Should I ditch the tea? vote

I am very bad at drinking water I have days were I'm good then others I have pretty much none. I don't drink fizzy drinks or squash the one thing I do have all the time is tea with milk I think I'm an addict I get.headaches if I don't have at least 4cups a day and yesterday I had 8 (I was at my nans) I try to have it with skimmed milk as much as possible but that's not always easy when out.

So I have decided to turn to you and ask shouls i ditch the tea?


  • Yourfitpal
    I vote No
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    what about keeping the tea, ditching the milk
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    what about trying green tea? chamomile and peppermint? I love tea, and drink a lot of it, but do you add sugar to yours? That would add up to a lot of extra calories per day.
    Tea doesn't have much caffeine in it, well compared to coffee anyways, but i'm all for moderation and 8 cups a day is too much. However, i think 4 is fine (as long as your not adding sugar)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    what about keeping the tea, and reducing the amount of milk- how much milk do you put in it anyway (I use less than a tablespoon when I drink it, and milk does have calcium and other good things in it)
    also are you using sugar in your tea?
    can you use decaf tea?
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I drink green tea with 0-calorie stevia sweetener. The EGCG in the tea helps increase metabolism...and it tastes yummy! :)
  • mogenfire
    mogenfire Posts: 81 Member
    Wait a sec, what is wrong with lots of tea? I drink the 0 calorie tea with no caffeine. I don't add anything to it. Is there anything wrong with lots of that??
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Being a Brit, I love my tea. I drink it and add the milk cals to my diary .....
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    what about keeping the tea, ditching the milk
    i agree with this
    tea is good for you but....
    even skim milk has excessive milk fat that you should be avoiding!

    try some lowfat soymilk with the tea or even rice/almond milk.
    you might even enjoy the flavor! :}
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    How about for every cup of tea you drink you also drink a cup of water? Not necessarily one right after the other but keep a tally in your mind or on here and then you could have the best of both worlds :)
  • jennsie
    jennsie Posts: 38
    I have tea with milk too (no sugar anymore for the past several years), but I don't have it that often. You will get headaches if you try to get off anything that has sugar/caffeine/etc in it. But once you're off, you're off it.

    I actually have green tea more often - Clippers Green Tea. I keep the bag in it and brew it so it's nice and strong. I know some people say they hate the taste of it, but I don't mind it.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    ummmm...milk is bad now?

    There are good calories and bad calories. I myself place milk in the good category.

    My vote is to let them have tea. We may be dieting but god, we still have to live!
  • mikerouse
    mikerouse Posts: 33 Member
    I vote an overwhelming no. Tea has antioxidants and the water intake will do you good. However, you really should consider dropping the milk and drinking it black for a while. I know, I know, wash my mouth out! But I tried it for a while and now I always have it black. It feels like a better hit.
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    I gave up sugar years ago I've drank tea with milk since I was little so think im a true caffeine addict plus being a brit its the only drink you ever seem to be offered everywhere you go. I might give green tea a go I've tried herbal tea but it tastes like pond water of air freshener lol.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    By the tea is not enough of a diuretic to negatively affect hydration. You can count it toward your water intake.

    I'm sure it's true for other teas as well. :)
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    I don't personally see milk a good category when your main goal is to shed pounds unless it's in a small amount and skim. There are other ways to get the nutrients of milk without the milk fat. I think if the original poster doesn't want to give up her tea, the easiest way to cut on the calories is to switch to an alternative milk product or cut it out completely.

    At our adult age our bodies don't require the nutrients we get from milk anyways. That's why so many adults are lactose intolerant.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I'd keep the tea and incorporate more water but ditch the milk or cut it down to one tea with milk a day and the rest of the tea without
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I gave up sugar years ago I've drank tea with milk since I was little so think im a true caffeine addict plus being a brit its the only drink you ever seem to be offered everywhere you go. I might give green tea a go I've tried herbal tea but it tastes like pond water of air freshener lol.

    It was worth staying up late just to witness actual brits discussing tea! :drinker:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I myself place milk in the good category.

    I know this is a totally different conversation but I had to say it:

    Milk is actually a totally unnatural food. Adult mammals consuming the mammary secretions of another species of mammal? :huh:

    It's a gross and weird practice. As an adult, you wouldn't drink another HUMAN'S breast milk. But you don't think twice when it comes from a cow? Now, I eat dairy so I'm not an anti-milk products nut but you do have to admit it's a bit strange.

    ...and probably not what we ought to call "good" calories.

    The National Dairy Council stopped using the slogan "Milk, It Does A Body Good" really doesn't. There are benefits and drawbacks, as with anything.

  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    I myself place milk in the good category.

    I know this is a totally different conversation but I had to say it:

    Milk is actually a totally unnatural food. Adult mammals consuming the mammary secretions of another species of mammal? :huh:

    It's a gross and weird practice. As an adult, you wouldn't drink another HUMAN'S breast milk. But you don't think twice when it comes from a cow? Now, I eat dairy so I'm not an anti-milk products nut but you do have to admit it's a bit strange.

    ...and probably not what we ought to call "good" calories.

    The National Dairy Council stopped using the slogan "Milk, It Does A Body Good" really doesn't. There are benefits and drawbacks, as with anything.

    dude you are seriously my new best friend

    I've been saying this forever

    Cows milk is meant to make a calf the size of a full grown cow. The only reason it exists is to make a small hoofed mammal into a giant one. It does nothing for humans but add an extremely unnecessary amount of fat to their bodies! We do not require milk past infancy, and this is why so many adults are lactose intolerant. It may give you calcium but the fat isn't meant to be taken in by a human body.

    I have no idea why nobody believes me when I say this but you my friend, are my hero!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    We do not require milk past infancy, and this is why so many adults are lactose intolerant. It may give you calcium but the fat isn't meant to be taken in by a human body.

    You're absolutely right. Check out this map of lactose intolerance by country:

    Pretty eye-opening! :noway: