weight gain instead of lost!!

mmiriam57 Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been going hard at the gym for about 21/2 weeks. I'm feeling solid, I jumped on the scale and ive actually gained 4lbs however my slacks fit slighty loser around my waist . Now i'm confused. am I doing the wrong excerise or is this a transition from fat to muscle ?? someones input please, :happy:


  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    It could be water weight or muscle gain. I am sure you are doing fine, don't get discouraged.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Are you keeping track of inches as well? That happened to me last week; I was working out every single day and staying within my calories (within reason) and I actually gained 3 pounds. But when I measured, I had lost a 1/2 inch around my stomach! ?When it happened to me I just assumed I was gaining muscle. But I still consider myself in the learning mode of all this~so I don't know for sure myself. :)
  • sharaleeb
    sharaleeb Posts: 32
    Your loose slacks indicate you're losing inches just replacing fat with muscle! This is good, keep it up and you'll start seeing the weight drop as well!
  • Sounds like fat to muscle to me. The scale can be a load of crap sometimes. Start tracking your measurements, Im sure youll see a difference!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Your probably losing fat...and gaining muscle. You should measure yourself....and give the scale a rest. You can tell the change in you by the way your clothes are fitting. Keep up the good work.....your doing a wonderful job!!

  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    It could be that you gained some muscle if you have been doing strength exercises. But you've lost inches, so congratulations on that! I've been increasing my cardio workouts and have lost a few pounds in a week. It's best to weigh yourself in the morning before you consume water. Good luck to you, sound like you are on the right track!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, but takes less space. I am able to relate to your frustrations with the scale. I was stuck at the same number and even gained a pound during my first 2 weeks of my new routine. However, I was measuring too (neck, bust, upper waist, lower waist and middle waist, and my hips) I have lost a total of 8.5 inches in the 3 weeks since logging faithfully. I strongly encourage you to measure, it is more motivating than the ### on the scale, atleast for me it is!!! Don't give up - keep working!!!

  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    You are not replacing fat with muscle. Because you are working out harder than your body is used to your body retains water. The stiffness in your muscles is not from the workout itself or torn muscles... it is from water surrounding your muscles to help repair and it pushes on the nerves. Stick with it and the weight will come off and you will have stronger muscles and less fat but it takes a couple months to put on muscle weight. I just went through this and did extensive research because it was bothering me so much! Know that what you are doing is good and make sure you are taking some rest days in there to help alieviate some of the pressure you feel on your muscles. Muscles are built while resting not while working them.
  • And fat doesnt turn to muscle :p
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    You are not replacing fat with muscle. Because you are working out harder than your body is used to your body retains water. The stiffness in your muscles is not from the workout itself or torn muscles... it is from water surrounding your muscles to help repair and it pushes on the nerves. Stick with it and the weight will come off and you will have stronger muscles and less fat but it takes a couple months to put on muscle weight. I just went through this and did extensive research because it was bothering me so much! Know that what you are doing is good and make sure you are taking some rest days in there to help alieviate some of the pressure you feel on your muscles. Muscles are built while resting not while working them.

    ^ this! Trust me you are losing inches and that's great! But highly doubt it's muscle gain, just retaining water as your body repairs itself. Completely normal. I lift heavy and I mean HEAVY and it takes me months to actually build enough muscle to show on the scale. Good Luck! Just keep doing what you're doing, change it up every 4-6 weeks and you'll keep seeing reults!
  • Thanks for all the encouragement.... I'm off to purchase a measuring tape! :wink:
  • I went through the same thing this morning. It said I gained 2 pounds. But I can actually feel and see a little bit of muscle so I am hopeful. Feel free to friend me.
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