Baby Bump...minus the fetus :)

MarandaRae Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Everyone!
I just joined yesterday and love it so far. Yes, I am sore from jogging for the first time in 2 years and my stomach won't stop grawling, but I am excited for this change in my life.

My daughter just turned one March 1st, and I realized I can no longer blame my weight gain on "just having a baby". I used to be 110-115 and now I am in the 130's...have yet to weigh myself, but plan to on Friday at the doctors. I would love to friend other mom's going through the same thing as well, hopefully we can motivate eachother :)

Please post if you have any suggestions or tips for me, that will help me stick to this 1200 calorie plan and working out deal! I have never had to worry about anything I ate and only worked out to relieve stress...soooo this is all a little challenging for me!

Thanks all :)


  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    The 1200 calories is only if you don't work out... As soon as you add your exercise into MFP you get more calories! So don't worry about starving :smile:
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Welcome! I have been here 3 weeks and love it.
    One tip I can share: log all your foods into your food diary first thing in the morning. This way, you can see where you are. Sometimes I take a ton of food to work and play around with the food diary to see what snacks fit best for me that day, depending on what is for lunch and dinner. I may have grapes instead of carrots because something in my lunch or dinner is high in sugar, I need extra protein so I will have tuna instead of just a salad, etc. I hope this helps!!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I just joined yesterday and love it so far. Yes, I am sore from jogging for the first time in 2 years and my stomach won't stop grawling, but I am excited for this change in my life.

    My daughter just turned one March 1st, and I realized I can no longer blame my weight gain on "just having a baby". I used to be 110-115 and now I am in the 130's...have yet to weigh myself, but plan to on Friday at the doctors. I would love to friend other mom's going through the same thing as well, hopefully we can motivate eachother :)

    Please post if you have any suggestions or tips for me, that will help me stick to this 1200 calorie plan and working out deal! I have never had to worry about anything I ate and only worked out to relieve stress...soooo this is all a little challenging for me!

    Thanks all :)

    My daughter's Bday is March 1st too, except she turned 2 this year :smile:
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Welcome! I have been here 3 weeks and love it.
    One tip I can share: log all your foods into your food diary first thing in the morning. This way, you can see where you are. Sometimes I take a ton of food to work and play around with the food diary to see what snacks fit best for me that day, depending on what is for lunch and dinner. I may have grapes instead of carrots because something in my lunch or dinner is high in sugar, I need extra protein so I will have tuna instead of just a salad, etc. I hope this helps!!

    That's some really good advice right there.

    One thing that always helps is snacking. I eat about 4-5 baby carrots an hour. It really helps curb the hunger so controlling your portions is easy. Just make sure you snacks are not high in calories. They just need to barely take the edge off.

    Good luck to you! If you need more advice or motivation, don't be afraid to add me.
  • bmmiller4
    bmmiller4 Posts: 39
    You mean I can't blame my belly on my baby boy???? Well, I guess he is 4 1/2 now. :)

    I agree with a previous poster, I do much better sticking to my calorie goal/limit if I log it all in the morning. Also lets me know early in the day if I need to spend some extra time on the treadmill that day to make up for the dinner choice for that night.

    I have been on here around a month and have lost a little over 5 pounds...mind you I am not the type to deny myself something so there have been plenty of day that I have gone over my calories but not as bad as I would have if I wasn't logging my food. It is a great site with some great people. You will be amazed at how easy it actually is once you get started.

    If you want some extra motivation, feel free to add me as a friend...I do my best to be a great cheerleader for others.
  • MrGoodThings
    MrGoodThings Posts: 8 Member
    Read this tantalizing post on delicious SIDE SALADS ( ).

    Congrats on ur baby!
  • evseqvar
    evseqvar Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there feel free to add me!
    I'm a new mom again, so really trying hard to loose this baby belly also!
    Let's share some tips! :smile:
  • I'm working on the baby bump too and my daughter turned one a few weeks ago as well. It's hard! I had 25-30 to lose when I started in November of last year so luckily you only have 15-20 to lose. I also like you- NEVER had to worry about what I ate, always have been super skinny so this dieting stuff was all new but you will get used to it. ( I gained a ton of weight when I was pregnant) Fitting back into the preprego skinny jeans is a goal for many of us I'm sure =) Before I started tracking my food on here I just started exercising regularly and cut back on meal portions and that alone started my weight loss. 1200 calories is so hard to stick to (I have some days where I don't get in my exercise and so that's all I can eat) and those days are the worst. 1500 calories is pretty easy to stick to so just try to get a good workout in somewhere... I also really really cut back on eating out. That helped as well. Good luck and have fun!
  • itsgracia
    itsgracia Posts: 35
    Hi! I am also a mom and my little one turned 1 on April 7th. I have an older son that is going to be 4. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hello!! So excited to meet another mommy! Exact situation, except times 2. I have a 1 soon to be 2 year old and a 7 month old. I have basically been pregnant for 2 years and am ready to get my body back. My ULTIMATE goal is 145; I am now at 170. I am trying to take it 10 pounds at a time. I will definitely try to motivate you and please do the same..its so hard!! i started this site months ago but today is my true day 1.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hi there feel free to add me!
    I'm a new mom again, so really trying hard to loose this baby belly also!
    Let's share some tips! :smile:

    Will add you as well..mommies joining forces, lol!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hello!! So excited to meet another mommy! Exact situation, except times 2. I have a 1 soon to be 2 year old and a 7 month old. I have basically been pregnant for 2 years and am ready to get my body back. My ULTIMATE goal is 145; I am now at 170. I am trying to take it 10 pounds at a time. I will definitely try to motivate you and please do the same..its so hard!! i started this site months ago but today is my true day 1.

    Will add you as well..mommies joining forces, lol!
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    Feel free to friend me. I have a 4 year old and an 8 month old. I have been able to lose the weight from my second pregnancy but would like to get down to me original weight (about 150) so I am about half way there.
  • Mandam1018
    Mandam1018 Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me! Mom of a 3 1/2 year old and a 6-month old. I am ready to get out of the maternity clothes and rid of this baby belly! :wink:
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