SAHM 4/11 - 4/17



  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Christi- cute picture! I don't know how you do it with 4 boys! I struggle sometimes with my 1 and he is only 7 months old

    The teething monster has returned. My little guy is super cranky. It looks like he is about to cut his two top middle teeth.
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Christi - Sorry to hear about your little one. I agree with Katie - is there some way you can spend a little time with just him. Maybe have friends watch the other boys for even just an hour. I know when my husband was deployed the Family Support Center (called different based on the service - Airman and Family Readiness Center) had one night/day during a month where you could get free child care - Give Parents a Break. I just had to take my husband's orders to them and they provided me with a voucher. Our center also had a night out per month where they provided dinner and entertainment. Maybe you can find something like that. I know it must be rough with 4 boys, but hang in there!

    Katie - Congrats! Awesome measurements! You are doing awesome...who cares about the weight with your measurements:) Thanks for the intro too:)

    Barb - glad to hear the cry it out method worked for you. I did that with my kids too and they both sleep about 12 hours a night every night...hope it continues for you! thank you for the welcome also.

    KC - sweets are a love of mine too! I try drinking tea with a little sugar it gives you a calm. that is not to say I don't indulge sometimes....I do, but I try drinking something a little sweet instead and it seems to help. Good job!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone! I am hoping for sun tomorrow!!!

  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Wildcat - I think your new pic will motivate all of us, hahaha. Sounds like a great trip! Don't get discouraged, you are doing great.

    Rainbow_Brite - Congrats on getting past the 240's, you are rocking it! Also, love your workout plan this month!

    PJ05 - Welcome! I did long term and mini goals, it's too hard to me to think of the big number but I can focus on smaller goals and feel good when I achieve them.

    Cat - Glad you had a good family trip. I'm cracking up, girl I would be doing one routine/music set for each week, I bet you are an amazing instructor.

    Stacey - Nice, gotta love a little alone time during a good walk/run.

    DaisyBayberry - LOL, yep I enjoyed it. My little guy was a boob addict so I didn't drink much for the past two years. When he turned 18 months, earlier this month, I finally put my foot down, I was DONE with breastfeeding. He only did it for nap and night but it was driving me crazy b/c I knew he didn't "need" it any more.

    Angie - Glad you joined in! Sounds like you have a good plan to help with plate clearing, I have the opposite problem, I turn around and the kids swipe my food. hahaha

    drcarrier - I also love wine but I don't have it much. I use to enjoy a glass several times a week but with the boys being older and I usually try to workout in the evening, there isn't much time to sip a glass. I'm def a cheap date when we go out for a drink. :) Don't let your weekend mess you up this week, just let it go and keep moving forward, sound like you started this week off great.

    Christi - Fun picture, you look great! Hugs to you, I'm sure it's been an adjustment this month with hubby just leaving. Hope the kiddos get back on track soon.

    Katie - I've been craving sugar also, I usually crave it about 7-9 days before AF. I really should plan better, I'm always out of good sweet treats when I need them so I indulge in bad stuff. LOL, I need a PMS stash! WOW, your measurements are awesome, great job!!! I'm so glad I started tracking mine, it helps on days with little or no loss on the scale.

    Barb - Sounds like you had a great party! Good luck at daycare tomorrow, I hope it works out great for you both.

    Getting some work done on our basement today so the boys and I are stuck upstairs with the dogs. I usually don't let the dogs up here so it's been a bit crazy this morning. Plan on doing W8D2 of C25K tonight, can't wait!! I'm getting so close!! Have a great day Moms!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies--
    Finally have a few minutes to get on here and write a decent-ish post. I have been more than busy the past week or so...usually I work a total of 20 hours per week at my church, most of the time I bring my son with me as well. A few weeks ago, our bookkeeper got sick and so I have been filling in for her as well....I feel like I have been going non-stop! I have been making it to the gym and sticking to that schedule though so that is good...weigh in tomorrow morning so we'll see if it has paid off.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Look forward to getting to know you all!
  • pj05
    pj05 Posts: 18
    Thanks for the support and welcome ladies. I have set a couple of mini goals for myself. The first is to workout at least 5 days a week and the second is to lose 10 lbs. by my birthday (in May).

    I'm on day 2 of logging everything I eat. When will I stop being hungry all the time? Ugh...this is going to be a long journey!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    pj05-I amped up my water in the first few days, because I didn't want to snack too much, but just get some lower calorie snacks or things with more fiber for meals to keep you full longer. You're off to a great start!

    So, I only got 2 miles in yesterday before the baby started crying. My achilles tendon is very sore today, so I need to be a little easier on it, today, but that's a little hard. I'm thinking because I lost 4lbs. last week that I really have to push this week to see any loss. I hope the kids' schedules come together for nap time, so I can get some to workout time to myself.

    Keep up the great work, ladies!
  • I have done Turbo jam and leslie sansone... :D and yesterday was REALLY sore lol

    But I've done good so far..but I have to push myself to eat more... :S any filling ... foods you can suggest lol
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Rainbow- I like to snack on almonds to keep me full and to eat back some of my cals burned. Emerald makes a cocoa roasted almond that gives you a little bit of chocolate flavor which is awesome. Some other things I like to snack on: greek yogurt with fruit mixed in, cheese (string cheese or cheese and crackers), apples with a little peanut butter. The extra protein seems to keep me full

    soni- good job on the 2 miles. It is tough to workout when you are dictated by the kids schedule. That has been challenging for me.

    pj05- It gets easier each day. You will have some days that you are starving and want to eat everything in site. When you get hungry drink water and if you are still hungry have a little snack. Try to eat small meals 6 times a day to avoid being hungry all the time. Also find hobbies that you can do to keep your mind off of hunger. So many times we eat out of boredom because we have nothing else to do.

    Amy- thanks for the words of encouragement. I am focused on doing great this weekend. I actually have Saturday dinner all planned out. It is supposed to be nice here on Saturday so I am also planning on running which should help. Great job on C25K I am starting week 8 this next work out (probably tomorrow)

    It is cold and dreary and raining here today. I am not going to be able to get out and run. I was going to take a day off from exercising today but I feel great and really motivated to do something. I will probably bang out a Wii boxing work out or maybe Jillian Michaels Yoga meltdown. I can't wait until the spring is over and we can get into some nice warm consistant being outside weather!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry I've been away, but we've been outside so much I barely have time to log my food! It's nice to have some warmer weather! :smile:

    I've actually upped my "lifestyle" from sedentary to lightly active because of how much we're on the go now. I'm wondering how much it will affect the weight. I have only lost .2 pounds in the last three weeks, so I'm hoping it will help rather than hinder. I'm always reading you should up your calories when you hit a plateau so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm taking the day off of exercise today, but I'll be back at it tomorrow. I bought BFBM yesterday so I can send the current disc back to Netflix and get some actual movies. :laugh: We're going out in a few so I need to go hop in the shower. I hope everyone has a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • pj05
    pj05 Posts: 18
    Soni - Thanks for the tips. Wow, 4 lbs last week! Great job!

    drcarrier - Thanks for the tip :)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Oh I forgot to brag yesterday! I'm on the last week of C25K and had planned to do the 30 min run, but I made myself not look at the clock at all until I started to feel tired. By the time I finally looked I was at 33 mins and 2.8 miles, so I kept going and did a complete 5K, wohoo! I'm going to try and do it again today, but I'm really sore, so I'll be happy to just do the 30 if necessary.

    The scale is still not budging a bit. I also upped my activity level from sedentary to light active yesterday after realizing my weight loss slowed drastically when I adjusted my goals and my calories were lowered.

    Anyone know of any high calorie, low fat foods? It's disgusting how high my fat intake is, but if I don't eat things like nuts, seeds, almond butter, etc I have to eat 10x as much low cal stuff. As it is I already struggle to get over 2000 cals.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Anyone know of any high calorie, low fat foods? It's disgusting how high my fat intake is, but if I don't eat things like nuts, seeds, almond butter, etc I have to eat 10x as much low cal stuff. As it is I already struggle to get over 2000 cals.

    How about Greek yogurt? I get the 0% fat chobani plain and use it in cheese sauces, smoothies, and for snacks with added fruit. Beans and lentils are low in fat too. I usually substitute lentils for ground meat in my meals, or I make stir-fry with them and brown rice. HTH!
  • Hi ladies! I am just jumping on quick to say hello. I have to agree with pj05 that this is difficult. I don't even feel like I am restricting myself all that much--but I am skipping on all the yummy bad for me snacks that I have been having. And I am never having seconds at dinnertime. And I am thinking about it all the time!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Sorry to go missing in action, I gained 1 lb and basically had a strop as I really hadn't done anything to 'deserve' a gain, so then ate dodgily for a few days. Nothing awful, but not right and a bit over. anyway, I have hopefully managed to hoik myself back on track and weighed the same this morning - but have wasted 3 days :blushing: I need to stay focussed on having lost 12 lbs in 5 weeks and stop stropping about last week. I saw a friend I haven't seen since DD was just a few days and she said I was looking fab, and I think to the casual observer I probably look as I did pre baby (I'm only 5 lbs heavier) which is amazing really, I just want it all NOW!

    Anyway, off I go to do some strength exercises!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    I've been MIA some this week. We've had really nice weather until today so I've been outside with the girls a lot! I'm still doing well, exercising almost everyday. I did miss my Wed. EVO 6 am class but that was because my oldest daughter, Bridget, had to be at school by 7 am and I'm single parenting this week. I did go in later in the morning and got my workout in anyway, it was leg day in EVO so I made up my own torture for my legs.

    Last night my son, Broderick, had a Jazz concert at school that he had to get dressed up for so I had a pic taken of the two of us which is pretty rare now a days as he's a teenager and having your picture taken with your mom is not high on the list of things to do. I was surprised how small I looked in the photo it was nice for a change!

    I know there's a lot to catch up on so I'll work on that a bit later.

    Shoppie-"had a strop"? meaning what? I hadn't heard that phrase before. Is that like getting mad or having a fit as we would say? I really enjoy reading your posts as it has so many phrases that I don't know. OH and 'hoik' I haven't heard either! Good for you for getting back on track though. The fact that you are almost at pre-baby weight already is totally amazing. So happy for you!

    WildCat-congrats on running the full 5K that's awesome!

    Daisybayberry-It takes some adjustment to skip the not good for you snacks. I don't like to think of it in terms of bad or good just not good for me. That being said I do have the occasional cookie or very small bowl of ice cream. I want to do this as something that is sustainable through life and life sometimes calls for a cookie, or pizza or ice cream!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member

    Here is the link to the picture of my son and I. Checking to see if it works...will need to copy and paste.


    I does work, sorry about the serious red eyes I have blue eyes and my son green we almost always have the bad red eye especially using the camera phone.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-Glad you are back!

    Holly-That's a great photo! You do look great!

    I am waiting for my breakfast to digest a bit more so I can go to my workout, then shower and we're heading out to the library. I unofficially weighed myself this morning and have lost, so it seems upping my calories is working. I'm going to do an official weigh-in tomorrow morning, as well as my measurements. I hope everyone has a good day!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Nicole-Good luck on your WI!

    Shoppie- Glad you're back and focusing on the positive. Keep up the good work!

    I'm feeling better today! My achilles tendon was so sore yesterday that I only got in a light and slow walk. Today, I'm still being easy on it, but I got some yoga in and hoping to get in at least 1 mile (depends on kids' nap). Started strong on my food today, because I was just feeling a little down and went over in my calories, yesterday. I'm going to keep moving forward!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Fab photo Holly! (I just copied and pasted the link into a new browser window) I have sent you a FB friend request btw :-)

    having a strop = having a tantrum basically the inference is you are being childish like a toddler or something (which I was! :laugh: )

    hoik = to move with difficulty eg if you were moving a large box or something you might say 'I hoiked the box'. So I have hoiked myself back on track :bigsmile:

    It is funny, the basic language is the same, but slang is very different I guess!

    soni - glad your achilles is hurting less

    Nicole - look forward to reading the formal result tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Sorry about the achilles, Soni. Is it an older injury or something you did recently?

    I had a bit of encouragement at the library today! A woman who used to work there popped in and I haven't seen her since October. She looked at me and her jaw dropped and she kept complimenting me on how good I looked. It felt nice to have someone notice! :bigsmile:
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