honest feedback---> is there a such thing as too thin?



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yup I think there is a thing as too thin. When I got married I was 120lbs (5'5ish) and never ever thought I had an issue, I was always thin it was just me. People use to always bug me and say that I needed to eat when in all honesty I had horrible eating habits and could eat whatever I wanted. Once I gained weight (thanks to pregnancy) and looked back at those pictures I can totally see where they were coming from..I was too thin. So knowing that I have found a picture where I weighed 130 and always though it was my perfect weight so that is my goal. Pictures are awesome as they show us what we can't always see.

    Now off to look at yours :flowerforyou:
  • jms023
    jms023 Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah, there is such a thing as too thin; as an example look at a picture of someone who suffers from an eating disorder. You don't look bad, and your weight is at the very lower end of a healthy BMI for your height. So, just as a precaution, don't go below a BMI of 18.5 (underweight range), as that brings a huge load of health problems that are just as bad as those concerned with being in the overweight range. For instance, women who are underweight (and in fact, also those who are at the lower end of their "healthy" BMI range, below a BMI of 19.6) have an increased chance of delivering a baby prematurely (which is very bad, so if you ever start thinking about getting pregnant, I would suggest trying to gain some weight first). However, if you make sure to eat healthy, have a net of more than 1200 calories per day, and are getting all your necessary nutrients, you are fine :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    there is definitely such a thing as too thin. and since you're asking for honest feedback, i say you're pushing it.

    be healthy. be safe. and take care of yourself :)

    what he said. I also think you should consult a medical professional if your family is expressing so much concern.

    you don't look as healthy in the second picture...but the first one--you look fit AND healthy!
  • Icebot
    Icebot Posts: 1
    It's tough to base on two photos, especially the second photo where you are making a weird face and causing your clavicle to look overly visible. It's really difficult to tell if you are too thin because we can not see the tell tale signs of being too thin, arms, stomach and legs.

    However, if you are only going to give me two photos to go off of, I think you look fine, due to you having full cheeks. Your eyes kind of worry me because they look a little sunken in, which can be caused by lack of sleep or poor nutrition. But like I said you are kinda at a weird angle / making a weird face in that picture so that could be the cause. Again, it is difficult to make a judgment call with just two photos.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Yes, there is such a thing as too thin.

    I can't say if you're there or not, because film can be deceiving. But it usually takes a lot for people to express concern about someone's health. I'd, at the least, have a convo. with your doctor.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    It says on your page, you want to lose 20 pounds...??..I wouldn't try to lose any weight. Why would want to go under 100 pounds? maybe I missed something...Just be healthy and enjoy life. Life is no fun, if you are worried tooo much about weight.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Yes, there is such a thing as too thin. And since you asked for honesty... From the photos, I honestly think you are already passed "too thin" into "very unhealthy".
  • fatkid44
    fatkid44 Posts: 3
    Maybe think about hitting some more weights, build some tone. You will still been lean, but healthier looking with a stronger frame. Also don't worry about weight it's just a number, it should be about how you feel.
  • amber742
    amber742 Posts: 2
    No offense you are a beautiful girl but I think you would be even more gorgeous if you gained a little weight. I would agree with your family I think you are too thin.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    by the numbers with a medium build I would say 5' and 100 lbs then add 5 lbs for every inch over so if you're 5'4 - you should weigh about 120 so really you're not that underweight (again, assuming you have a medium frame) That's about the height of my daughter but you are definitely skinnier than she is. She weighs 129 so she's more towards the top of her weight range than in the middle but she is not fat by any means.

    Looking at those pictures alone, I have to admit, especially the 2nd one, you do seem to be on the anorexic side (I see collarbones way more than usual) but that could be from the angle - it doesn't seem as noticeable in the first picture but you have a sweater on that kind of hides them more.

    You don't look as if you feel very well in the second one compared to the first but you are a pretty girl.

    Here are some things to consider -
    do you feel healthy or are you tired, irritable, notice any TOM changes
    is your diet nutritionally sound
    are you eating enough? do you feel hungry and ignore it?
    Do you have body strength (your arms seem thin to me)

    My son's girlfriend is taller than I am (I'm 6'1 - she's got to be at least 6'3") and she's a literal stringbean but she eats poorly. She does eat, don't get me wrong she's not starving herself, she just doesn't eat regular balanced meals (they're kids, they like to eat fast food). She is strong though and doesn't appear sickly so I'm guessing she just has a killer metabolism or possibly a thyroid problem (on the hyperactive side)

    Maybe consider building some lean muscle to add a little weight to your arms and shoulders?
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    there IS such a thing as being too thin. my parents are concerned for me as well. i used to be 120 pounds but now im near 105. i know its really bad but i lost started losing my appetite :/ i still eat but not as much. even my principal asked me if i lost weight! thats why im trying my best to try to gain some weight now
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Oh honey. It kind of pains me that you’ve opened yourself up to this kind of feedback. Especially if you are having trouble understanding the difference between being healthy and underweight, I suspect you don’t have the psychological skin thick enough to weather the deluge of responses that say you’re not okay, just as you are. I just don’t think you needed to bring these voices into where you are right now, because the effect is likely to be more damaging than helpful.

    Just understand that our families love us. They love us deeper than any kind strangers on the internet. They know us. They know our history. If your family is expressing concern, there is a reason. It may be time for an outside opinion. But that opinion should come from a trained medical professional, not a forum of strangers.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Since you want honest, yes I think you are starting to look a bit sickly (Don't take that wrong, you are still a very beautiful girl) :flowerforyou: Since your family is showing concern maybe it is time to check in with a doctor or nutritionist. Take care.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    I need some honest feedback. Currently I am 5'4" and around 110 lbs. My family is concerned about my weight because they think I don't look good. I think I look fine. These are some recent pictures of me. Do I look thin or sickly? Honest feedback would help and be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

    http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk312/jess3582_photo/honest feedback please/179216_1601145592928_1364700123_31453045_2009264_n.jpg

    http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk312/jess3582_photo/honest feedback please/0412012153.jpg

    I actually weighed 100 at one time and got scared when I saw my pics. For me 110 is a good weight (I'm 5'4" too), but now with a bit more knowledge I'll strive for 120 just because now I know I ate healthier around that weight and because now (at 140) I know what it feels to have boobs (didn't have those at 110! I hope I can keep them all the way down to 120)
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    double post
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Oh honey. It kind of pains me that you’ve opened yourself up to this kind of feedback. Especially if you are having trouble understanding the difference between being healthy and underweight, I suspect you don’t have the psychological skin thick enough to weather the deluge of responses that say you’re not okay, just as you are. I just don’t think you needed to bring these voices into where you are right now, because the effect is likely to be more damaging than helpful.

    Just understand that our families love us. They love us deeper than any kind strangers on the internet. They know us. They know our history. If your family is expressing concern, there is a reason. It may be time for an outside opinion. But that opinion should come from a trained medical professional, not a forum of strangers.

    That's an awesome post!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Oh honey. It kind of pains me that you’ve opened yourself up to this kind of feedback. Especially if you are having trouble understanding the difference between being healthy and underweight, I suspect you don’t have the psychological skin thick enough to weather the deluge of responses that say you’re not okay, just as you are. I just don’t think you needed to bring these voices into where you are right now, because the effect is likely to be more damaging than helpful.

    Just understand that our families love us. They love us deeper than any kind strangers on the internet. They know us. They know our history. If your family is expressing concern, there is a reason. It may be time for an outside opinion. But that opinion should come from a trained medical professional, not a forum of strangers.

    I agree 100%
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Please look at this post http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/214923-a-different-kind-of-before-after and see how much better she looks with adding a few pounds. Per her blog she is willing to talk maybe you can send her an email and discuss some of your concerns.
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    I completely agree with Yolanda's suggestion. Before I got married, I lost 70lbs. My family/friends were with me the entire time that I lost the weight. I wanted to go lower, but my family/friends started to show concern as well. I had dark circles under my eyes, my bones were sticking out a bit on my hips/ribs, etc. I believe that if those that love you are concerned, you may wish to listen. They are saying these things out of love. If you need a second opinion, I HIGHLY recommend speaking to a health care professional (i.e. nutritionist, dietician, Women's Health professional, etc.). They can tell you what is healthy for your age, bone structure, family history, etc.

    Sending you a hug of support. You ARE beautiful - no matter what. Don't EVER forget that.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    hit the weights to get that muscle you'll look even better,
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