I hit plateau and I am MAAAD!!

I have done everything right, I follow my diet to a T, I exercise 5x a week. I even started changing around my workout routine so I could trick my body, but the inevitable happened...I plateaued :sad: Last year when I dieted, I plateaued at 35lbs....now I can't seem to get past 16lbs. I need to lose soooooo much more weight, but I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong. WTH??? Can I get a break here??? I only eat whole wheat pasta now, I have changed from ground hamburg to ground turkey. I eat LOTS of fruits and veggies. I think I have overdosed on salad recently in fact! I can't stand this....I feel like giving up:sad:


  • danni31487
    I have also been at a stop for a long time, and i cant figure out what it is. It could be nerves, Im thinking because I have a wedding in two weeks but I would suggest you drink more water and maybe doing small days a day? :). Just keep going do not get discouraged! =D
  • AQHAShowgirl
    AQHAShowgirl Posts: 82 Member
    How long has your weight been static?? I've been stuck for almost 2 weeks now...fluctuating in and around the same weight. And indeed it is VERY frustrating. I searched "plateau" here on the message boards and there seem to be a lot of different ideas on how to try and break through a plateau. The thing that scares me most is reading the stories about those who plateau for months! Sounds like you're on the right track. Chin up and keep plugging!! :wink:
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    I plateaued for a long time after losing 15 lbs easy. I was stuck for about two months. I changed my goals to lose 1lb a week which gave me slightly more calories. It immediately worked and have been losing ever since. I would up your calories slightly and see if that helps. Weightloss is about adjustments. What worked for you before may not work for the lighter and stronger you now!
  • RunChinni
    RunChinni Posts: 149 Member
    I know how you feel. I have hit my plateau too. So I not only changed my exercise routine and my food consumption, I also started to consume supplements in the form of protein shakes.

    Since I workout in the evening, I tend to consume half of the protein shake before and the remaining half immediately after along with a low carb snack that replaces my dinner.

    Salads and fruits aren't bad. What you need to look at is your proteins to carbs ratio. You typically want to consume more protein than carbs (a 1:1 ratio is not bad) if you want to lose fat and gain muscle.

    Maybe you could give that a try?

    Also, don't judge your fitness by your weight. Judge it by the inches you lose/gain :)
  • skinnyjeans13
    Are you still eating the same amount of calories? Maybe you need to eat more? Everything I've read here leads me to believe that once you plateau you have to eat more to give the body what it needs at your new weight and keep exercising!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Just a suggestion.... Maybe lower sodium and up water? It STINKS being stuck!! I understand that! You will loose, keep plugging away! :)
  • lady120783
    lady120783 Posts: 6 Member
    I have also plateaued. it can be discouraging. A lot of the time when I find I am not loosing the weight its because the muscle gain is catching up. If you check your measurements you may see that you are still loosing weight you are just not loosing it as fast as you are gaining muscle. That is my problem right now.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    Its been 3 weeks at the same weight and I just checked my measurements and I've gone up in all 3 categories....hips the most :sad: 3 & 1/2 inches in the hips alone...WTH?????
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Maybe try increasing your calorie intake.

    You didn't say what your workouts are, but my guess is cardio. If your not doing any strength training, I would say incorporate this routine into your workouts.


    Should you still want to do cardio, do it on the off days, but not as much.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Mine lasted 3 weeks @ 13lbs & I know how frustrating is! But don't give up! I got out of it & so can you!
    I upped my calories, which did the trick for me. Try out a few things & see what works for you
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am plateauing again too. I plateaued about 2 months ago for a few weeks. I increased my water intake and changed up my workout which worked for me. Have you tried zig-zagging your calories? Have 1300 one day then 1500 another then back down to 1200 another. It will keep your body guessing. Make sure to get atleast 8 glasses of water a day that did the trick for me the first time. You could also trying a cleansing. Someone suggested that to me as well. Just a few ideas I recieved. The main thing is don't give up. Plateaus happen to everyone. Just keep pressing forward, you will get pass this.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I've only lost 8 lbs and I'm already scared I'll plateau. It's just one more thing we make ourselves stress out over. DONT GIVE UP. Think of it this way, if you keep at it you'll at least maintain a healthy weight that you've already lost and eventually something will click and you will start to lose more again. Discouraged feelings and stress are only going to make it harder for you. I don't know a lot about weight loss but I read a lot of posts and there are some things I bet you can try to help you out...

    -Try eating at different times of the day or different portions/contents of meals.
    -Try getting more sleep (hard, I know with busy lives we have) but I read that people who get 8 or more hours of sleep at night lose 25% more weight.
    -Drink a lot more water. I don't know why but I've also heard the more water you drink the more weight you lose.
    -Take your measurements. You may not be losing on the scale but you might be shedding inches and that is an incentive not to give up.
    -Take a multivitamin daily. Good for your overall health and may give your body that extra "thing" its missing.
    -Be sure to eat back your calories from all your exercise. It's important because it prevents your body from going into starvation mode.
    -Also be sure of the calories you're burning off, if you're not sure get a heart rate monitor. I don't have one yet, so I try to guess as closely as possible and if I'm really in doubt I just round down to be safe, that way I can eat all those calories back, but not be over on my goal in case I estimated my burned calories wrong.

    GOOD LUCK. Don't give up. Your body is just being stubborn. Try to relax and try different things. Don't obsess over it. You will lose more, in due time.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I know exactly how you feel ...For the last month I go up and down with the same damn 4 lbs grrrrr...Now I feel like a complete dumb *kitten* :grumble: Because after I checked out u r diary, I checked mine and yeah :bigsmile: We are both doing the exact same thing ...Not eating enough LMAO ...... Im always on here telling ppl that and didn't even realize how low my intake was hahahaha...Guess Im not such a smarty pants after all :noway:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You might need to bump up the calories. Search the message boards for plateaus and see what you can find. Most of the time people have managed to start losing again by eating more. I know this sounds weird but if you are exercising a lot your body needs the fuel or it will protect your fat reserves rather than let it go. The body treats exercise and calorie restriction as stress and will actually try and protect itself.

    And you aren't going to lose steadily. You might get stuck and then 'whoosh' you lose literally overnight.

    Maybe even try calorie cycling (low days and high days). You can do some research on that too.

    And what kind of exercising are you doing? Is it all cardio or a combo of strength and cardio. Strength/resistance training is very, very important for fat loss (intense cardio and calorie restriction can also cause lean muscle mass loss although this is more pronounced as you get closer to your 'healthy' weight - this can slow metabolism). Get in some more protein - my macronutrient ratios are at 40/35/25 carb/pro/fat right now. And do some strength training to help preserve that muscle mass. This is what makes your metabolism
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    From what I can tell from your food diary...you are still allotted a lot more calories for each day...so gosh darn it...EAT MORE!!! Eat, eat, eat...healthy, of course, but eat! If we can eat food and lose weight, why not do it?

    Also, I noticed your sodium was over almost every day. Try to cut back on sodium. You can cut back quite a bit if you cut back on processed foods.

    You can do it. Don't give up!
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    I know that hitting a plateau is FRUSTRATING!!!! Especially when you are working sooooo hard to lose!!

    I hope you don't mind but I looked at your food diary going back about 2 weeks and what I noticed is that you are barely eating/netting 1000 calories a day plus you are working out, with a lot of days going well below 1000 calories!! You need to eat at least some of your excersise calories back!!!

    For example on this past Monday you ate 1357 calories but you worked out and burnt 717 calories which means you only "netted" 640 calories for the whole day - not enough to live on and most of the days I looked at are like this!!!!! Go back through your diary and do some calculations (it's easy) to find out how many calories you actually ate that day - to figure this out take your total calories consumed for the day minus your excersise calories equals what you actually ate for the day.

    Go to the tools section and find out what your BMR is, then try to at least eat as close to this number as possible (BMR is your resting metabolic rate, which is what your body burns for calories just by siting in one spot and not moving!!) I have my mfp set to lose a pound a week and I am given a calorie total to eat that is a little over what my BMR is! It would be different if it were set to lose 1.5 or 2 pounds but it will never give you a daily calorie total of less the 1200 (this is what nutritionists believe is the least we can eat and still get the proper nutrition our bodies need - it's 1500 for men)

    Society has taught us that Less is More and that we have to suffer while trying to lose weight - but this is NOT the case!!!!! Believe me, I know it's hard to wrap your head around! But it's true!!

    Here is a link that will better explain it - http://www.shouldieatmyexercisecalories.com/

    Good luck Girl!! And don't be discouraged! You will kick this plateau's butt!!!!!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    From what I can tell from your food diary...you are still allotted a lot more calories for each day...so gosh darn it...EAT MORE!!! Eat, eat, eat...healthy, of course, but eat! If we can eat food and lose weight, why not do it?

    Also, I noticed your sodium was over almost every day. Try to cut back on sodium. You can cut back quite a bit if you cut back on processed foods.

    You can do it. Don't give up!

    Bingo. I don't mean to be harsh, but you say you're following the plan to a T --- but you aren't. You are not coming close to your initial daily cal goal, let alone eating the cals added for exercise. MFP uses a formula for calculating your cal goal based on the amount of cals you burn each day. It works. So follow the recommended intake.

    Undereating won't necessarily make you lose more weight or lose it faster. Make sure your settings are correct, and then work to MEET your cal goals. :wink:
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Sodium played a HUGE part in mine and I just realized that! Platued for a long time too over a month would gain then loose, then gain and loose.

    Don't lose hope!!
  • mommymovingmountains
    mommymovingmountains Posts: 192 Member
    From what I learned is that mvp already calculates your calories for a loss and when you eat a lot less than that your body thinks it's starving. You are burning 500 calories on top of not eating close to your goal some days. I would eat when mvp suggests so your body isn't lowering it's metabolism. Good luck! Please don't give up! Eat more healthy foods and you will see a loss :) I have only been here 3 weeks and honestly I do not feel like I am hungry at all and I am still losing.
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member

    That's right...I just bumped my own topic! Still need more answers!!

    ty everyone for ur input. now answer me this??? how do u force urself to eat when ur not hungry???? i try but i just make myself sick and throw up! Not that i try, it just happens! I just started doing strength trainingg this week too, for those who asked. as far as sodium, i know i go over, but i have tried to watch it, and most times it goes into the red. If i don't eat "processed foods" i have to guess at things and that also gets me in trouble. I guess i'm screwed either way. I have been at this since January 26th of this year and I guess I still have ALOT to learn about healthy meals and snacks, but I was doing weight watchers last year and lost 35 lbs in 4 months and I felt great and only had to worry about points. I didn't have to worry about sodium. I guess I still have WW on my brain...LOL