Brand new and feeling insecure

Hi.. Im new at this, I just started it today. Im alittle worried that this wont work as it seems nothing has. I hope it does. I am very unhappy with my current weight. I dont really know if anyone has as much problems with weight loss and exercise as I have, but some support might do me good. Just wanted to say hi.... and see if there is anyone like me out there.


  • Sadfatchick
    Hi.. Im new at this, I just started it today. Im alittle worried that this wont work as it seems nothing has. I hope it does. I am very unhappy with my current weight. I dont really know if anyone has as much problems with weight loss and exercise as I have, but some support might do me good. Just wanted to say hi.... and see if there is anyone like me out there.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I always used to find it hard to stick to ANYTHING...but so far so good on this!
    Good luck!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Sorry you are sad, but think of this as a new day..a new start. Make a committment to yourself that today is the day that life is going to change and promise that each and every day no matter what you eat you log it in. Seeing the caloric intake right before your eyes has made a huge difference in what I allow myself to eat!!

    Welcome and I hope that one day soon you are neither sad nor fat!
  • Sadfatchick
    thanks i am hoping it will work... i just have no will power i guess. but i have tried it all.
  • peacefulwarrior
    Well good luck and if you need any help just ask.
  • Sadfatchick
    I am alittle confused becasue it says my calorie intake should be 1200 but that seems sooo high. and 165 carbs aday .. i feel like i will never lose weight like this
  • peacefulwarrior
    1200 Cals. a day is not really high, the most important thing is you know what is healthy to eat so try to
    eat healthy meals throughout the day and see how it records everything and try to stay below your daily allowance.
  • Sadfatchick
    so i dont have to make it a point to eat anough to make sure i get to 1200 i just have to make sure not to go over it??
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Don't be sad. Be glad that you have made the first step toward a new you. You joined the site!!!

    It takes baby steps. Try not to set yourself up for failure. Set mini goals and reward yourself each time you accomplish a goal. Your first goal was to find a site that could help you. And you did it, this site is great. I was on another site before and it just didn't work for me. Since being on this one, I have lost 11lbs in 3 weeks. You can do this. I have over 80lbs to lose. I have failed many many times. The secret is to NEVER give up. Make this a lifestyle change. We all slip up and all have problesm with will power. You don't have to deprive yourself of anything as long as you account for each bite you put in your mouth. Once you start adding up the calories 1200 wont seem like so much!

    We are all here for you. This site has great people, lots of support, advice and knowledge. So be a sponge and soak it all up. If you need anything just ask!!!!!

    Good luck you can do this!!!

  • Sadfatchick
    I have about 6-60 lbs to loose... how do I account for foods such as meat (calories wise) and if I have some thing like pasta so i have to meassure it out and make sure i am having the right amount and not too much? like isaid i am very confused.
  • peacefulwarrior
    Don't starve yourself cause in the long run it doesn't help, but yes try to stay under it in certain aspects
    like your fat intake and carbs. Use it to eat your set amount of meals per day, healthy meals and you should have no problem.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    This will work, I know it will, I am half way there. Losing a little at a time is healthier for you. Keep putting your food in the diary and do some exercise everyday. I lost what I did by walking. Alittle at first and kept at it till I could walk three miles aday. You can do that. After I lost some weight I started doing more cardio a little at a time. You don't have to do it all at once. You will build up to it. Make small changes to what you eat. I went from white bread to whole wheat, then i cut sugar out and went to splenda, i changed from white rice to brown, but it took me months to implement the changes. It's harder if you do it all at once. Apples are the greatest snack. Oatmeal is a great breakfast. You can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    I second Kjllose. You can totally do this. Every time you get a negative thought, cancel it out and replace it with a positive one. It's hard work changing your thought patterns, but it can be done.
  • sharii24
    welcome !!!! i cant tell you what will wrk for you all i can say is this has done wonders for me i have been on here for a bout 2 weeks and in that 2 weeks i have learned so much. see i have done just about every diet program out there and well i still look like crap!!!! but !!!!! i now can see what i was doing wrong befor you had to just guess at what you were eating and guess on your exercises but now you can look at everything going in and comming off. i have lost 12lbs in the past 2 weeks and i have never in my life been able to do that ..... now i can understand the fact that you are sad and unsure if any thing will ever work. and i'm going to tell you untill you look at your self and see the wonderful and beautiful person you are and know that even if you dont loose another pound that you are still amazing nothing will ever work. i know that you have heard the saying mind over matter well that is 100% true if you set yourself on unsure or maybe ground dont be saprised when you fall hold your head up and be proud of yourself and know that you are ready for a change and you are going to make a change. every thing else will fall in place ... ok now not sure if all that was just for you or maybe i am giving my self a pep talk too...hehehe