What do you do after a bad day?



  • wnt2bbggr
    wnt2bbggr Posts: 9 Member
    we all have had them....a bad day every once in a while won't hurt, but if it's a bad day after day after day then it's a problem.......just go back to your diet plan the next day and things will be fine :happy:
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    So many people focus in on today-today-today, but you are living a healthy lifestyle now.

    If you NEVER took a day off (or at least a meal) your body wouldn't know what to do when you eventually slipped up.

    Enjoy your night with your friends, then step right back into the health new you.

    Keep it up!

  • Don't beat yourself up! Either get out and walk some of it off or...................................................go to sleep and start anew the next day. One day will not destroy what you are trying to do. Good luck!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    It actually sounds like a good day to me. You had fun with your friends and allowed yourself to do what you wanted. Tomorrow, hopefully you will want to eat healthier and work out, but that is just a different kind of good day.

    This! (plus water)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    yeah, we all have them, sometimes I have more than just a day...but don't let it get you down. I still log my food, all the bad ones, too and just move on. One day is not going to hurt you as long as you get your head back into the game the next day! (Plus cheat days are fun to have...sometimes..)
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I would say just do as you normally would tomorrow.

    I try to plan my days so I don't have a "bad" one as you put it. I try and plan ahead. Next time you have to eat out, instead of Mikcey D's, eat at Subway and get a wrap or eat at Taco Bella and get a couple of Fresca Chicken Soft tacos. That is one of the lowest calorie "fast foods".

    When I eat out I now I normally go to Taco Bell and get 3 regular chicken soft tacos.... the calorie count equals less than one quarter pounder with everything at McDonald's.

    Sometimes you can't ignore the necessity of eating out, but you can choose better options.
  • Jerri68
    Jerri68 Posts: 14
    I had a bad day a couple of weeks ago, went out and ate greasy ribs with the trimmings. Besides being miserable after eating and putting all that junk back in my body after eating right for over a month, but the next day I had the worst "hangover" feeling in the world. If I didnt know better, I would have thought I got smashed the night before. Needless to say, I was happy to get back on the healthy wagon the next day and eat right. It didnt hurt me any on the scales, but I will surely remember how getting off feels the next time I think I want to splurge.
  • tdjones00
    tdjones00 Posts: 68
    I think that your plan is good for you. You realized not that you messed up, but that ate something that isn't the healthiest or best thing for you. Working out extra to burn those calories may help you remember that the next time you eat something that isn't great for your body how much harder that you will have to work.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I don't consider any of my days bad. If I happen to have an increased calorie intake for a day or three, then once I'm done, I go right back to my usual. Not a big deal.
  • I hit the gym and act like i'm mad at it....I go as hard as i can until i am completely exhausted.....and I really really try to give up the stuff that I know is going to cost way too many calories. I am a budgeter at heart, my finances are budgeted out a year in advance.....So i look at the calories the same way...I try to earn before I spend....That way I'm not in debt which = a gain. :o)
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I've put my diary on password now because people keep making remarks. Getting sick of it now.

    I was 800 under on Monday, and 800 over Tuesday. All of a sudden there are loads of comments like OMG. As long as I'm not over at the end of the week, I can't say I'm arsed.

    OMG YOU HAD A CHOCOLATE BAR. - Yes, I did. This isn't a ****ing diet, I haven't stopped eating chocolate for ever.
    OMG YOU WERE SO OVER ON SODIUM! - Er, on one day. Oneee day.

    If I have a bad day or go over, I don't want to feel harassed. I used to wonder why people had private diaries, now I guess I know.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I've put my diary on password now because people keep making remarks. Getting sick of it now.

    I was 800 under on Monday, and 800 over Tuesday. All of a sudden there are loads of comments like OMG. As long as I'm not over at the end of the week, I can't say I'm arsed.

    OMG YOU HAD A CHOCOLATE BAR. - Yes, I did. This isn't a ****ing diet, I haven't stopped eating chocolate for ever.
    OMG YOU WERE SO OVER ON SODIUM! - Er, on one day. Oneee day.

    If I have a bad day or go over, I don't want to feel harassed. I used to wonder why people had private diaries, now I guess I know.

    I'm not sure who you have as friends on here, but I never have that problem with the people I've surrounded myself with. We all realize that we are not perfect and we all slip up here and there. No big deal. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you have as friends...
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    Eh!!.. A bad day?? What is really a bad day.. This isn't a regimented system that if you don't follow it you lose points or money.. Don't beat yourself up if you have a 'bad day'.. It happens to us all, just wake up the next day (you'll probably be feeling it in your stomach anyway) and just get back on track the next day...

    Don't let it bug you, there's more things going on in the world that are worse than a good day out with friends :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I've put my diary on password now because people keep making remarks. Getting sick of it now.

    I was 800 under on Monday, and 800 over Tuesday. All of a sudden there are loads of comments like OMG. As long as I'm not over at the end of the week, I can't say I'm arsed.

    OMG YOU HAD A CHOCOLATE BAR. - Yes, I did. This isn't a ****ing diet, I haven't stopped eating chocolate for ever.
    OMG YOU WERE SO OVER ON SODIUM! - Er, on one day. Oneee day.

    If I have a bad day or go over, I don't want to feel harassed. I used to wonder why people had private diaries, now I guess I know.

    I'm not sure who you have as friends on here, but I never have that problem with the people I've surrounded myself with. We all realize that we are not perfect and we all slip up here and there. No big deal. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you have as friends...

    Amen to that! I keep hearing about these people who harrass their friends about what's in their diary. I don't get that, how is that supportive? Not cool, not cool at all!

    We all have bad days. I do NOT beat myself up over it and I wouldn't do that to anyone else - none of us are perfect! As a side note, I do like a treat @ the end of the day - maybe not every day but most days. I just try to plan for them and try to keep them somewhat healthy. LOL

    But when i've been REALLY bad, I mean SUPER BAD and ate a ton of popcorn, candy, In & Out (YUM!!!) or whatever - I just try to drink a TON of water the next day and get back on that horse and keep it moving!

    No need to dwell on the past, just learn from your missteps and keep it movin'!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    When I have a bad day, I just start over the next day and try to be really mindful of healthier choices. If I dwell on the bad day then I am more likely to get down in the dumps and have another bad day because I will look to food to comfort the feeling of failure, which leads to more feelings of failure. The best way to look at it for me is to just say the bad day is over and there will be a better day tomorrow. It all averages out. Don't stop doing the things you enjoy just because of a lifestyle change. The point is to be sure you aren't doing them EVERY single day anymore, not to deprive yourself entirely.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I might exercise extra hard the next day, but still eat most, if not all, of the exercise calories.

    The one thing I would definitely do is to increase the water intake. 16 glasses, for sure! Gotta flush the sodium :drinker: Otherwise, don't dwell on it and get right back on track.

  • I agree with everybody and I personally try and be lighthearted about it instead of get down on myself... I try to tell myself "well that was an unexpected cheat day!" I move on and keep doing my usual routine tomorrow, don't punish yourself you deserve a splurge every now and then :)
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    Don't punish yourself and don't starve eat well back on track! You can do this, now if I can take my own advice...
  • MoonlightMerlot
    MoonlightMerlot Posts: 21 Member
    It's okay to enjoy life and have a treat day once in a while! Don't turn those occasions into something that you have to atone for with a grueling workout the next day. As others have said, chug lots of water and get back on track tomorrow. :)
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