Has anybody tried this ??

I was looking at the 7 Day Detox Diet Pills and wondering if anybody has tried them and if anybody could tell me if they were good/bad/so-so?

I only have 5 pounds to go and was hoping this could give me that extra little boost! ?

So anybody have any advice?


  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Forget it. Forget 7 Day Detox Diet Pills or any other pills!! Slow but steady will win the race. Your liver and body does all your detoxing for you - just another fad and money burning exercise! Eat real food and walk real miles!! All the best:blushing:
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Don't do it!! Try shakeology, that us how I got past my plateu. I did the shakeology 3 day cleanse. It's not a true cleanse vis u get to eat but its a high nutrient calorie restricted process that allows you to eat but it has to be clean. Message me and ill give u the details:)
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    As a rule, I stay away from any kind of pill as much as possible (excluding my daily vitamin). I would especially stay away from any pill labeled "diet" in anyway. I'm pretty sure that those are still not governed by the FDA, so you really have no idea or guarantee of what you are putting in your body. Plus, I'm sure this pill has a ton of caffeine in it like most diet pills do. Caffeine is a diuretic which will make it had to stay hydrated and could end up damaging your kidneys, liver and heart...especially if you are exercising.

    P.S. I know the FDA has some issues, but I'd rather have something that passed their approval process than have something that has only met the profit making company's approval process.
  • Pande
    Pande Posts: 33
    Don't detox with pills.

    Detox with teas, with water, with juicing, or with just eating nothing but raw food.

    There are detox teas that can help.

    Some people just eat nothing and only drink lots and lots of water and it cleans out their system [though I would talk to a doctor before trying this.] This detox is hard core since you wont be taking in any calories and your body will be getting rid of some pretty nasty things. This detox can get you feeling really sick for the first few days from all the toxins your body releases.

    Then there is juicing. Similar to the water only detox but you will be getting calories and nutrients. Juicing is different from smoothies. Juicing separated the nutrients from the fibers of plants.

    The idea of only drinking liquids only detoxes is the that it gives your digestive track a break from breaking down whole foods. Your body uses a LOT of energy toward digesting. By not eating whole foods your body can use less energy on digestion and more toward healing and detoxifying. Again I would see a doctor first and this kind of detox should only be done once a year maybe.

    And then the idea of only eating raw foods means you aren't eating any processed foods, so you are getting maximum nutrition and the plant fibers will clean your digestion.

    Again I'm no doctor, you should speak to someone who has more knowledge and you should research certain kinds of detox and figure out what one is right for you.