Possible Ovarian Cyst and having a hard time losing weight..

Anyone had or know about ovarian cysts?

I have not been feeling very well for about two months. Extremely fatigued, tender breasts, achy back, and pain in pelvic area. Even though I had a tubal ligation after having my second child 3.5 yrs ago my symptoms very much mock pregnancy symptoms other then my irregular menstrual cycle. My doctor is sending me for an ultrasound of my pelvis on the 21st he thinks it may be a cyst(s). Other then googling what that may mean I'm terrified cause I don't know what that means for me. My doctor also mentioned it my be why I'm having difficulty with weight loss. I'm just curious if anyone has experienced this or knows of someone who has

Thank you!


  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts..depending on how large the cyst is that will decide whether they do surgery or not..and the surgery really isn't that big of a deal. Mine was laparoscopic and I was fine within a few days.
  • cocoavery20
    I have the disease since I was 12y/o and surgery for some of it. Weight loss sucks esp. in the belly area. Just a lot of extra cardio and try to over come the tiredness. You have the energy its just getting up and doing something to find it, otherwise sitting around makes you even more tired.

    Good luck! There also, is different types of cyst I believe four kinds.
  • jessann22
    I have had ovarian cysts for the past 12 years. I got them right after I started my period. Thankfully, it isn't anything to be too worried about. For me, the worst part is the pain. When you are around your period--you will experience symptoms like you are pregnant. Also, you will most likely have cysts around that time too. When they burst, they hurt like hell!!!!! AND YOU KNOW IT!!! One time, one of mine burst and it brought me to my knees in the grocery store. There isn't much you can do about them though. You may be put on some kind of pill to regulate your hormones and period. I also have endomietriosis so that may be the reason my cysts hurt so bad. I have also had trouble losing weight but you can't let the cysts get you too off track--just have to work a little harder!! Hope you feel better and this helped a bit!!!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    I've been having similar symptoms lately -- very fatigued (even after a full night sleep), some pelvic pain, a little breast tenderness, etc... I've had 3 kids and am NOT pregnant! It was just earlier today when I started thinking about if cysts or some other gyn issue could be hindering my weight loss. Granted I am 41, but still have regular periods pretty much every month. I cannot for the life of me lose weight - at all! It's crazy. I am considering eating more to see if that is the issue.

    Anyhow, good luck with your journey and I wouldn't worry too much about the cysts (if there are any). I think the removal, for the most part, is fairly benign.
  • Amhogue323
    A few years ago I found out that I had multiple cysts on both ovaries, and had similar symptoms. I started having irregular periods, due to hypothyroidism ( that I didn't know I had). And my irregular periods is what caused my cysts. It could be something minor, your hormones may be a little out of wack. Which could be caused by many things, age, diet, stress, being over weight. I wouldn't worry yourself too much, cysts are very common and easily treated if you catch them in time.
  • Amhogue323
    Oh, and goole Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome that and Thyroid Disease will prevent you from losing weight.
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    I have ovarian cysts and endometriosis. I've had surgery once to remove a cyst...that's when my endo was diagnosed. I was put on the pill to help relieve the symptoms but have since come off it because I'm at a high risk of stroke.

    Hopefully you don't have them but if you do have to have surgery, it isn't a huge deal. I took about a week to recover and then I was fine.
  • lilmommy
    lilmommy Posts: 84
    Thanks everyone I really appreciate the responses!!
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    OMG I honestly thought I was the only woman in this planet with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, But now I see that I am not the only one, I have read all of your post and I feel just like many of you, very fatigue after a goodnight sleep, I don't know if any of you experience this but I seem to always be hungry even when I had just had a full meal. I had been going to the OBGYN Dr that was the one who told me I was suffuring of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I had never heard of this before,........ He told me thats the reason why it is so hard for me to loose weight, I recently was told by him that one of my cyst on my right ovary is about a grape size but told me not to worried. I am always trying to loose weight exercising alot and it seems impossible to loose weight it is so fustrades...... I am so glad I am not alone though thankz Olga