I need an education on Whey

getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a friend that is considering drinking whey protein mixes. I know a little about the concept of drinking Whey protein drinks. The concept I understand is that you drink it after your workout to get a “boost” in building muscle. Muscle helps you burn fat faster and increases your metabolism which allows you to eat more and still stay slim. It is the same as if you were to eat a power bar after a workout; the thought is that it is the best way to refuel your body after a workout.

Is whey also used as a meal supplement like slimfast? I may have the wrong understanding about whey altogether and any help is appreciated.



  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    bump. I've been considering whey also.
  • Bump-- I was wondering the SAME thing! I bought the chocolate protein powder, and now I need to know how to use it lol. :/
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Bump! Lol
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi, Whey is not a meal replacement. Its a muscle building suppliment. Basically you should consume aprox 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day through suppliments and high protein foods. You should also consume over small meals throughout the day. It can be used to boost the protein of other foods too. ex - sprinkle on oatmeal etc
  • So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I have Jillian's whey protein powder...is it bad to put it in smoothies in the morning when you don't work out til evening or should you only drink it after workouts??
  • gupton11
    gupton11 Posts: 80
    I read a lot of fitness blogs and several of these people use them as meal replacements but not for long periods of time, just a few weeks at a time.
  • dkopka
    dkopka Posts: 4
  • gupton11
    gupton11 Posts: 80
    So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?

    1-2 hours after a workout... you want to take advantage of your increased metabolism from your workout and let it burn fat not just the calories that are in the protein shake.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    I have a friend that is considering drinking whey protein mixes. I know a little about the concept of drinking Whey protein drinks. The concept I understand is that you drink it after your workout to get a “boost” in building muscle. Muscle helps you burn fat faster and increases your metabolism which allows you to eat more and still stay slim. It is the same as if you were to eat a power bar after a workout; the thought is that it is the best way to refuel your body after a workout.

    Is whey also used as a meal supplement like slimfast? I may have the wrong understanding about whey altogether and any help is appreciated.


    I drink Whey Protein Isolate shakes 2 - 3 times a day. My doctor said I needed to have a high protein diet, so I take in 1 gram of protein for every pound of my GOAL weight.

    The protein powder that I take (Nature's Best Zero Carb) can also be used as a meal replacement. It's got 210 calories per serving, 50 grams of protein and about 50% of all the vitamins and minerals we need. So two of those shakes makes for 100% of just about everything. I take additional supplements and calcium as well. But I feel great.

    I would say really investigate the different shakes available. Some are only meant for after a workout or as a dietary supplement, others are/can be meal replacements.

    Good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    well whey is honestly not need to build muscle, eating chewy protein such as meat has a more thermogenic effect and will do the same. Unless you already have a lot of lean muscle mass.

    Best times to take it are first thing in the morning for breakfast, and post workout. No need to do both and post workout is the best option.

    I use mine as a breakfast meal replacement and as a post workout mix. Im trying to get 140g of protein a day tho and am living in a dorm xD Not many options. I do try to get as much of my protein from food that i actually can though.

    just taking whey WILL NOT add muscle mass. You need to train right, whey alone will not do that for you or add huge amount of muscle.
  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    there is growing research that shows if you conusme even a few grams of whey protein following a hard workout (becasue there is lutein in it) helps speed the process of muscle rebuilding faster than if you had none. since muscle does indeed burn more fat, anything you can do to optimize your workout is best. (why workout so hard to lose some of the benefit?) whey protien is a simple and easy way to increase the lutein you need to rebuild muscles. The research shows the 'window' needs to be consumed with in the first 20-30 minutes after a workout for full benefit. I add some EAS whey protein in chocolate to skim milk after my workouts, even if its only 4oz... that includes cardio. I also sprinkle a bit in my vanilla yogurt too for added benefit.

    It can used as a meal suppliment if mixed with skim milk and consumed in 8-12 ozs. the high protein content helps you feel full longer - any meal replacement shake like slim fast is based on the same concept. But its healthier to also not replace all meals with shakes, you need real food too. hope that helps.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?

    1-2 hours after a workout... you want to take advantage of your increased metabolism from your workout and let it burn fat not just the calories that are in the protein shake.

    Its best to get in as soon as possible. No longer than an hour
  • So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?

    1-2 hours after a workout... you want to take advantage of your increased metabolism from your workout and let it burn fat not just the calories that are in the protein shake.

    Thank you very much!
  • zakkthebear
    zakkthebear Posts: 52 Member
    you want to mix the whey into your shake prior to drinking it. most of what I've read is the whey isolate starts to break down after 60-120 minutes, so ideally it's better fresh. Whey isn't a MRD, but can be used as such if your *really* cutting. I use it more as a snack in between meals to get more protein (goal is 210g a day) and fill up a bit. Also, your body can also only process so much protein at a time. men is 40-50g and women 25-30g. other than that, you just have expensive excrement.

    Having it right after workouts in liquid form rushes nutrients to your starved muscles and ideally you have some simple carbs to go with it as this will help with the rebuilding as well. EAS makes a very good and convenient packet that you just add to your shaker with some cold water and tastes pretty good. easily tossed in the gym bag.

    Reading the posts, I'm not sure if the "building muscle" thing is scaring ladies away from using it. the lack of testosterone and general lack of anabolic steriods most women are using makes packing on muscle extremely hard outside of Olympic power lifting style workouts.

    I'm not a nutritionist, I'm not making recommendations for you. your mileage can and will vary.
  • gupton11
    gupton11 Posts: 80
    So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?

    1-2 hours after a workout... you want to take advantage of your increased metabolism from your workout and let it burn fat not just the calories that are in the protein shake.

    Its best to get in as soon as possible. No longer than an hour

    Depends on your goals... Added muscle has less of an effect on your metabolism than most people think. See the following:

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks everyone that gave their understanding.

    I understood Whey protien better than I thought just didn't know how to say it!? I will make sure to pass on the info and keep that knowledge as well.

    Any more info is welcome as I never stop learning! :D
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    So when is the best time to have a whey protein shake?

    1-2 hours after a workout... you want to take advantage of your increased metabolism from your workout and let it burn fat not just the calories that are in the protein shake.

    Its best to get in as soon as possible. No longer than an hour

    Depends on your goals... Added muscle has less of an effect on your metabolism than most people think. See the following:


    have seen that :] I dont build muscle to boost my metabolism :] i want to be strong!
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