Getting motivated to work out.

My question is how do you get motivated to exercise? I know I need to work out, but I just have no desire or motivation too. Any pointers?


  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    You learn to enjoy it after a while but if I'm having a bad day I'll look at pictures of my inspirations (for me thats Marisa Miller and Miranda Kerr) :) x
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    Find something you enjoy doing! I had the same issue because it wasn't fun to me to go to the gym and hit the elliptical for 45 mins then do some other cardio. Effective sure, but definitely not fun.

    Now I go to Zumba 4+ times a week and I absolutely love going. I get excited that I'm going at night and if I miss a day because of another committment I'm really disappointed! It's something I've found that I enjoy and it makes it MUCH easier to get my work out in! I burn upwards of 600 cals for an hour of Zumba so it's a great burn and it really is a blast.
  • soccerjewel47
    trust me its not easy but try taking your dog if you have one or if you have friends that are willing to walk with you or if you go to the gym bring an ipod or someting with music!!
  • Requisite
    Just think of how good you'll feel afterwards, albeit it's weight training or cardio. Also, dwindle it back down to the reasons why you want and need to workout in the first place :)

    Personally, I always go back to my long-term goal with the knowledge that 'time' is my biggest enemy.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Find something you enjoy doing!

    AGREED! I hate working out. But I love to ride my bike outdoors. So now that's how I get my exercise in. :)
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    You have to find something fun to do. Pick something that you enjoy and just focus on your goal. There are times where I don't want to workout but once I'm in it I feel awesome afterwards.
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    trust me its not easy but try taking your dog if you have one or if you have friends that are willing to walk with you or if you go to the gym bring an ipod or someting with music!!

    Or a book on your ipod to listen too. You end up forgeting you are exercising because you are into your book!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    For me after a couple weeks it became an addiction and I feel like crap when I go more than one day without exercising. I know it's hard to get going but you will feel amazing afterwads!
  • Flocker1979
    Set workout goals. Example, I just decided to do the couch to 5k, and tonight is my second day of it. I can't wait to get to the gym because I'm really wanting to run a 5k.
    Also, I started doing yoga and the results I've started seeing in my arms and shoulders that I never saw lifting weights. It makes me so excited to go.
  • MissNewAttitude2015
    MissNewAttitude2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Music helps me also. I make sure I have my ipod charged and ready before hitting the gym. I have also been blessed with coworkers and friends who are trying to get healthy as well. They are my lifesavers on days when I just don't feel like doing anything. Friends or a fit buddy are a HUGE help!! Good luck to you!!
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    :smile: Trust me - you will NEVER regret the workouts you do, but you'll look back and regret the workouts you didn't do!!

    The other thing is get into a routiene so you do it without considering it too much! Start with something small and manageable and build up!

    Best Wishes with it :flowerforyou:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I anticipate it all day at work. Then on the drive home I dread it. When I walk through that door I have to force myself. I tried to eat more during the day to MAKE me HAVE to exercise but that didn't work either. I'm a very, very lazy person but I have gotten better.

    But I don't do more than 3-4 days a week. It makes it much easier to deal with. And I love the lifting/resistance training. That's what I'm doing now and it's kind of fun (still tiring). It makes me feel like a bodybuilder! Cardio is a different story. I fight with cardio.
  • bebababy
    bebababy Posts: 50 Member
    i completely agree with doing something you enjoy! i hate the gym personally so i have had to do "stealth" workouts.
    - i can't get on the treadmill without music no way no how.
    - i have a few trails that i walk
    - i also sign up for drop in classes like zumba, yoga, line dancing whatever i find that i might like

    before you know it you will be working out! and keep reminding yourself that you will feel better once you are done!!
  • acchickpea
    acchickpea Posts: 43 Member
    I try to put logic into it if that makes any sense... Example... instead of dreading to workout on the elliptical I add the tv and watch a half to an hour of my favorite show while I'm working out! Rather then sitting and watching I'm working out and watching my fav shows... Sometimes I go longer on the elliptical because my shows not over... Burn more calories.. oh yeah.....
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I know when I work out then I can eat more :) I love food.
    I've become a gym junkie anyway. I just do it, every day, don't think about it.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If I'm feeling really unmotivated, I listen to my workout tunes on the drive home from helps remind me that the gym ain't so bad :)
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Start off with something you enjoy or at least just walking and eating right. As you start to see the inches go and pounds, it will motivate you to do more and more
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    First, find something that isn't just "exercise" - I like to bike ride.
    Second, I find competition motivating, even if it's with myself. When I go on long bike rides, I ride on a 30 mile trail, my big goal is to finish the entire trail by the end of the summer, each time I go out my goal is to beat my previous distance.
    Third, get a buddy. If you know someone's waiting for you, you'll be more likely to make sure you get there (at least for me).