I was recently diagnosed with Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I was wondering if anyone else out there has PCOS and if so, how is their weight loss was going. The only advice I received was to eat a very low carb diet. This is doesn't seem like enough guidance for me. Is anyone out there having success with weight loss that have PCOS and can offer up any advice?


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP!
    While I have not personally dealt w/ PCOS, I have known MANY calorie counters who have.
    The one thing I can suggest (and it probably is NOT what you want to hear) is patience. It seems to take much longer for those w/ PCOS to lose the weight, but it CAN be done.
    Do not give up. I would suggest searching the forums (do a key word search) for PCOS and you will find many others just like you.

    If I can provide any other advice or just support in your venture, I am happy to do so.
    Congrats for taking this step and good luck.
    You will figure out what works for YOUR body soon enough. Just be patient (easier said than done, I know :) and have faith :)

  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    I have not been diagnosed with it, but my OBGYN was considering it as a possibility which lead me to lose weight. The best treatment is a healthy diet and exercise. My OBGYN also suggested to try to keep carbs below 25 grams per meal. I don't always stick to that, but I just try to eat really healthy.
  • emjohnson77
    I myself would love to know the answer to this myself. I have PCOS and my weight is all over the place. I was counting my calories, exercising and being vigilant about it but the scale kept creeping up and I gained 10 more lbs. So then I got frustrated and gave up. Starting eating awefully, way over my calorie level, and then suddenly lost 4 lbs in 1 day. So that inspired me to starte counting my calories again and I started running on my treadmill. Then I go to weigh myself and i've gained 2 lbs again!!!! It's so frustrating and I'm ready to just give up entirely and just be fat!!!!
  • Steph1628
    Steph1628 Posts: 13
    Hello. I am one of the unlucky ones who has PCOS. I was diagnosed with it about 10 years ago when I was 18. My entire life has been a constant struggle with my weight and once I was diagnosed w/ PCOS I didn't do anything to change it.

    About 1 1/2 yrs ago my husband and I started trying to have children. This is kinda what jump started my weight loss this time around. Like many others with PCOS we have been going to a fertility clinic (about 7 months now). The RE at the fertility clinic commented to me about how I really need to focus on the weight loss now because that really is a huge part of getting past a lot of the PCOS symptoms.

    So in January I started on MFP and counting calories. I am happy to say that watching calorie intake and exercising did result in weight loss. Recently - about 2 wks ago - I also started watching carb intake and changed my carbs to 40% of my calories instead of the standard 50%. Since making this small change, I have noticed that the weight is coming off easier and since January I have managed to lose 28lbs.

    I'm happy to hear that you have just been diagnosed and you are working on weight loss already. That is a major step. My advice to you besides weight loss is to take Metformin or any other prescriptions that provide to you. I was stubborn and refused to take the Met for about 9 years. Finally when we started trying to conceive I realized that it really is there to help me and it has made a huge difference in symptoms.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago, and I was also initially told to eat low carb (Atkins or South Beach style), but I found that unrealistic for the long term. I have had success losing weight eating carbs, but "good" carbs - whole grain, as unprocessed as possible, etc. PCOS affects how your body handles sugar, so foods and food plans suitable for diabetics are a good guide.

    Whether or not it's harder for someone with PCOS to lose weight, or it happens slower... I don't know about that. If I make healthy, appropriately portioned food choices and exercise regularly, I lose weight. The more disciplined I am, the faster it comes off.

    But I *do* think it is easier for someone with PCOS to *gain* weight, because our bodies have trouble processing and regulating the sugar conversion.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, or email me with any questions.

  • Steph1628
    Steph1628 Posts: 13
    Oh, and if you are looking for a "diet plan" to follow, my RE suggested using a Low Glycemic Index diet (one they advise diabetics to use). You can google it to get an idea of what it involves. For now I'm just working on the lower carb diet because it's easier.
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    My doctor told me to increase my diet and exercise, and lower my calories to 1100-1200 calories a day. My cycles are now regulated with birth control, and Metformin has stabilized many of the other issues that go along with PCOS. I've lost 14lbs since my diagnosis so with hard work it is possible :) Best of luck to you!!
  • amyilene03
    amyilene03 Posts: 26 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005, I think. I gained like 70-80 FAST! After that I kinda said, whats the point in trying to lose when it's not going to come off anyway. I'm down 42 lbs after about a year and a half of on and off dieting. I finally decided about 3 weeks ago, again, that I was going to finish this time. I find that I need to reduce my carb intake which for me means, having half my plate filled with protein, and the other half filled with veggies. AND CARDIO! I'm not taking Metformin and kinda refused to (I'm really bad at remember to take pills). I know it can be done. It's just take patience and tons of effort! I'm stuck right now at 198 which is where I always get stuck but I'm going to continue to leap over this hill!

    Good luck!
  • amyilene03
    amyilene03 Posts: 26 Member
    This article is very informative! Hope it helps answer some questions.

  • th1nkth1nmama
    I was diagnosed in 2007. My husband and I were trying to have a baby and were getting no where for a little over a year so the dr finally checked me and diagnosed me. For the next year I tried a low carb diet and only lost 20 lbs and gained it back over and over again until I got pregnant with my son in Oct 2008. The day I delivered him I weighed 249 lbs! the highest I have ever weighed in my life! I struggled with depression over the years and yo-yo diets and got no where. The only thing that I have learned that works is eating healthier. MFP has really helped me lose weight in the last few months. I've learned that in order to lose weight I need to eat at least 25 grams of fiber. I keep my percentages at 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat and it really seems to be working. I have lost 21 lbs since committing myself to a healthier life style on Jan 1, 2011. No dieting... just eating better.
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 12 years ago and have struggled with my weight my entire life. Eating good carbs (rice, beans, some potatoes/pasta, and low carb tortillas) seems to be working for me. I can't eat peanut butter or any type of bread or my weight just seems to stay the same or start climbing again. I had some success with the anti-estrogenetic diet and I learned a lot from it like not eating anything processed or refined. I had to give up my diet coke and replaced it with unsweetened tea hot tea and water. Greek yogurt and hummus are now two of my go to snacks when I have the munchies and it seems to be going well. My weight also fluctuates a lot but when I look at my numbers from the past few months they are continuing to drop.
  • choconut02
    would you be my weight loss pal? i am at 310 and am over 60....I need someone to help me who has a lot to lose. Thank you.