Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • jeslesma
    jeslesma Posts: 5
    You're being way too hard on yourself. First of all, count your blessings. You sound like you're angry at yourself. I suggest taking that anger out at the gym. Maybe even boxing. I also have a skinny husband with no appetite. Unlike yours, mine lets me know that I eat too much. We're all designed different, but I know God doesnt make junk, so I try to be happy in my own skin. Some days are better then others. Never give up, but don't let weight consume you. Live your life girl and give this plan a try!
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    Hi hi! I'm 5'10" and want to just be in the 140's again. I always fluctuate because I'm crap at this dieting thing - and here on MFP to try and find a solid weight and stay there since yo-yo'ing is so unhealthy. I was 175 at my highest, and 135 at my lowest. I've currently hit 155 and am getting uncomfortable in my own clothes. I'm aiming for 142!
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    Hey - something neat for those who watch The Biggest Loser - Olivia on the show this season is 5'9" (according to Wikipedia) - I looked this up because her last weigh in put her at 172 lbs. and she is looking great so I figured she must be on the taller side... Of course, I will never exercise as much as the Biggest Loser contestants do so I will never get as fit as they do on the show - but it will still be interesting to see her final weight! :smile:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Feel great today! Did 60 mins Spin class and 60 min on the Stairmaster!

    Going to eat and have a glass of wine!

    For those that think I am crazy working out for 2 hours I try to burn as many calories so I can have a little extra (like wine!!!) LOL!!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    Well hey all, I just found this thread and I'd love to join in on the conversation. I barely meet the criteria- 5'9" in the morning (but I think I shrink down to 5'8 by the end of the day!)

    I'm actually already at my goal weight of 135 (have a small/medium frame-upper body small, butt and hips not so much) and am trying to switch my focus to more toning and less calorie burn although I do like to do spin classes so I have some calories to eat. I started MFP back in August at 157.7. I saw some pictures of myself and was appalled. I know that 158 is lower than some folks goal weight and I'm not trying to be insulting because everybody is different and has different body frames, but that was not a good look on me.

    I've always worked out A LOT but I've always also eaten A LOT. I decided to try and eat 1600 cal per day and somewhat follow the Flat Belly Diet. I actually thought I ate pretty well but once I started tracking my food-that was eye-opening to say the least! I got down to 135 about a month ago and am now trying to hold steady and add more strength but it's still hard and I will be here forever. I still belong to the clean plate club and I still love things that aren't the best for you nutritionally but I do try for moderation and if I know I have something going on, I'll do a double spin class to get some extra room for it! I wear a size 6 pants and a small top and I've never been this size in my life. If I can do it as a mom of 2 at age 47 with hypo-thyroidism-you can do it to!

    I hope you'll let me join and be friends!
  • agurnsey
    agurnsey Posts: 5
    I'm 6 feet tall and what I did to lose the 30 pounds was eating healthier staying away from processed foods and working out five times a week...hope this helps some, let me know if you have specific questions
  • agurnsey
    agurnsey Posts: 5
    What I did was eat healthier, drink lots of water, worked out five times a week for three months and droped 39 pounds...hope this helps some :wink:
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'9" and started my weightloss journey at 180 pounds. I'm currently 155 - I was down at 150 before Christmas but got off-track with the holidays. I'm back at it now and not going to quit this time! I'd like to eventually see 135. I have a small frame so I think I'll look good at that weight but I'll pause at 140 and see how I feel.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Going for a run today after my meeting. Hoping to log some good miles!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I'm 5'9". I am currently 272, but started right at 300. My goal is 150, but that is smaller than I have ever been in my adult life, so I will see how I feel as I get close to that. I would be thrilled with anything below 170. I have been overweight since before high school, so for most of my life. But I am doing well with this and compared to other times, I don't feel like I am dieting, just eating healthy and lots of exercise. Both of which I am learning to really enjoy. I am eating about 1500 calories everyday and doing a variety of workouts five days a week. I have also had a few splurge days when traveling and they haven't derailed me, so I know I can do this. While I am obviously overweight, I think that being tall has helped me carry it a little better. Most people are surprised when they learn how much I actually weigh, as I don't look quite that heavy. That may be the deciding factor when I figure out when to stop and start maintaining.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm 5'9". I am currently 272, but started right at 300. My goal is 150, but that is smaller than I have ever been in my adult life, so I will see how I feel as I get close to that. I would be thrilled with anything below 170. I have been overweight since before high school, so for most of my life. But I am doing well with this and compared to other times, I don't feel like I am dieting, just eating healthy and lots of exercise. Both of which I am learning to really enjoy. I am eating about 1500 calories everyday and doing a variety of workouts five days a week. I have also had a few splurge days when traveling and they haven't derailed me, so I know I can do this. While I am obviously overweight, I think that being tall has helped me carry it a little better. Most people are surprised when they learn how much I actually weigh, as I don't look quite that heavy. That may be the deciding factor when I figure out when to stop and start maintaining.

    Great job you're doing! I agree about having a splurge day here and there. I am most likely not to stick to eating healthy if I have to restrict every single day!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
  • I am 5'9" and currently around 175. My HW was 245. I am eating 1200 calories a day, plus about 45 minutes of cardio 5x/week, with eating back my exercise calories. I have really slowed down on my weight loss and am having a hard time sticking it out now. My original goal was 160, but I think I would like to get down to 145. I've never been as small as I am now in my adult life, so I am very happy with my progress, just seems like I am getting burnt out. I have been at this for one year now. You ladies give me plenty of encouragement though, so thanks!
  • sbrmom
    sbrmom Posts: 38 Member
    Another tall one here - all legs! 5'10" CW 168, GW 150. I played volleyball in college and weighed around 145 most of the time. Fast forward 20 years, 2 kids, and 20 pounds, I would like to do a 1/2 Ironman and a full Ironman in the next couple of years. However, I would like to be down to my goal weight as I start training for the 1/2 ironman. I have done 5 marathons (while weighing around 165), lots of 1/2 marathons, lots of sprint distance triathlons, and 2 olympic distance triathlons. I really like to eat (and snack), so I am hoping that logging in what I eat will keep me on track!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am 5'9" and currently around 175. My HW was 245. I am eating 1200 calories a day, plus about 45 minutes of cardio 5x/week, with eating back my exercise calories. I have really slowed down on my weight loss and am having a hard time sticking it out now. My original goal was 160, but I think I would like to get down to 145. I've never been as small as I am now in my adult life, so I am very happy with my progress, just seems like I am getting burnt out. I have been at this for one year now. You ladies give me plenty of encouragement though, so thanks!

    Wow congratulations on the weight loss!!! That is amazing! I am currently at 162 trying to get to 150! Sometimes I get burnt out but I am at a current weight that I am comfortable at so I try to maintain by exercising until I can get mentally prepared to lose the last 12 - 20 lbs!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Another tall one here - all legs! 5'10" CW 168, GW 150. I played volleyball in college and weighed around 145 most of the time. Fast forward 20 years, 2 kids, and 20 pounds, I would like to do a 1/2 Ironman and a full Ironman in the next couple of years. However, I would like to be down to my goal weight as I start training for the 1/2 ironman. I have done 5 marathons (while weighing around 165), lots of 1/2 marathons, lots of sprint distance triathlons, and 2 olympic distance triathlons. I really like to eat (and snack), so I am hoping that logging in what I eat will keep me on track!

    I am currently training for the Half Marathon in September. I have a 5k race May 21st.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Tall girls unite!

    I'm 5'11", was 170 last I checked, and a size 10. I have a small frame and when I'm consistent with eating reasonably and exercising regularly, my body's sweet spot seems to be around 150-155. At that weight, I'm a loose size 6/comfortable size 4. And I don't look like a skinny mini at all. When I was a teenager, I never went above 130. Now *that's* skinny mini. I don't even remember being that thin.

    BTW, it will be nice to talk about eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight without getting scoffed at by people who say things like, "But you don't need to lose weight", "There's no way you weigh 170", and "Do you want to be anorexic?"

    As for the clothing thing. my height is in my legs and I used to have a devil of a time finding jeans. A few years ago, I decided to try Victoria's Secret jeans because I theorized that if they fit the long legged models, they should be able to fit me. I have not looked back since. I order the 34" inseam in my size and the fit has never failed me.

    Jackets are the other bugaboo. I have very long arms and while I've gotten used to long sleeved tops stopping a couple of inches before my wrist, that's not acceptable in coats and jackets. I always have to order the tall size, which is always only carried in the catalog of whatever store it happens to be.
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    Bump for later :-)
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    Im 5"10 and have a larger frame as i like to call it. I used to be skinny when younger but then it happened. I have struggled for many years and its hard to keep it off. Im 38 and weigh 116kg. (SAD). Alot of crap happened in my life and just didn't deal with it. I really want to loose weight and im going too!!
    I firmly believe that positive thinking helps alot. I had a very stressful week and have gained. Im going to loose it I AM
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    It's great to see so many tall woman responding to this link! I can relate with the difficulty in finding clothes to fit - I have very long legs. Regular size shirts are too short in the body and sleeve length, but I am very thankful that my mother taught me how to sew. However, I am finding some shops that carry 'tall' in pants. Here is Canada, Reitman's carry a tall line of pants in dress, yoga, casual and jeans.
    I am 6 feet tall and current weight is 184 pounds. For my age and bone structure, I would like to get down to 170. (My doctor would be happy with 175.) Over the years, my weight has fluctuated between 158 (in my 20s) to a all time high of 198. As I age, I find more joint pain so I really want to get down to 'normal' weight for my age and be kind to my joints!!
    Feel free to add me as a 'friend' ... great to share stories.
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