Anyone chaining their lifestyle to get pregnant?

qbanyta Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband and I are trying to get pregnant... But the Doc's say for us to lose weight (we are in the process of doing so)... Anyone have any advise? Any tips? Any success stories? I would love to hear about it...


  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I'm not in exactly the same situation, but I am working to lose all of my weight from my previous pregnancy before I get pregnant again. I feel a little silly working so hard to lose weight just to get pregnant and gain again, but part of it is establishing healthy habits so that I can gain less weight with my next pregnancy and hopefully lose the weight more quickly afterward.
  • First off, I'd like to wish you good luck. My husband and I have also been trying to get pregnant but My weight, PCOS and High blood pressure have all been an issue for us so Hopefully Losing the weight will fix the baby makers so to speak and We'll finally have some success.
    Secondly, Always remember that it is worth the work you have to do to be able to have a child. Don't get down if it seems slow or difficult. Come on here and there will be plenty of helping hands right here waiting for you.
  • Hi there! Going through the exact same thing right now... doctors said I have to lose weight. Have lost around 30 lbs so far. I might be pregnant now but I want to wait a little before taking the test as I've been disappointed before. Hang in there it will eventually happen! If you ever want to talk about it I'm here for ya! I find it funny that the people who want and deserve a baby sooo much are the ones who have to jump through hoops to get one. My thoughts are with you and fingers crossed
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    My sis is on here (Cudybug) and she lost like 50 lbs (her wieght from her other 2 pregnancies. She was doing this because she wanted to thin down before she got preggers again. Alot of people told her she was crazy to loss the weight and look so good just to get pregnant again. BUT once she lost the weight it didnt take her long to get pregnant (i am not sure if they were really trying when she was a bit heavier), either way she is pregnant now i think about 7 or 8 weeks... and as healthy as ever :)

    FRIEND HER :tongue:
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    Yes! Congratulations to you two on this journey. My husband and I are big family people and we would die happy people if we had children of our own. I started this MFP site a looooong time ago but never stuck to it. I started again right after our wedding when I was my heaviest of 326lbs. I'm down to 310 now and going strong.

    The best advice I can give you is 1. make friends here-they will be the best support you can get because they relate. 2. include your husband. even if he doesn't need to lose weight, his support and your bond will go stronger as the days go on. PLUS-you'll both be in shape to keep up with baby when he/she arrives! and 3. Use the pregnancy as your motivator, but not your only motive. While it's a huge reason, it's probably not the only reason. It can get stressful and you can feel like less of a woman if that is all you concentrate on. I try to focus more on learning my body and getting healthy. And then I throw in a little "oooooh and my cycle is becoming more regular!" as a bonus.

    I hope you take this advice and use it well. I wish you the best of luck! baby dust to alll!!!!!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am not losing to get pregnant as such, but it is something my OH and I considering in the not to distant future.

    My aim was to shift some weight, have a healthy relationship with food and learn to truly love myself before trying for a baby!
  • Renise01
    Renise01 Posts: 39 Member
    We're not trying to get pregnant any time soon but I am trying to get healthy and in shape before we decide to get pregnant because I want to be healthy and in great shape BEFORE I gain my pregnancy weight. Hoping that this will help me get back to a healthy weight after the pregnancy! So good luck to you and the other couples on here working it out together!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I joined MFP last april and just followed the formula. Ate less calories than I burned. I lost about 50 lbs and ended up pregnant (was not ttc but its a blessing for us).

    I would work out 5-6 days a week (some days were light but at least 3 of the days were hard - lots of running). I just set my calories up to lose 1lb a week. I didnt really monitor sugar/carbs/fat. I was watching my fiber due to bowel issues. I also started switching up my food choices, going for more fresh options (fruit/veggies) and simple dinner ideas (1 meat with a light sauce and a veggie). I only drank water.

    that is just what worked for me though! Good luck!
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I'm not pregnant, nor have i been.
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and are planning on getting married... I have never had sex actually but I know ... that I want a family with him... he really wants to have a baby with me and eventually its going to come up
    I worked in a larger lady clothing store for a while and a lot of the women that would come in would tell heartbreaking stories of not being able to have kids and that scares me to death.
    Partly my real motive for wanting to lose weight is so that down the road we can have children. I know that it goes both ways too skinny or too fat it has really horrible effects on your reproductive organs.

    I wish you luck... and though its not a right away thing for me .. i'm not actively trying to get pregnant yet, I am in a sense doing this to get pregnant later. I wish you so much luck... I hope it happens for you guys... consult the doctor about what else you can do and be sure you take folic acid ... its a good thing to have in you pre pregnancy, during and after... :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • qbanyto
    qbanyto Posts: 18 Member
    one way to help is to have fun. have crazy wild sex! anal! *kitten*! u name it! the more fun you have to better!
  • My biggest motivator for weight loss is baby hopes! My husband and I have actively been trying to conceive for 2 years, and were casually "seeing what happens" for the three years before that. I did manage to get pregnant 11 months ago, but miscarried in my first trimester, likely because of my PCOS. Hoping this weight loss will kickstart something again soon!
  • qbanyta
    qbanyta Posts: 9
    Thank you all your responses!! I wish the best of luck to those who are trying and those who will be trying later on :)
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