Struggling and I just started!

I am having a really hard time and I haven't been on here for very long! The FH (future husband) is trying to be supportive, but he still thinks that I am supposed to eat as much if not more than he does. Such phrases as "Is that going to be enough for you?" are not helping. I'm completely lagging in the exercise department as well. I'm really trying not to get too down about this because I don't want to backslide into an eating binge. ARG!


  • SarahMA
    SarahMA Posts: 22
    Hang in there and keep telling yourself that you can do it! Transformation doesn't happen overnight and it won’t happen in the future if you don't take hold of it today. Just commit to making your life better, making yourself stronger and achieving all that you want.

    Little steps add up to huge return and in no time you'll be amazed by what you can do if you just stick with it! GO GIRL - ROCK IT OUT!
  • I just dealt with this this morning, my boyfriend is going a different route in fitness and he saw my breakfast this morning and tried to tell me it wasn't enough. I showed him my log, and told him I'm not exercising yet so that's why it seems small. Just be open with your man, and show him the calorie count. Numbers don't lie. :)
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    Tell the FH that men should eat a whole lot more than women =)
    Good luck, try not to get discouraged. I know the first few weeks of doing this were harder than it is now. It takes getting used to, and it takes awhile to find foods that are low calorie. For exercise you can try Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (they have it at walmart), it's only 25 minutes of working out so it's great for those days when you can't get motivated! You can do this!!!!! :smile:
  • emilex
    emilex Posts: 95 Member
    I am sorry you are having trouble :( Have you talked to your FH about how important this is to you? Maybe it would help to show him your page and your diary....sometimes it's hard for people to see how things add up until you look at that journal with those numbers...maybe that would help him understand? It also might be a good idea to tell you FH exactly what you need from him. Often times, SO's just don't know they are doing/saying the wrong thing and if they did, they would want to change! So I would sit down with him and have a heart to heart. Tell him what he can do and say to support you in your journal. Show him your page and your diary so he understands what you are doing! I hope that helps and good luck to you!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    It is true, men need more calories/food than women, and even if they didn't due to sex differences, think of the size difference. Just educate him a little at a time. I actually caught my DH reading labels last week and worrying about sugar (I have been with MFP about 11 months and he is f inally catching on).
  • karla1083
    karla1083 Posts: 19
    You are not alone, my boyfriend does the same to me, I don't listen to him. I eat my healthy proportioned meals and he eats his junk food. Just stay focus and don't give in, you can do it! The first couple of weeks are never easy....that is when your will power kicks in! Good Luck!!
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    my wife was like that when i joined this site and started dieting. i stuck to the regime and lost a load of weight while she continued to blossom! Now she has joined here and is exercising and dieting in competition with me!--she said to me this morning that ' this is the first time i had been right about anything'(i wish i could have it in writing!!) -you keep the faith and rise above it!
  • Linda4859
    Linda4859 Posts: 78
    I am having a really hard time and I haven't been on here for very long! The FH (future husband) is trying to be supportive, but he still thinks that I am supposed to eat as much if not more than he does. Such phrases as "Is that going to be enough for you?" are not helping. I'm completely lagging in the exercise department as well. I'm really trying not to get too down about this because I don't want to backslide into an eating binge. ARG!

    Hi huney, you are not alone, we all struggle at the beginning, if its not the calorie intake then its the exercising. First of all, work out what it is that you want to acheive. Weightloss - fitness and weightloss, healthier eating. Second work out who or what you are doing it for You- your family and you - or medical reasons.
    Draw yourself a plan of what you like to eat and then take a look at the calorific value of those foods, there is a chance that some of the foods are not suitable so try and find an alternative. Plan your meals on a weekly basis this will help you to stop grabbing the first thing that you see.
    You are the one in control of this, yes its great if you have the support but if you havent find your own strength and stick with it.
    We are all on here for the same reasons and everyone is so supportive.
    Good luck with your journey.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.

  • I completely understand how you feel bc my husband does the same thing! If you can make it through the first week it will get much better!! The thing I love is that you have net calories which motivates you to exercise! If I eat over or know I am going to eat a big dinner out I will make sure I exercise and sometimes even twice a day depending on my calorie intake(for short periods, bc I am NOT a person who loves to exercise!). You can do it!! Once you get a few lbs off, that will give you the boost you need!
  • Mynewyearsvow
    Mynewyearsvow Posts: 7 Member
    I understand too! That's what you have awesome sisters for. The 30 day shred is on demand, do it's free for the level one. I had the dvd, but it's scratched up. Maybe when you come down next weekend we can exercise together.
  • nrin04
    nrin04 Posts: 15
    I know how you feel, I've always struggled with food...especially when my boyfriend eat chili cheese fries in front of me doesn't help either. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and advice. Best of luck.....!!!!!
  • I understand completly, I hear that a lot as well. It's usually followed by I picked up your favorite dessert honey would you like some? My biggest thing as you can see is remembering to login and track my food. We can do this girl! It's time to start saying no even though it's really tempting :) Keep up the good work though!!
  • Thank you all so much for your kind words! I've been on a weight loss plan since the beginning of the year and have managed to slowly lose 10 pounds. I haven't gained them back (hooray!) and am just in a funk that the weight isn't coming off faster. It's good to know that everyone has these issues and that I am not alone. I will sit down with FH again and remind him of my goals. Maybe I'll put Post-it notes up with stuff written on them so we don't forget!
  • itsgracia
    itsgracia Posts: 35
    Hang in there. We are here to support you. You can do it!