only 7 more to go

I have only 7 more pounds to lose to get to my weightloss goal/pre-pregnancy weight and to beat my husband in our little contest!My daughter will be 10 months old on Saturday.

Everytime I get to 147 for some reason I stop with my routine and gain back a couple pounds. Well, I am at 147.8 today and I want to keep losing not gaining; I need to see 140 on my scale. I do not want to repeat that cycle again. I have been walking and trying to jog with my husband & baby at least 3x a week. Now on Tuesdays & Thursdays a co-worker/friend of mine are going to start walking/jogging after work. This will definatly help keep me motivated and hopefully I can add in some weights soon. Finding time at home can be hard; so doing this should be a for sure way to fit in exercise before going home. I had to cancel my gym membership. I miss Spin soooo bad.


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    walkings fab, has really helped me 2 lose the inches and tone up:smile:
  • evanryn
    evanryn Posts: 21 Member
    You're almost there and you look FABULOUS!!!! Keep going and never stop, even if you do get to your weight goal! :) Sooo proud of you :D