

    I've worked hard for my muscle and I don't want my body turning to it for fuel. Sure sometimes eating that much can be tough but I do it to maintain my muscle and feed my body as well as my work outs.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    i love everyone saying no to eating back calories has lost around 3lbs, and the people eating some of 'em back are in the -20lb range. jusssst an observation.

    And that may be the case for some, however.... You don't know when that 3lb loser (lol) started...or how long that 20lb loser started....or if that 3lb loser has lost weight prior and just had a baby and restarted or if that 20lb loser has been trying for 3 years.

    I don't eat my exercise calores ::::looks at loss:::

    Yeah, I feel like no one read my post at all... I addressed this. I lost 19 pounds doing it my way (which I'm NOT saying is the only way, it's just the way that worked better for me) Then when I was on maintenance I developed bulimia and gained it back. The three pounds I've lost is within a week of trying to recover from bulimia, so I didn't appreciate that rude comment at all.

    Wait, what rude comment? Something I said?

    My reply was my thoughts, I didn't say anything in regards to your posts....therefore that doesn't mean no one read it. Maybe it wasn't anything anyone want to reply to? <<shrug>>

    No, nothing you said.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    @ Misspenny..You are barely eating even on the days where you don't exercise. You eat the same foods over and over..cereal, lunch meat and a small fruit and still don't touch your daily calorie goal. I realize you are a recovering bulemic and it's fine if you don't want to eat your exercise calories back, but at some point you have got to eat more nutritious and plentiful meals...one day you had a surplus of 800+ calories w/o exercise.

    I very often don't track food because it's a binge or other reasons. Huge deficits are often misleading.

    I know that my diet is incredibly screwed up.

    If I want advice, I'll ask for it.

    This is why I had my food diary private... Going back to that I guess.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    This thread is getting out of hand with people making negative comments about other people's open diary.

    This is the reason I'm picky with who I friend and only have my diary open to my friends. It's really no one's business what someone eats or doesn't eat. If anyone wants your negativity, they'd ask. If you don't like the diet of someone who's diary you're reading, simply don't comment. It's really that simple.

    The self importance in this thread is astonishing.

    Misspenny762, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm no where near as judgmental as some on this site.
  • crythreetears
    crythreetears Posts: 42 Member
    I guess its whatever works best for everyone. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, and still don't reach my goal. I'm just not the type of person to snack on things all day, and I don't find myself to be hungry. As for how much i burned working out, it may or may not even be the correct amount..
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    This thread is getting out of hand with people making negative comments about other people's open diary.

    This is the reason I'm picky with who I friend and only have my diary open to my friends. It's really no one's business what someone eats or doesn't eat. If anyone wants your negativity, they'd ask. If you don't like the diet of someone who's diary you're reading, simply don't comment. It's really that simple.

    The self importance in this thread is astonishing.

    Misspenny762, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm no where near as judgmental as some on this site.

    most sane comment in the whole thread so far.
  • liyahxoxo
    liyahxoxo Posts: 78
    kay I have a question. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I actually am asking an innocent question:
    I honestly DON'T understand how can some people never eat ANY of their exercise cals back and lose weight? this does not make sense to me. If I think about myself, personally, trying to do that:
    a.the math behind it makes no sense (starvation mode, gradual slowing down of metabolism etc.) b. I would get so starved I would go absolutely maniac. Maybe I just have an abnormally large appetite and it's something wrong with me? I don't know..
  • liyahxoxo
    liyahxoxo Posts: 78
    kay I have a question. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I actually am asking an innocent question:
    I honestly DON'T understand how can some people never eat ANY of their exercise cals back and lose weight? this does not make sense to me. If I think about myself, personally, trying to do that:
    a.the math behind it makes no sense (starvation mode, gradual slowing down of metabolism etc.) b. I would get so starved I would go absolutely maniac. Maybe I just have an abnormally large appetite and it's something wrong with me? I don't know..

    Oh and I wasn't talking about anyone specifically, just jumped into the thread ! I don't mean to offend anyone I promise! :(