I hit plateau and I am MAAAD!!



  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Gotta eat a lot of healthy snacks between meals, or protein shakes. That'll keep your metabolism boosted and help you meet calories!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    How long have you been at this plateau?
  • mamma3monkeys
    can I offer some helpful criticism? You are eating a lot of processed foods and your sodium intake is super high. If you eat more fruit and vegetables and go for more complex carbohydrates and lean proteins (I know that switching from beef to turkey is a wonderful start) like egg white, turkey and chicken breasts, leaner fish - to be honest, it doesn't seem like you are eating enough nutrient dense things. And the sodium is can cause you to retain a LOT of extra water that isn't helpful to losing weight. Try going for more fresh things and if you go for frozen and canned - look for less sodium (no added salt, etc). Perhaps that will help?
  • mamma3monkeys
    phew~ a ton of replies since I saw your post! lol!

    okay, eat more fresh fruits and vegs and don't use the salt shaker when you do if you can help it. Try making things from scratch - and if you add up all the ingredients and then figure out how many servings you have made - you will be able to figure out things like the sodium. If not, just make recipes that you know have the nutritional facts listed.

    I empathize with you because I felt the same way all my life - like I didn't know how to eat healthy. It's taken me a LONG time to learn and I'm still learning - it's never ending. Learn about serving sizes using the new serving size thing from the FDA - it lists actual amounts like 1/2 Cup, etc. So get used to measuring your food and weighing your protein.

    Also sodium, a healthy amount is under 2,000. The FDA's recommended amount is actually too high as people should be reaching for more like 1,000-1,500 but it's not easy. The more fresh fruits, vegs, and proteins without salt or broth or solution added will help since it will be natural sodium (healthy and important!). HTH.... Just keep learning, you can do it.
  • rgreenwood03
    Maybe you're actually in better "shape" than you think! If you are mainly doing cardio for your workouts, you may need to up the intensity a little bit. If you're walking outside , you can add a couple of handweights to add a little intensity. Change your pace. Use a stop watch and go fast for two minutes, then back to your regular pace for two minutes. The idea is to get your heart rate up! Try to say a whole sentence during the intense part of your workout - if you can get it all out, you're not working at your ideal rate. And definetly add some strength training, and build some lean muscle. Muscle mass will increase your metabolism! You'll definetly be hungrier if you do this, so maybe you can reach the MFP calorie goal!
    Keep it up, you CAN do this! Don't get discouraged. If you really aren't feeling well, have no appetite or are getting sick, see your doc. Maybe there is a medical reason you aren't losing and don't feel good!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    You asked how to make yourself eat when you're not hungry. Try things that are good for you that are calorie loaded. Like a 1/4 cup of almonds, a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, a glass of milk. These things have a lot of calories for a small amount...and are healthy! If you need loads of calories, but are not hungry...these are great ways to get those calories.

    You need to think about why you are doing this. Yes, we all want to lose weight and that is a big reason why we're doing this. But losing weight also means being healthy. Isn't being healhty important too? Most of the time, processed foods...and sodium...are not really that "healthy". I'm not saying I don't eat them at all...just try to limit them more. You don't have to guess if you're not eating processed foods. Buy a scale...you can buy ones that aren't that expensive that do the trick. Grab measuring cups. Sure it's an extra step...but it's really not that hard. And it helps you control your portion sizes. All in turn...will help you get healthier...and lose weight! :)

    Again, you can do it.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    WOW!! I have learned tons!! Don't get discouraged we're all in this together!! We' are all here for each other and man, what an awesome family!