I feel so gulity...:ohwell: I have tired so hard to lose weight and fight off all my cravings* but last night I hit a bump in the road..I'm an emtional eater and I thought I had it under control until my boyfriend n I had a huge %#*&^ fight: mad: ....So in the middle of my rage and feeling down I ate a Hostess Apple Pie which was 470 calories n half a bag of trail mix....I got on the scales this morning n I gained 1 pound back..I know thats not alot but I have been fighting sooooooo hard to do this..I'm just sooooo flippin mad n disgusted with myself..Also why I'm venting does anyone know any good exerise* for fatty legs, the top part of ur legs...Sorry Just had to vent all..Thanks :angry:


  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    I feel so gulity...:ohwell: I have tired so hard to lose weight and fight off all my cravings* but last night I hit a bump in the road..I'm an emtional eater and I thought I had it under control until my boyfriend n I had a huge %#*&^ fight: mad: ....So in the middle of my rage and feeling down I ate a Hostess Apple Pie which was 470 calories n half a bag of trail mix....I got on the scales this morning n I gained 1 pound back..I know thats not alot but I have been fighting sooooooo hard to do this..I'm just sooooo flippin mad n disgusted with myself..Also why I'm venting does anyone know any good exerise* for fatty legs, the top part of ur legs...Sorry Just had to vent all..Thanks :angry:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    ok, you know realistically you did NOT gain 1 pound of the lost fat in one day, right? So today is another day. Begin right now.

    As for the BF....@%#^@%#*(((&%^$++!!!! Just us girlfriends complainin' bout our menfolk!!!

    Show HIM whos boss. Get those hand weights out and walk a mile, put your headphones on and dance like a fool, bang out some crunches or push ups. Nothing is more empowering than using our power!

    Try to have a good day today and think good thoughts!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it....I did the same thing Tuesday night! But I ate a lot more than you did. We all one can be perfect all the time. We have to pick ourselves back up and start fresh. :flowerforyou:
  • Mahlia
    Mahlia Posts: 190
    I agree with Losing_It. :smile: Don't worry too much, we all learn from mistakes. We all mess up now and again, but we just need to get on the wagon again before it drives off without us.
  • curlhair
    i did the same thing last night!!!!!!! :blushing:

    as for binging out of emotion, i just told myself that was a one-time thing and today is a new day - and i WILL be making better choices today! :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I feel so gulity...:ohwell: I have tired so hard to lose weight and fight off all my cravings* but last night I hit a bump in the road..I'm an emtional eater and I thought I had it under control until my boyfriend n I had a huge %#*&^ fight: mad: ....So in the middle of my rage and feeling down I ate a Hostess Apple Pie which was 470 calories n half a bag of trail mix....I got on the scales this morning n I gained 1 pound back..I know thats not alot but I have been fighting sooooooo hard to do this..I'm just sooooo flippin mad n disgusted with myself..Also why I'm venting does anyone know any good exerise* for fatty legs, the top part of ur legs...Sorry Just had to vent all..Thanks :angry:

    You didn't gain a pound overnight. Not possible at all. Anyway you need to overeat by 3500 calories to gain 1 lb of fat! That food is in your tummy being digested! That's water weight. Don't be so hard on yourself, we all have our weak moments. Last night I ate 4, count em, 4 shortbread cookies at 120 cals each :noway: lol. But that's ok, I wanted them and today is a new day.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging words..I need to learn how to Never looked at the pound as water..I'm still learning from this site..Which is really cool n I like it..I just felt so gulity about eating junk food..As for my bf I sit his butt straight last night lol...I'm jsut emtional..I'm sooo close to my goal well 61 pounds to go...I just want to reach my goal...n I know I will sometime..
    Thanks all
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I know how you feel I stress eat and have been bad on and off for a couple of weeks, thankfully I have not gained because of the exercise. But I have learned not to beat myself up and start again and sometimes again and again and again :laugh: You can do this and look at how well you have done already. :drinker:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it....I did the same thing Tuesday night! But I ate a lot more than you did. We all one can be perfect all the time. We have to pick ourselves back up and start fresh. :flowerforyou:

    We've all been there, done that, beat ourselves up for it the next morning when the scales creep up, but hey, look how much you've lost already - WTG!!!! :drinker:
    Don't let the BF win, show him you think more of yourself than to beat yourself up over it.
    Besides, today IS another day, get some exercise - even a walk up the stairs, or in the park - ANYTHING!

    Oh and by the way make that ^&%£$£"£$$^&!!!! BF make up for making you feel so £$££%^$%&^& :wink:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Yesterday was an awful day for me as well. I could not stop eating the mini candy bars, etc. Even as I opened a new one, I was saying, "Stop, Kati stop. You don't need this chocolate. Why are you doing this to yourself." I totally blew my calories and fat yesterday. But, today IS a new day. The candy from my drawer is in candy dishes waiting for 'starving' college students to pick it up as they walk by. I've even kicked ITS butt by putting it on my counter where it can taunt me, but I'm not reaching. Nope, not today. Orbit Gum is my saving grace today.

    So, chin up. It happens to us all. What's important is how we deal with it after the fact.

    Take care! Kati
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Yesterday was an awful day for me as well. I could not stop eating the mini candy bars, etc. Even as I opened a new one, I was saying, "Stop, Kati stop. You don't need this chocolate. Why are you doing this to yourself." I totally blew my calories and fat yesterday. But, today IS a new day. The candy from my drawer is in candy dishes waiting for 'starving' college students to pick it up as they walk by. I've even kicked ITS butt by putting it on my counter where it can taunt me, but I'm not reaching. Nope, not today. Orbit Gum is my saving grace today.

    So, chin up. It happens to us all. What's important is how we deal with it after the fact.

    Take care! Kati

    Oh my gosh, I did the same thing last night with Kit Kats. I even threw them back in the candy bowl twice before giving in and saying #$%^ it!

    There's always a new day--thank goodness!