College students (30 lbs by Aug) week 1 weigh in

misschievousgrl Posts: 30
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone so today is one week right??
Sorry about disappearing, technology hates me and I lost everything except for my food and exercise id entered lol..
Maybe someone else got this started earlier since i'm behind.. if so just let me know and i'll delete this one.

Start Weight [4/5/11]: 163
Week 1 [4/12/11]: 160.8

2.1 lbs =).. i was hoping for more but hey its something.

So wheres everyone else at?

Also would you guys like me to make an excel chart type thing to track our group??
Gimme feed back and I'll go off of what you guys want =)

Oh and its only the first week.. if anyone wants to join us.. any college students wanting to loose weight before next fall please feel free to jump in =)


  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    o lord, this is gonna confuse me with my regular Friday weekly weigh in's haha
    I'll figure somethin out tomorrow and *tear* weigh again but I'm so bloated :embarassed: I'm pretty sure my weight has either A) not changed since last Friday's weigh in or B) God forbid...I gained....blechhh...wish me luck for the morning lol!!!!

    But, great job on ur loss!!!! :bigsmile: 2.1 lbs is a great loss in my mind!!!
  • Hey! Thanks for the add!

    SW: 169 (4-1-11)

    Week 1 161.8 (4-12-11)

    That is 7.2 pounds so far. I hope my weight loss slows down a tad. I don't think this is healthy! And good job on your weight loss so far!

    Is your diary open to friends? That way we can swap food and snacking idea"s!
  • dont worry about it being too fast at first as long as you are eating like you should.. you can loose a lot of water weight at first very quickly.. thats why i was a lil sad about the little bit of loss this first week lol cuz its only gonna slow down. buttt i kinda had a bad incident this weekend... red velvet cake.. my real weakness. we always have sweets and ice cream in the house.. i can totally withstand that.. but redvelvet cake with cream cheese frosting.. its my weakness lmao. so yeah thats probably what happened..

    As for my diary, it should be open to friends =) so go for it
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    Is it too late to join this group? This is the first one i've found specifically for college students
  • no please do =D its just the first week.. you can just start this week or look back at your weight from last week and still report your weight for this week =)
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    I'd also like to join if that's ok :X I really like the idea of having a group of people who are also super busy trying to maintain class and a social life.

    From April 3-April 10 I went from162-160, not a huge difference, down from 165 the previous week, but better than nothing. I usually weigh myself on sundays, but what day does this group typically post?

    And anyone please please feel free to add me. I <3 friends :D
  • Tuesdays is our weigh in.. i just kinda put up the post late today lol. but its just a weekly thing so if you always give your sunday weight then it will always be a weekly weight.. you'd just be giving it on tuesday.. no biggie =)

    but yes thats the idea.. everyone knows the freshman 15.. weight can be very hard to manage in college so having a group of people who are all dealing with the same thing. I think its a great idea
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    I love it!!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    SW: 136.5
    W1: 135.5

    TOm...meh...have definitely got a big enough calorie deficit that I should be lower...but 1lb is 1lb
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    To everyone who is concerned about "only" a 2 lbs change... that's NORMAL!!! In fact that is considered to be a high loss for anyone who is doing anything but focusing on their loss. SO congratulate yourselves... it didn't go on overnight, it'snot gonna come off over night...
    I lost 2.5 and I am THRILLED, why? Cause i know it's not just water or a low weight day... My weigh in Days are Fridays and I don't plan on changing that, I will just post whateverit was from the Friday before.
    Remember, a loss is a loss. Don't beat yourself up for it "only" being ____ lbs.... you worked hard for it so be proud of each loss
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    sounds interesting, bump!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    To everyone who is concerned about "only" a 2 lbs change... that's NORMAL!!! In fact that is considered to be a high loss for anyone who is doing anything but focusing on their loss. SO congratulate yourselves... it didn't go on overnight, it'snot gonna come off over night...

    EXACTLY. You're not supposed to be losing 10 pounds within a week...unless you're doing an extreme diet or something. :noway:
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    To everyone who is concerned about "only" a 2 lbs change... that's NORMAL!!! In fact that is considered to be a high loss for anyone who is doing anything but focusing on their loss. SO congratulate yourselves... it didn't go on overnight, it'snot gonna come off over night...

    EXACTLY. You're not supposed to be losing 10 pounds within a week...unless you're doing an extreme diet or something. :noway:

    ...and even then it tends to come back. This is one unfortunate result of shows like biggest loser as people tend to forget that they have quite a bit to lose in combination with an intense activity level and strict diets... I could lose 6 lbs a week if i was working out 40 hours a week too...but it's not sustainable OR safe if you do not have proper supervision.
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    Can I join in .I am a college student wanting to lose over 30 lbs. >u current weight is 148.6 lbs.
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    Weigh In--

    as a typical college student this I'm doing this while I am in Abnormal Psychology

    As of yesterday I weigh 168.8. Last week I was at 171.1. Also, when I started MFP in January I was at 196 :D Last week was a crazy week so I was able to eat really well because I had to grab and eat (and granola is really portable).

    Congrats on all of the weight loss everyone!
  • Totally! Research shows that people who are slow losers are more likely to keep the weight off :)
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    Ok I was 173.1 last week and I weighed in today at 172.8, not much but I'll take it. My goal weight for august is 145 and then maybe a little more after that. Instead of the freshman 15 I gained more like the freshman 40 and 2 years later its still here lol.
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    Holy **** (did my own bleeping there hahaha) Looks like we have a tonnnn of new ppl here today....this might get a little hard to keep up with lol

    So for the new people, I'll just start by saying I was in college on and off after HS (2005), and due to medical and financial reasons I had to leave. Joined this group because I'm hoping to get back to school by Fall Semester of this year or Spring of next year, and would GREATLY love to be down in pounds by the time I get back and be in better shape, because A) obviously I want to look better, and B) It's so not easy rushing around campus and up flights of stairs and all that when you're out of shape.

    So, after reading some of the posts on here I realized that I could just stick to my regular Friday weekly weigh in's and just post here on Tuesday, but I weighed myself this morning so I won't put it in yet as official but I'll share the good news :bigsmile:

    04/01 - 172 lbs
    04/08 - 170 lbs

    Today (04/13) - 168.5 lbs - heck freakin bellow 170 again let's just hope it either stays the same or drops by Friday's "official" weigh in hahaha :bigsmile:
  • lol. i'll try and figure out who all is actually here tonight.. but good job everyone =)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I'm also a college student and somewhat confused on how to add my self to the blog?? Help!

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