Polar heart rate monitors

I have recently decided to buy a heart rate monitor to be able to track my fitness better and know when i need to push myself more. Looking at them all is so confusing though!
I am interested in buying this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Polar-FT4M-Heart-Rate-Monitor/dp/B001U0OFCS/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1302637662&sr=8-9 the Polar FT4. If anyone has one of these i would love to hear from you! Also this model doesnt connect to the polar website and i wondered if it would be more beneficial to get one that does work with the flow link?


  • nlhawthorne
    I think this is one of the most popular models amongst the MFP peeps. I personally opted for the Polar FT7 (currently £69.99 on Amazon.co.uk) and absolutely love it. There doesn't seem to be that much difference between the two so I would say go for it :-)