New here!

I am new to the site. I have read in many places to blog and keep good records of what you eat and get support so I feel this is a good place to start..... I am a stay at home mother of three. My youngest being 4 1/2 months old. I just finished breastfeeding and I feel it is now time to get my body back. My husband has tried to encourage me by giving me an incentive. If I get my body weight down and tone by my daughter's first birthday then he will give me $1000 to do as I wish :) That is very exciting! I bought Hip Hop Abs to work out to at home and as soon as the weather gets warmer I will get my butt out side!! But I need some help some encouragement and support I can not do this on my own!


  • ReneeC11202
    I am new to the site. I have read in many places to blog and keep good records of what you eat and get support so I feel this is a good place to start..... I am a stay at home mother of three. My youngest being 4 1/2 months old. I just finished breastfeeding and I feel it is now time to get my body back. My husband has tried to encourage me by giving me an incentive. If I get my body weight down and tone by my daughter's first birthday then he will give me $1000 to do as I wish :) That is very exciting! I bought Hip Hop Abs to work out to at home and as soon as the weather gets warmer I will get my butt out side!! But I need some help some encouragement and support I can not do this on my own!
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    welcome. Plenty of support here it is a great place. Good luck.
  • peacefulwarrior
    Welcome this seems to be a really good site and good luck. What you gonna do with your
    1000 dollars?lol
  • ReneeC11202
    Go on a New Wardrobe shopping spree and a mini romantic getaway :)
  • kw8man
    kw8man Posts: 12
    Man that is a great incentive!! 1000 bucks!! Good luck!!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I want a 1,000 bucks....I could so use new clothes!
    Best of luck and you can do it!!!

  • aznguysgrl
    WELCOME!! :smooched: This site helps me soo much! I get a lot of support from strangers who feel like my friends! You can do it! Make sure you record all of your food intake. I am a stay at home mom as well. I used to eat all day and didn't really pay attention to what I consumed. I notice now!! LOL:laugh: