So disappointed! :(



  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I understand how you feel because I lost 15 last year and then gain 10 of it back over the winter. It is very comforting to hear everyone's stories and to know you're not alone. Take solace in that. Support is one of the most important parts of losing weight and there is a lot of that here. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    I know how bad a feeling that is, but if you did it once you can do it again! That is what we are here for... a support system to help each other out! :)
  • Hang in here ArchieK. We're rooting for you!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Don't get down on yourself!! Your makeing a change!! Thats why you are here! I am 34 and been on so many diets, but this time no pills! no crazy food restrictions that I cant take after a month! Just one day at a time! It works and if you get to looking around on message boards you'll learn your not alone and tons of people have the same issues and struggles it is so refreashing to see and see them do great!! It helps me to see others do it and I just need to as well! Once again! Good job taking thefirst step
  • don't look back, only ahead...plan the night before for your meals so you can be specific...and do some walking over lunch, and some after dinner...we do a lot of biking for our exersize because we work too and that gives us something to do as a family, the kids think this is the greatest thing that has ever happened...keep your chin up...start over...we all get fresh starts...if you fail 100 times and then suceed on the 101st, wouldn't it be sad if you quit at 100? you can do this...go do it!
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