Self sabotaging

So I realized something today every time I lose a good number on the scale I go out and eat fast food, I don’t know why I do this. On the weeks that I don’t lose a good number I don’t even think about fast food. So I have a challenge for myself now that I realize this pattern it is time to fix it. So instead of buying 10 bucks for fast food on the weeks that I lose a good number I am going to set that money aside and buy me something pretty when I reach my goal weight. If you have an issue similar to this please post your story it would be nice to know that there are others struggling.


  • srobinson1217
    srobinson1217 Posts: 13 Member
    I do this too!!!!!!!! I hate it!! I'll lose a good number and work out and be doing great. Then I think well I'm down to _____ pounds, I can slack off a little. Then I have the nerve to be pissed the next week when it's right back up again. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm doing a lifestyle change never a diet. If I want fast food once in a while it's okay, but I usually feel horrible after I eat it, and then I don't have it for a long time. But your not alone dear!!! I'm a self sabatour also!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I used to be like that, but now I just have one cheat meal a week. That way if I have any cravings I save it for then :)
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    That sounds like a great idea:)) I just made a rule that I am not eating fast food period....I have made up my mind and I am not changing it:)) I have a PHAT jar in my drawer and I give myself 5 dollars for every pound I lose. The $5 is the amount of the value meal I would have bought:))
  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    Keisha thats a great idea. I should pay myself for weight lost and since my goal is to fit in airline seats better, I can afford to fly wherever when I've lost enough. My problem is the period sugar binge. Thats what I save my cheats for. To get through the first days. But getting better every day.
  • ksweere
    ksweere Posts: 11
    Oh me too, I go "oh im in fine shape" when I hit a certian weight, then just float along and gain it all back. I get comfortable. Its a mess, two weeks ago I said sweet - I can be ready for the beach in two weeks, now I have 3 days becuase I ran a couple days and got comfortable and lazy.....I think i need the cash jar too, its more of a visual. I have a rewards list, but I need to put money twards them instead of just getting it when I get there...the process needs to count.
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    When I hit the first 5 lbs I went to the grocery store and picked out some expensive fresh fruit that I usually don't get to splurge on. I might get some expensive cheese when I hit 10 lbs.
  • phatdiva26
    OMG!!! I do the SAME thing!!!!! great idea I will definitely use it!!!! my jar is already started:flowerforyou:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    What a GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing.

    OK -- I have to admit, I am eating out alot -- many times breakfast and lunch. I just found out about the Vitamuffins egg and cheese sandwiches, which is a much better alternative to my daily stop at Dunkin for their egg muffin sandwich. Not only is it saving me calories, fat and sodium, but is also giving me fiber and cash savings to boot! What a perfect deal!

    Now if I can start making my lunch instead of fast food salads, I'll be rolling in dough in no time. LOL
  • Christieherron
    Thanks for sharing; I’m glad you like my idea, It helps to have a great support system thank you all so much. I wish you all the Best of Luck in your Health and Fitness Goals!