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How to juggle being a mom, housewife and dieter??

Hello all! I'm looking for some advice on how to tame a busy schedule!!! Currently, my boyfriend is a USAF Fireman and his schedule is 48 on, 72 off. On the days he's home from work, everything is so much smoother! He's there to help get our 4 year old in the shower, and to bed and swim lessons and baseball and to help with "homework" (which btw giving a pre-schooler homework is ridiculous!!! but thats beside's the point :smile: ) On the days my sweetie is at work however, I feel so overwhelmed. Even on the nights that are most basic consisting of cooking dinner, doing the dishes, and some laundry, I still feel so exhausted that I have no energy to work out after all is said and done. and because I'm so tired I loose sleep which makes it so hard to get up in the morning... AH I guess I'm just looking for any parents out there who somehow keep it all together? How do you get everything done in a day that you need to and still get a good nights sleep??


  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Could you make some meals to stash in the freezer on the days your man is around? Then your food prep (and cleanup!) would be much less on the days he's at work.

    As for the good night's sleep -- I used to really struggle with falling asleep at night, with my brain running at 150 mph. I started reading a page or two of a novel as I lie in bed, and it really works. My brain forgets to think about my own life, I guess, because it's been distracted by fiction!
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I have to stick to a schedule. For example today's schedule: 6:30 wake-up, feed boys, pack lunches, get boys to school by 7:30. 7:45-8:45 is workout time, and then I eat breakfast and shower and get ready to go to work at the yarnstore at 10am. I only work one day a week. On the other weekdays I do the same thing and then by 9:30 I am doing housecleaning and starting laundry. I get **way** more done when the boys are in school than I do once I pick them up. By 3pm most days we are home and I supervise homework and put away any leftover laundry and the like. And I try really hard to start dinner (or know what I am doing) by 4:30-5pm. After dinner we have activities some nights and on the off nights we try to do a family bike ride if the weather is nice.

    I think the best thing is to decide what your priorities are (mine right now is running!) and then schedule the rest of your day around them.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I feel you! I have 4 kids and babysit a 16 month old, and decorate cakes. When you figure out how to get it all done let me know! I don't know what I'd do without my hubby's help! I'm thankful that he does a lot!
  • Hi,

    I am a at home mom with a husband that is in Wildlife law enforcement. At times he is gone all day and night. And I have two kids there are many times that I turn into the single parent . I have learned that I can't bite off more than I can chew. Swim lessons and baseball? Maybe too much if you can't handle it. My kids get one activity a season and that is it, because I refuse to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I really don't care what everybody else is doing out there but I believe that my family is more less stressed when they are home and hanging out not involved in many activities. I don't care if my kids don't turn out to be the super athletic superstar because I rather hang out with them.. Regarding Preschool I would find another... or tell the teacher to bugger off.... what are they going to do fail him? Good Luck I hope you find balance.
  • It might help if you put yourself on a scheule. Planning helps...even when interruptions happen. Make a point to get up early to exercise maybe 30 minutes, if you're new to exercising or haven't done it in awhile, you may want to start with 10 minutes and work your way up. Experts say exercise in the morning gives you energy throughout the day and helps brain function and all that kinda stuff. LOL Remember changing your lifestyle is mind game...you have to change your mind to change your habits/routine, to change your life. You can do it... take small steps...only do what you can do...make sure not to over schedule yourself. Best of success to you!! :smile:
  • excellent advice!
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    I'm a single mum of 2 boys who works full time also! It is difficult to fit everything in, but with a bit of juggling I manage to fit in work, housework, running, time with the boys and still have a smile on my face :-D!! Its all about priorising, deciding if the floor really needs hoovering twice a day and the pots always washed the minute dinner is finished or is it more important to spend time with your family and make time for you!?!? My house certainly has "that lived in" look, but its clean and respectable, my boys are happy and I'm on my way to a fitter, healthier lifestyle. Do you have friends or family that can help out with anything? Or even just be around to support you whilst you cook dinner/wash pots/iron!? Its amazing what a difference having a friend there makes even if you're doing something really mundane. Im sure if you get a routine in place and try and get some exercise in, your energy levels will increase.....good luck :-D
  • arw3b3
    arw3b3 Posts: 52
    I am a stay at home mom and although I am not single. my fiance doesn't do anything around the house or with the kids. It is hard to get everything done and still have time to myself and go to bed at a decent time. I usually have everything done around the house by the time the kids go to bed at 8 and if I wanted to give up my me time I could go to bed early. however. if I don't get that me time it is not pretty for anyone. I have found that my bosy is used to going to bed at midnight and waking at 6:45 although it does take a toll sometimes. Do you work outside the home? If so I would definitely consider the preparing meals ahead of time to minimize the nighttime duties. Are you able to workout on your lunch breaks or at anytime during the day? I usually do my workout during my sons naptime or if the weather permits taking him for a walk in his stroller in the morning. Also a consistent routine is very helpful as it helps everyone to know what happens next.

    Good luck:)
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    I'm not a mom but am a medical student and work long hours. I've found it makes meals SO much easier when I meal plan at the beginning of the week. Each weekend I decide what we're eating Monday-Thurs and plan out all 4 meals, complete w/ a grocery list of the ingredients I need that week for lunches and dinner. Knowing what you're having and having all ingredients on hand is the majority of the battle, I think. ;) Also, I try to pre as much the night before. Good luck! =)
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I have three girls and my husband works nights so I know what you mean. I sleep a lot better when I work out before I go to bed. If I am unable to get working in out during my work day then I get everyone to bed early so that I can have some time. Most of the time 30-45 minutes is all that I need to get in a good workout. Also the early prep of meals mentioned by wiggleroom are critical. Crockpot meals are a GOD SENT!! You would be surprised at what you could do in that thing.

    Good luck!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I have three kids 2, 5, and 11. I get up before them to work out. My days are calm until they get out of school. Then we are running every where for every sport under the sun. By bath time I'm dead to the world. I will say I have so much more energy since I started getting up earlier and working out though. It really does help. Plus I feel like it's "me time".

    FYI-While I was typing this, my kids who have been ready for school for 40 minutes, were late getting to the bus because none of us looked at the clock.

    A+ parenting moment of the day. **sigh**
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    That is a very good idea. I remember my grandmother doing Cassaroles and such and freezing them. thank you!! I'm a book nerd, I could never read just a few pages, lol! I end up reading the whole book! Do you have lights on in your room when you're trying to fall asleep? I've found that if the room is pitch black, not even the alarm clock or smoke alarm lights, then I fall asleep so much smoother!
  • frdw
    frdw Posts: 8
    My hubby works out of town most weeks and is only home on weekends, so again, I get where you're coming from. I do my best to work out in the morning, so that it is done and I don't find excuses to not do it. It was really tough forcing myself out of bed an hour early for the first couple of weeks, and i was tired (even more so than normal) but now that I've been doing it a few weeks, it is a lot easier and I am sleeping a lot better.

    I also meal plan. I sit down every two weeks and write up a menu based on what's happening in our lives. some nights it's quick and easy meals, when I have more time, I make stuff that involves more effort. and then I have no excuse to not make healthy meals. You could certainly plan that around when your BF is working and not.

    I certainly don't think I've got it all together (one look around my house confirms it) but letting the housework slide some days so that I can get healthy will, overall, make me a better wife and mom to my boys.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    a schedule is definately sounding like the way to go! I tried making his lunch the night before and things like that and it really helped. I need to get back into a routine. Do you run in the mornings??
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member

    I am a at home mom with a husband that is in Wildlife law enforcement. At times he is gone all day and night. And I have two kids there are many times that I turn into the single parent . I have learned that I can't bite off more than I can chew. Swim lessons and baseball? Maybe too much if you can't handle it. My kids get one activity a season and that is it, because I refuse to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I really don't care what everybody else is doing out there but I believe that my family is more less stressed when they are home and hanging out not involved in many activities. I don't care if my kids don't turn out to be the super athletic superstar because I rather hang out with them.. Regarding Preschool I would find another... or tell the teacher to bugger off.... what are they going to do fail him? Good Luck I hope you find balance.

    He's been at the preschool since he was like 2, he loves it there. The homework is usually just like gluing stuff together and cutting stuff out, but it's something that we sit with him and help him do neatly and stuff. Usually its only once a week, but seriously!
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    I have to stick to a schedule. For example today's schedule: 6:30 wake-up, feed boys, pack lunches, get boys to school by 7:30. 7:45-8:45 is workout time, and then I eat breakfast and shower and get ready to go to work at the yarnstore at 10am. I only work one day a week. On the other weekdays I do the same thing and then by 9:30 I am doing housecleaning and starting laundry. I get **way** more done when the boys are in school than I do once I pick them up. By 3pm most days we are home and I supervise homework and put away any leftover laundry and the like. And I try really hard to start dinner (or know what I am doing) by 4:30-5pm. After dinner we have activities some nights and on the off nights we try to do a family bike ride if the weather is nice.

    I think the best thing is to decide what your priorities are (mine right now is running!) and then schedule the rest of your day around them.

    The above is so true for me also. Although, keep in mind that our schedules should be flexible (to include doctor, dentist appts, etc) I have 3 children (9, 6, &1) and baby sit an infant part time. So I can definately relate to "business" I have always read and heard that it is best to exercise in the morning, because exercise "wakes you up" If you wait too late in the evening to exercise it may cause you to lose sleep. Also, I noticed that on days that I do exercise, I fall asleep much quicker than on days I may skip. So once you get started you may find it easier to fall asleep in the evenings, which in turn will help you wake up earlier in the mornings :) Much luck to you.
  • avoisinet
    avoisinet Posts: 14
    I'm a mom with a 4 yr old and 2 yr old boys. I run a company that requires me to work at minimum 40 hours a week and then I go home and make dinner, give baths, read books, all the things my kids need. I made a decision about two months ago I really need some me time...mostly as a stress reliever and I tell you my work outs have made me a better person and mom. I don't yell or get as stressed out as I used too. I think for me it's about schedules and choices. I make a choice everyday to do as much as I can and let the little stuff go when possible. I want me boys to grow up eating the right things and seeing their parents working really hard to accomplish something important to them. So some nights I have it in me to make dinnner...and sometimes it's whatever we can throw together. I am not a meal maker on Sunday for meals throughout the week, but I have recently (which has helped) picked out 4 receipes for the week (one night off with just eating leftovers or whatever) and then picked up the groceries I need for those meals only on Sundays. Then I know what I will make each day and it's not as much of a challenge. I also am not wasting food which is important. Don't beat yourself up when it does not work for a day. Take a step back, relax and breath and start again tomorrow. Good luck.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    I'm a SAHM, and it can be tough to juggle everything. I still have not been able to workout consistently at the same time.Sometimes at night is the only time I have. Other times, I have time during the day while my 3 kids nap. It just really depends on what we have going on that day. I also get tired very easily. I will say this though: one child is MUCH simpler than 3. Get your son on a good schedule, and everything else will fall into place. If your son is in preschool, workout while he's in school. Or if you can, get up an hour before he does, and work out in the morning. For me, that's what works best, but we only have 1 shower, and my husband needs it the same time I would. As a SAHM, schedules will become your best friend!
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. The meal plan definately sounds like something to do, as does possibly freezing some premade dinners. I am going to try going to bed at a decent hour and getting up to excercise in the morning as well. No more excuses! Thank you again, please add me as a friend if you'd life! :)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    im on my own a lot too have a 7yr and 18month my husband works nights so he leaves at 9pm till 7am, then sleeps till 1pm goes to gym for 2hrs comes home eats then naps, then back to work! I workout when he leaves so im up till like 2am and get up at 7:30 and walk my kid to school, its a 45min walk...probably walking like a zombie...:laugh: ....so its just about not stressing and keeping positive, we are women we are strong!