Already Over My Calorie Goal

It's 1:37 pm, an hour after lunch and I am already over my calorie goal. So what am I supposed to do for the rest of the day, night?

I've been getting discouraged lately. I did so good for a couple of months and now have been slacking off so bad.
I've gained back the two pounds that I lost a couple weeks ago, just for poor food choice and lack of exercising regularly.

We have been SO busy lately and I have been so stressed that I just have no energy to put into exercising and healthy meals.

Some encouragement and any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    We all have times like that.

    Step away from the donut.

    One day at a time.......:flowerforyou:
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Just pick yourself up and try again. It is not the end of the world if you go over your calorie goal. You need to really sit down and see what you are eating. Shoot for more vegetables at lunch or dinner and then work in more a little bit at a time. Start working out again, even if it is just walking at a pretty good pace. Do not get discouraged because then if you allow yourself to do that then you have given yourself permission to quit. I understand about being busy and not having time to plan meals or exercise. Try finding encouraging words and/or phrases to put up at your desk or at home to tell yourself that you can do whatever you put your mind too. Good luck and add me if you would like :)
  • BrodiesMom2008
    i try to map out my whole day after breakfast so i know how many calories i have for each meal, if you go over you go over, you have to still eat today you can't just stop eating because it's only 1:37pm and you went over your goal for the day! i think we all have days where we slip off the calorie goal, just make healthy choices for the rest of the day and try again tomorrow to meet your goal!
  • cris12
    cris12 Posts: 90
    If you're over your calorie goal by 2pm, you need to focus on distributing your calories wisely and practicing control. Plan out if you want a meal to be heavier than the rest, and allocate a set number of calories for it, and distribute whatever is extra for snacks and smaller meals. I like to even out my calories and am on a 1,200 cal allowance, so I usually allocate 350 cal per meal and leave the rest for snacks and/or eating a (little) bit extra. What also helps is planning your meals beforehand, that way you eliminate any calorie surprises and end up having to starve yourself and/or give up on your allowance and keep going over.

    Good luck :)
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    First of all, congratulations on the weight you have lost. It's a process that takes time, and we all have days where we are over on our calories. Just try to take an objective look at it, realize it happened, and move on. Remember, successful weight loss is a marathon (slow and steady), not a sprint. :smile:

    Here's what I would do. If possible, take a long walk after you get home from work, either outside, at the gym, on a treadmill....whatever works for you. Then, while it may still keep you over your calorie goal, eat something healthy for supper....broiled chicken, some yogurt, fruit, etc. Just because you may be over by noon doesn't mean you can't eat healthy for the rest of the day.

    Good luck....stress does funny things to our bodies, but exercising can help us feel better and reduce our overall stress levels. I teach, and April and May are incredibly stressful with the end-of-the-year activities, testing, kids being gone, etc. Walking and talking with a friend as often as I can helps me a lot.

    Take care,
  • crissi66
    crissi66 Posts: 98
    Hey these times happen to all of us. Exercise is so important and its hard to get back into the routine once youve been off for a few days but.... The exercise will help you relieve some stress and its good 'you' time. If i slack in the exercise i will almost always go over in calories its hard to be at 1200 calories everyday and be satisfied with exercise to work as a buffer zone.

    good luck you will find your groove again. start tomorrow fresh. pack a healthy lunch and plan a nice dinner.:wink:
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    ask yourself what do you want today?

    Do you want to make a change?
    Do you want to eat better?
    Do you want to be stronger and healthier?

    You have control over all of these things.
    I would say:
    Yes, I want to make a change and what I do today WILL make a differance.
    Yes, I want to eat better.
    Yes, I want to be stronger and healthier so I am going to exercise.

  • msrjmcp
    msrjmcp Posts: 14
    "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 "

    It sounds to me like you need to reread your signature here! You need to stay strong and find a way to make time for you. I started my lifestyle change approximately 5 weeks ago. The hardest part for me has been the diet. It seems that I never feel full even after I had a 650 calorie meal. I struggle with never feeling satisfied after eating, but I just try to remember what I am working toward and distract my self with something to take my mind off of it. Don't let this set back discourage you. Instead let it motivate you to get back on course. There is nothing wrong with a setback, we are all human. Find your inner strength and use it to help you through this rough time. YOU CAN DO IT! Believe in yourself and you will become the you you want to be! Good luck and hang in there.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I have total faith you'll get back on track. You've done so well so far! Just remember- it's all in your head. Flip the swithc in your mind and you can get right back on track. :flowerforyou:
  • caesarslaw
    I'd recommend eating some apples and some tuna (just a can nothing added no bread). Apples will keep you full and the tuna will give you the protein. For around 2 apples and a tuna can you would only have 100 calories and you should ride out the day. Goodluck!
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    if i ever do something like this, what i like to do is put in about 45 minutes on the treadmill and really push myself and then have a small dinner afterwards.
  • vmilam03
    vmilam03 Posts: 49 Member
    I just want to thank everyone tremendously for all of your encouraging words and advice!

    It really helps to know that I am not the only one out there that takes a few steps back every once in a while and you know what, this is not going to defeat me!

    Time to get back on board! My elliptical is calling my name tonight! And a very light dinner! And since we live a couple blocks from our church and it is a beautiful day, we will be walking tonight!

    Thanks again everyone! Tomorrow is going to be a much better day!!!!!
  • heatherlfulton
    heatherlfulton Posts: 37 Member
    If you enjoy them, asparagus and spaghetti squash are tasty and great fillers. You can eat lots of them and only have a few calories.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    What about having at least an egg for your meal and water. Maybe try to get some more excersize in so you can have more calories too. You must be doing a lot of things right though with the weight you have lost! :)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Please don't beat yourself up. We all have days when we go over our calories, and we all have days when we're so stressed we want to rip our hair out. Tomorrow is a new day.

    If you have the chance, get some exercise. The more calories you burn today, the less you'll be over your daily target. If you can't find the time to exercise, I'd recommend stealing away for a few minutes to take a few deep breaths.

    As for food, I'd have some veggies and a salad. Any carbs should have a higher fiber content--my favorite is barley.

    Good luck--I'm sure you can do this and get back on track tomorrow. :)
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    One fast food meal can blow your entire days eating schedule and why 95% of the time i only eat at HOME. I know occasionally I'm going to go over but i PLAN for it and adjust following days to be short to compensate. You have to count, be disciplined and really want to reach your goal. I've ate around 1300 calories today out of my 1700 goal and I'm not hungry and i have a physically demanding job. When you go over there is no turning back just move ahead and get on with your goal.