Not weight related, but a problem



  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    keep the note in an envelope with the date and time you received it and then put it to the back of your mind and forget about it. hes obv just trying his luck, but no doubt this is probably the main reason he has arguments with his wife, so stay clear(not that you probs thought otherwise LOL). But he may have a temper on him, so if anything else happens towards you or there are further notes, you have this note as evidence just in case.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Keep the note just in case he causes future problems (I sincerely hope that he does not).

    Do not talk to him about it. Its only going to encourage him. Ignoring him should be enough for him to get the message.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I think that the problem that a lot of people are seeing is that you made a point to talk about what you and he do for a living, instead of simply stating that you travel in different circles. It came off quite snobby. If your issue was truly that he was married, what he does for a living would never have been mentioned.

    That being said, I would ignore the note for now. Tuck it away in a safe place just in case. One little note isn't a huge deal, and maybe, in his own strange way, he's just trying to be friendly. Especially since, as you put it, you are an "outsider". He could just be trying to make you feel welcome. I have no idea how long you've lived there, so I can't say for sure, but then, none of us can.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i wouldn't pretend it doesn't exist. seriously that is the biggest cop out ever and i can't believe how many people suggest to pretend like it didn't happen. then you are just asking for trouble, he's going to be thinking he has half a chance...

    go and knock on his door, and tell him that you aren't interested, and are happily married thank you very much, and if he attempts to try again, then tell his wife.

    and, also, i don't like the way you say "he's a labourer" and "i'm a graduate"... i don't know where you are from, but in my life i associate with graduates and with labourers, and i don't feel any need to judge a person on their job. I know alot of tradies who get their hands dirty every day and they earn alot more money than alot of arrogant suits who like to look like they earn alot, but really don't.
  • pmorrison101
    I too would ignore the note but keep it. If it happens again I would consider a restraining order against him.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    Umm... am I being more socially backward than usual?

    It seems like he's just saying "we're neighbours, and we never even chat"

    I'd reply "Sure, I'd love to go for a coffee with you and your wife"
  • starboardzor
    I'll have to agree this message came off as pretty snooty. But regardless, I'd ignore the note. I'd probably be pretty amused if I recieved a note like that to tell the truth. Especially if the note is nonthreatening. I would NOT give it to his wife. You never know the mental stability of people and that might be what makes either one of them completely snap. So unless the notes continue, I would leave it alone.

    Although if they're waking you up in the middle of the night then it is your business and you should continue to call in your complaints.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I got what you meant.

    I think I would just ignore the note. I don't think sending it to his wife would be of any help. (I would really want to do that) I think if he had the nerve to do that and his marriage is on the rocks, it is probably not the first time he's done it and she probably already knows.

    It sad that neither one of them can grow up and either work it out or move on. It's hard to watch in silence, which is what the neighbors often do.

    Just ignore it, if he makes any further attempts, I would just flat out tell him you are not interested.