
hi evryone my name is leticia and i am so proud of my self... 7 months ago i was a size 28 now a size 24 yeah me!!! started goin to curves a couple weeks ago and writing what i eat i feel grrrreat. still alot to lose yet but i know that with God , will power and support i can do this. thanks...:smile: :


  • EmmaRankmore
    You sure can! You're a beautiful strong woman who can do anything :)

    Well done on your loss so far!!! Remember we are here if you need us for support and motivation :) Feel free to add me! I've just gone down from a size 22 to 18, its hard work but so worth it! :)
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
    Great Job!
  • HeatherMarie1174
    That is great!!! This is a great place to help with the motivation to keep going ... you can do it!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi welcome to MFP. You have job a brilliant job to drop 2 dress sizes. I know how hard it is to lose weight but with the support from people on this website you can succeed. I know i have lost 10lbs and it is partly due with the encouragement i get from my friends on here.
    Keep up the good work and God bless.
  • DeannaMEdwards
    Great Job and Good luck!