Bottomless pit

edavis2 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I guess my title is a slight exaggeration, but the one issue I have with the MFP plan is that I never feel full and I feel like I can eat so much more. In the past (pre-MFP days), I could adjust to cutting back on food/calorie intake and not feel hungry all of the time. Now, it seems that even when I follow my MFP plan, I never feel completely satisfied or full. I am so preoccupied with food, because I'm either still hungry or just planning what my next meal will be to stay within my guidelines. I have broken my meals down to six meals a day (three main meals and three snacks). I have been on this plan since August 2010 and I did really well. I slacked off a little around the holidays,but I have been able to maintain most of my progress. Overall, I'm doing much better by monitoring my portion sizes and I am eating more fruit and vegetables. I just wish that I would stop feeling so hungry even though I'm taking in the amount of calories that I should be. Does anyone else feel like this or have any useful tips to assist me with my "problem"? Thanks in advance.

***EDIT*** Just as I posted this, I saw a similar thread. Mods, feel free to delete this thread or merge it with the other.


  • jsh826
    jsh826 Posts: 3
    Try drinking a glass of Metamucil 15 minutes before 3 of your meals. It tends to make you more full. I learned that trick when I was on the South Beach diet. It does help if you are truly hungry and not just wanting to eat. That's my problem, I'm never that hungry, I just love to eat.
  • edavis2
    edavis2 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, it is mostly because I'm hungry. Although, I do like to eat!! I think it wouldn't be as bad if I felt more full.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Another suggestion is watch out for things like corn syrup and MSG. These two substances destroy your ability to feel full. They are designed to make you crave food and eat more because that gets agribusiness more money.

    Eat whole unprocessed foods. It'll take a few weeks but you'll see your sense of hunger return (or discover it for the first time).

    Eat a healthy protein with every meal as well to help extend your sense of fullness as well as keep your blood sugar level.
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