The 100 calorie snacks and such

Hey everyone,

I was wondering do you think it is best to avoid these cookies/brownies/pretzels whatever in the 100 calorie packs? Do you think it is all bad stuff that even if counted in calorie intake could be bad? Because I have been doing 1200 calories + work out calories a day and including several different snacks between my 250-300 calorie "meals". But I want to make sure I am not tricking myself.
I have lots of stuff like south beach protein bars, 100 calorie brownie bites, murray sugar free cookies, jello mousse, smart ones deserts, vitatop chocolate muffins etc.
I LOVE sweets so I had to get these replacements for my usuals. If I am tricking myself into thinking they are okay for me I would rather just not have it at all then I guess. Any thoughts?

I would love to hear from someone who is further along in their healthy lifestyle than me. I am only at about a month!


  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with them, except that you don't get much bang for your calorie buck. You could pick other things for the same calories and it is more quantity and you will feel fuller for longer.
  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    Personally I love them. I keep boxes of the chips a hoy and oreos at all times. I'm a muncher especially when i'm doing homework or late at night. I'm hardly every home so cold stuff-like fruit -is hard to keep with me. I've learned to savor them and not just eat them mindlessly. They take care of my sweet tooth and keep me from grabbing something really bad when I need to munch.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    The main problem is they are empty calories. Maybe try to limit them to one or two a day. I eat a piece of chocolate every day as my treat, and it keeps my craving down. I'd rather eat one Lindor Truffle for my 70 calories, and leave the extra 30 for veggies.
  • tappytaptap
    I think of them as transition foods, they made it easier to cut out things like sweets and chips because I had a replacement and they are portion controlled to prevent me from eating too much. Someday I will probably stop eating them but in the meantime its better then "real" junk food.
  • JinnJinn
    JinnJinn Posts: 21
    I like them. I have to make sure they're not the only snack I'm getting though. If I eat them for every snack... my weight lose gets slower. I try for 1 a day then have some fruit or nuts or raw veggies for my other snacks. I guess its true when they say "EVERYTHING in moderation". Even 100cal snack paks. lol!:tongue:
  • Tammysueless
    The main problem is they are empty calories. Maybe try to limit them to one or two a day. I eat a piece of chocolate every day as my treat, and it keeps my craving down. I'd rather eat one Lindor Truffle for my 70 calories, and leave the extra 30 for veggies.
    Ihear ya on the chocolate!! I have 5 dark chocolate m&m's to end my day when i'm under my calories! :bigsmile:
  • Pande
    Pande Posts: 33
    Who said snacks had to be pretzels or cookies? You can be satisfied with so much more and they'll be more nutritious.

    Apples have 80ish calories
    Some cereals are under 100 calories
    3 large carrots are around 90 calories
    1 cup blueberries are around 85 calories.
    1 cup of raw broccoli with a little dip is under 95 calories
    13 whole almonds are 90 calories
    A handful [3 tbsp] of dried cherries is around 75 calories.
    2 kiwis is 95 calories
    8 oz of low-fat Vegetable soup is 90 calories [at panera bread with no pesto, and prolly canned soups too
    8oz of low-fat Black Bean is 110 calories [at panera]
    You can have A whole big salad including greens, romaine, tomatoe, cucumber, onions for 30 calories, maybe some reduced sugar balsamic [60 calories per 2 oz].
    1/2 cup of granola for around 80 calories
    2 small baked sweet potatoes for about 100 calories
    2 cups watermellon for 90 calories

    Most fresh fruits and veggies are under 100 calories and usually with many of them you can combine several together and still be under 100 calories.
    I think a cup of soup or a whole big salad for 100 calories is more satisfying than a little 100 calorie pack of cookies
  • mlwestlake
    mlwestlake Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with everyone. I use them as a special treat and dont feel guilty when I do. If i could not eat yummie treats, I may feel deprived or like i'm not having fun.
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    thank you all for taking time to respond! Yea I do eat apples, kiwis, oranges, broccolli, carrots, humus etc for snacks too but I really meant "desert" lol. I do wish I didn't crave it but I do no matter what! I guess my once a day 100 cal stuff is okay as long as I don't only eat that lol.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I sometimes use those as a "dessert" as well, I'd say 100 calorie pack of brownie bites is better than a 300 calorie brownie, wouldn't you? When you're craving a brownie, you want a brownie! Not a piece of fruit! ;)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    They are good if you are craving that. Also fat free or sugar free pudding or jello cups with some fat free whipped cream usually is what I do for desert. The only problem I have with the 100 cal packs is that they are usually pricier than just a big bag. If you can, I find that it is better for my budget to buy a bigger package and separate it into small portions myself.
  • runnerduc
    If it's chocolate that you're craving, take a magnesium tablet every day, in a week or two you'll be turning your nose up at chocolate. Used to be I couldn't walk past chocolate in the supermarket, now I can't be bothered with it. This really does work!!!!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    They worked for me at the beginning of my journey. Helped with the transition into fewer calories without deprivation. Now I havea stragglers from that time that just sit around taking up space. As time passed I wanted to get away from the processed sugar and carbs and totally empty calories that they were. Now I tend to snack on unsalted almonds, roasted edamame, carrots, plantain chips, PB2, whole grain bread, etc.

    Every time I consider eating one, I just read the back of the pack and toss it back in the drawer. Though, I never did eat any of the artificially sweetened snacks like the Jello cups and stuff. I can't stand the sticky and nasty aftertaste of artificial sweeteners.
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    I cannot eat those as snacks because the sweet stuff never actually satisfies. It just leaves me hungry shortly thereafter and craving more sweets. I find that low glycemic index snacks are much better nutritionally and for keeping me full and satisfied.
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    What kind of low glycemic snacks do you eat? I am looking for ideas too :)

    Also @runnerduc I am going to try that!! I never knew that taking magnesium would help this craving, but I do have a terrible terrible chocolate craving.

    @wolfchild - I hope I can get to the point where I never crave this stuff because I know how unhealthy it is but for now I guess its just a transition phase. What is PB2? The thing that kills me is that EVERYTHING has sugar. Every single thing I pick up...and thats what I worry about with all these snacks too. I usually drink black coffee, water and one crystal light pack mixed in water per day. How do you feel about stevia? I use to use truvia to sweeten my smoothies and such. I don't do my smoothies anymore because of the calories...maybe if I do smoothies instead of 100 calorie snacks that would be good haha.

    ANYWAYS I am ramblin. Thank you all :)
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I usually do unsalted almonds counted out to equal about 100 cal and apples and bananas and such, but I require some chocolate frequently. I eat a Special K Protein Snack bar (110 cal) daily as a snack. They are small but do a very good job of satisfying both my hunger and my desire for chocolate. I also have a piece or two (max) of dark chocolate nightly. The Hershey's "no suger added" ones are fine. I bite off tiny pieces and suck on it - I can make 60 calories of dark chocolate last a long time! And I "feel" like I've had something good.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I usually do unsalted almonds counted out to equal about 100 cal and apples and bananas and such, but I require some chocolate frequently. I eat a Special K Protein Snack bar (110 cal) daily as a snack. They are small but do a very good job of satisfying both my hunger and my desire for chocolate. I also have a piece or two (max) of dark chocolate nightly. The Hershey's "no suger added" ones are fine. I bite off tiny pieces and suck on it - I can make 60 calories of dark chocolate last a long time! And I "feel" like I've had something good.

    I have the milk chocolate kisses (22 calories each) that I sometimes will have after a meal if I "require" something sweet or chocolate. I let them slowly melt and It lasts a long least long enough for me to feel satisfied and go upstairs, far away from the kitchen! They really work for me!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I always keeep 100 calorie packs on hand also for those times when I'm on the run and need a snack but another trick I have found is to use small ziplock reusable food containers (they measure about 1/2C) to portion other snacks or deserts so I know I'm not over eating. I always use a small plate also when i dish my meals so my plate is always full and it makes me feel like I am getting a lot more food :)
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I think it is important to get your desserts in with your diet. Otherwise you are going to be miserable and not want to stick with it. I like to keep ~100-150 calories a day for junk food or something that most people "on a diet" wouldn't eat. It's nice because I don't feel like I'm on a diet, which makes me more likely to stick with it. The 100 calorie packs are nice because they keep you eatting in moderation. So if you're only eatting one of them a day, getting enough real food, and staying within your daily calories, I say go for it.
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I always use a small plate also when i dish my meals so my plate is always full and it makes me feel like I am getting a lot more food :)

    I do the same thing. I eat my ice cream and cereal out of coffee cups.