I am sorta new...

My profile says I joined about two years ago but I really didn't start the whole weight losing thing until last week! So far so good after my first week I had lost 3 pounds (water weight or just weight) whatever it is I am happy! I am willing to recieve encouragement at anytime so feel free to add me :tongue:


  • Beefyg
    Beefyg Posts: 27
    Welcome! This site has been really motivating for me. Keep up the good work!
  • afatkidscake
    Thank You!
  • Kolene_Kaffeen
    Kolene_Kaffeen Posts: 20 Member
    Hello and welcome! I new here 2. I 2 am willing 2 accept encouragement at anytime...:flowerforyou:
  • BeastieGirl
    Welcome and I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do, I'm really motivated and happy to share tips and chat. Feel free to add me:smile:

  • polkataniec
    polkataniec Posts: 102
    Welcome! I'm sure you will like it.I love it! and good luck:)
  • christadoud
    christadoud Posts: 41 Member
    I am sort of new too- I tried this last year, but it did not stick with me. This time, I appear to be much more motivated!! Sending friend request - lots of great people here and I have learned so much just by reading posts! :))) Good luck to you
  • carol2710
    carol2710 Posts: 13
    Hi i too am relatively new and finding things bit difficult at mo as im taking medication thats makes me gain wieght so need all the friends i can get to keep me motivated. Everyone is so friendly and not judgemental. feel free to add me and good luck : )