Oxy Elite Pro - Thermogenic ????????

lEEAVii20 Posts: 50 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone ever heard of a thermogenic called Oxy Elite Pro...

If so how does it work?

Is it good or bad for you?


  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I used it for about a week. It gave me such a surge I would get dizzy and had to sit down. My boyfriend loves it, but my body just couldn't handle it. Its suppose to be the *kitten*...but just not for me.
  • magpie8402
    magpie8402 Posts: 121 Member
    My husband loves it! He has been using it for almost 8 weeks and at first we didn't see many results, but in the past few weeks we have seen a difference. I haven't tried it, but I thought I might when I get close to my goal weight IF I'm having trouble loosing those last stubborn pounds.

    If you choose to try it, make sure you look up the diet plan on their website and drink all the water they suggest.

    If you try it...good luck!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I have it...tried it for the first 4 days...wasn't a fan...but a lot of people respond VERY well to it...It just wasn't my thing.
  • Dani724
    Dani724 Posts: 30 Member
    My husband I both use it and we love it! I only take 1 in the morning and it works for me all day. I do need to eat something small with it or I feel feel gittery. My husband takes 2 and he has a very phyically demanding job and 2 is plenty for him to have enough energy throughout the day. I have tried TONS of different thermogenics and this by far is my favorite!
  • saguate
    saguate Posts: 4 Member
    I used it for two months. It's nothing but a fancy cup of coffee. In theory it raises your heart rate throughout the day and thus you burn fat. In my case, since I have been doing the Insanity program at Max level, it pushed me into over training. I stopped losing weight and didn’t lose any fat. It made my body hold on to everything because I was artificially messing with it. My average heart rate through my workouts was in the high 170's considering that my max heart rate is 185. This is not healthy or safe.

    I was lured into the thought of burning fat faster but since you are doing insanity it’s the wrong product for you. There is no magic pill. The key is consistency and patience. 95% of trimming down is what you intake. I gave up red meat to cut fat out of my diet and making sure I eat as clean as possible. I have small gains but I'm moving in the right direction.

    If you eat clean and continue to work out like you do, you will see results faster than getting on Oxi-Elite.

    My advice to you and anyone else, stay away from stimulants. It's not safe and it's a waste of money.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I used it for two months. It's nothing but a fancy cup of coffee. In theory it raises your heart rate throughout the day and thus you burn fat. In my case, since I have been doing the Insanity program at Max level, it pushed me into over training. I stopped losing weight and didn’t lose any fat. It made my body hold on to everything because I was artificially messing with it. My average heart rate through my workouts was in the high 170's considering that my max heart rate is 185. This is not healthy or safe.

    I was lured into the thought of burning fat faster but since you are doing insanity it’s the wrong product for you. There is no magic pill. The key is consistency and patience. 95% of trimming down is what you intake. I gave up red meat to cut fat out of my diet and making sure I eat as clean as possible. I have small gains but I'm moving in the right direction.

    If you eat clean and continue to work out like you do, you will see results faster than getting on Oxi-Elite.

    My advice to you and anyone else, stay away from stimulants. It's not safe and it's a waste of money.

    I totally agree with you! If we don't learn how to exercise consistently and eat properly we will only gain the weight back. Its not worth the risk.
  • xoDDC
    xoDDC Posts: 33
    LOVE it!!! although i had to stop taking it my 2nd time around due to it making me feel really fatigued...but i would really recommend giving it a try i know GNC is giving out samples a little bottle with 10 of them you should check it out and see if it works for you i lost 18 pound my first time around :)
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    waste of money. I took it, didn't really notice anything abnormal in results. Just keep exercising and eating right - only a few thermogenic complexes really work, and I refuse to recommend them to anyone on this forum.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I like them!

    First round of Insanity took no pills and lost 15lbs in 2months.
    When I did another round of Insanity lost 13lbs in 5 weeks and I ended up not finishing due to shins.

    Second round few months after I didn't lose as much weight as the first time (pretty much close to my goal weight and where I was when I met my husband).

    No bad side effects for me. You do sweat a lot more though. I only took 1 or 2 per day.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    LOVE THEM! I take one pill in the morning and it gives me the extra UMPH! might not be seeing the results i want, but thats completely my own fault! THE ENERGY IS AWESOMEEEEE!
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