Help! Really Discouraged!

So this is where I just want to give up! Got on the scale this morning and I was up just over a half pound!!!! I just feel like I am busting my butt so much, and for what...the scale to go up???

My diary is public, if you want to look at it and see if you can see what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it. This past weekend was hard because we had the Firehouse Banquet Saturday night, but other than that, I basically eat the same thing everyday. I am doing the ChaLean Extreme Beachbody Workout, on week 2. I walk at lunch during the week for about 15 minutes as well. I have a desk job so I put my activity level at sedentary.

My weightloss journey started just over a year ago, in that time I lost 15 pounds and have basically maintained that. In the past 2 months, I have really focused agian on loosing more weight. Started walking, doing Wii Dance Workout, started ChaLean Extreme and started logging my food. I would like to loose another 19 or so pounds. I am 5'10" and am 42 years old. I also purchased a HRM last week so I have been inputting my actual calories burned for the past week.



  • ivyann73deleted
    Don't give up!!! Don't let that stupid scale discourage you. It's just tricking you into thinking you're not working as hard as you have been. Stick the plan and the numbers will drop. :)
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I can do that. Don't focus so much on the scale but focus on the tape measure. I'm almost done with P90x and I have only lost 3lbs. But the inches lost are ridiculous. That helps me to keep pushing play and eat right.

    And just my personal opinion..... Your eating a LOT of dairy. Why not try a week without and see if that does anything for you.
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Half a pound is not much, it might just be a random fluctiation. Keep with the program, your diary looks fine. Maybe try to variate some of your meals a bit so your body doesnt get used to it too much.

    Go for a nice workout and give the scales a kick from all of us :D
  • ftoddw
    ftoddw Posts: 37 Member
    Hang in there! Don't sweat those little fluctuations. I go up by 4-7 pounds and down by almost that much in the span of a week. i do like to weigh every day, but I only pay attention to WEEKLY TRENDS in my weight. Some days your body is holding onto fluids, some days its not. One morning you may be swollen from exercise, one morning dehydrated Keep busting your but and eating well and drinking way more water than you ever think you should and you'll get there.
  • landay
    landay Posts: 43 Member
    Try not to be discouraged - your body is probably in a bit of shock from the diet and exercise changes. It's weird, but sometimes when I'm working out harder, or eating less than usual, I'll gain a half pound, or even a full pound of two, and then a few days later, I'll drop 3 or 4. It's just input versus outpout - the plan works, and you'll see results - just don't give up!!! Awesome job on your weight loss so far!
  • pineapplepony
    Good Morning! Make sure you are eating enough. Too low of calorie intake will make you stop losing. Don't give up! We all have those stupid plateaus!

    Have a great day!
  • karencalleja
    karencalleja Posts: 61 Member
    I agree sometimes the scales are our biggest enemy :( so come on lets do this together and motivate each other :)
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    In your diary you may want to add Carbs so you can see how much you are going over. You are over in your sugar the few days I looked at so I'm guessing you are probably over in the carbs as well....something to think about.
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    Variate meals? Does your body actually get used to certain foods and burn them differently or am I misunderstanding? I tend to eat the same thing quite a bit...although this past couple of weeks has been the worse since I started this over a year ago. I have just been randomly eating stupid UNPLANNED stuff. Mindlessly eating which is bad. I am up a couple of pounds just this week which I am hoping is not true gain.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    We all have had the scale be our enemy at weigh-in. BUT, remember this the scale is just a number. Take measurements! I wish I would have done that in the beginning. When you run into friends they don't say, "Wow, your scale number has come down." No, they say, "Wow, You look great!" Don't let the scale be your only victory. A half a pound gain one week can turn into a 2lb. loss the next week. Relax and don't quit because of a bad weigh-in.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A half pound? You can poop or pee and drop that much. Don't sweat it!

    You're doing fantastic. Don't let 8 measly ounces get you down.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    Try to meat the guidelines for sugar, carbs etc. you are often in the red zone. Probably to many carbs, you eat.
  • Trixie5
    Trixie5 Posts: 2 Member
    I would definitely add more veggies...more cardio :) But like the others, don't bother too much with the scale. How are your clothes fitting? Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're gaining lean muscle that's a good thing. Can you find a workout buddy? Maybe they can push you just a little more and farther? Just some ideas...Just do NOT give up...keep on keeping on. Do you watch biggest loser? Courtney worked her butt of every week and was such an inspiriration and she had a few weeks of plateau and then she just kicked it could be your body adjusting. Be patient and keep tracking your food and keep exercising!!! Keep logging in and getting help from others :) YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Seriously consider following the meal plan that comes with ChaLEAN Extreme. You've got a lot of "garbage" carbs in your diet and not much for protein. With any kind of program - and ChaLEAN is excellent - you need a good diet of protein, good carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruit, and whole grains (white bread won't cut it). The nutrition guide in ChaLEAN follows a sensible, healthy diet and will definitely help you.

    Another good source for learning how to clean up your diet is "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno. You can usually find it in the library. I've actually seen it for sale in my grocery store.

    Having said all of that, I'd also consider ditching the scale for the tape measure to monitor your progress. As you build muscle and with a good diet begin to shed fat, your weight will go up and down. Your muscles may retain water while they are repairing between lifting days, you may retain water from that 'time of the month' (TOM) - any number of reasons - however measuring the size of your waist will always tell you the whole picture.

    Good luck with ChaLEAN - I have done that program three times now and I absolutely love it!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Firstly, half a pound isn't a lot of weight....your body can fluctuate 1-2lbs in a day, so I wouldn't worry about such a small gain, you could get on the scales 3 hours later and it be gone!

    Secondly, if you've kick started exercise again, may it's muscle mass increase...but if you have weight to lose, are controlling your calories and working out, you WILL lose weight...just try not to get discouraged and give up! Keep going! :)
  • kateland47
    kateland47 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree with the others. Don't worry about the scale so much. What you are doing for yourself is bigger than just what the scale says. Eating right, exercising. It's more important to maintain that. The weight will continue to work itself out if you are doing the right things. Plus, a half pound is nothing! Don't sweat the small stuff! A few weeks ago, my scale told me I had gained a pound over the previous week. I was frustrated enough to not put the reading into my journal. But I kept doing what I was doing and the next week the scale showed I had dropped 2.5 lbs. Actually, this morning I weighed in, and I am up half a pound as well but I feel confident that next week will show different results. Don't let the scale bring you down!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    A half pound? You can poop or pee and drop that much. Don't sweat it!

    hahaha i was trying to think of the right way to say that!!!

    but i agree :)
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    When you get discouraged, don't forget to remind yourself how far you've come-- losing 15 pounds and keeping it off is a great achievement! Make sure you keep that in mind and try to focus on the positive. You've been successful in the past, so this is just a very temporary pause as you keep losing.
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    Thanks everyone! I knew I could count on you to help lift my spirit!!!

    I did change my food diary to include carbs and actually looking back, I am mostly under for them so that is good. I do need to keep check on my sugar though.

    I know a half pound isn't something to get soo excited about, but I especially busted my butt last night and it was just so discouraging to see that scale this morning. YOu are so right, it is just a number, more importantly is how I am treating my body and the non scale accomplisments!

    Thank you!!!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone! I knew I could count on you to help lift my spirit!!!

    I did change my food diary to include carbs and actually looking back, I am mostly under for them so that is good. I do need to keep check on my sugar though.

    I know a half pound isn't something to get soo excited about, but I especially busted my butt last night and it was just so discouraging to see that scale this morning. YOu are so right, it is just a number, more importantly is how I am treating my body and the non scale accomplisments!

    Thank you!!!

    Here here! And try not to weigh yourself too often either....if you weigh yourself every day you can fluctuate...whereas if you've been good all week and just have a weekly weigh in, you're more likely to see the scales go down rather than go up and down everyday.

    But having said that, I'm obsessed with weighing myself hahaha!