

  • tinkerdust66
    I had the same issues before when i was younger, I would defiantely go see a OB/GYN doctor they are a little bit more experienced versus a ER doc. I hope this helps..
    SWEETNESS60 Posts: 24 Member
    It sounds to me like you may have fibroids.... I use to bleed very heavy for 15 days straight, and always clots and my blood count was very low.
    You should ask to be checked for fibroids.:frown: I hope you feel better soon.
  • tyienna
    tyienna Posts: 39
    Go back to your OB and explain to him or her what is going on and let them know that this is starting to cause you problems with being able to work. There has to be something they can do to help you.
  • Nanconet
    Nanconet Posts: 35
    Keep going to as many doctors as you have to until someone actually takes the time to look at your case in depth and actually does tests! Don't stop at a second opinion, if that second opinion doesn't satisfy you! If you have to go to ten doctors....so be it. My friend was unsatisfied with doctors regarding her birth control pills, hormone imbalance and extremely heave periods so she tried going to a Naturopathic Doctor...and she has been fine ever since!
  • dwallace27
    You may need to visit another ER for some IV hydration and possibly a hospital that has OBGYN services. I would also schedule a follow up appointment with your obgyn doc asap. ER doctors are good for one thing--acute injuries/problems they are not specialists. You need a specialist.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I saw three different doctors about this problem and they all had the same opinion, then they said, "we are a CATHOLIC hospital" etc. I don't feel like switching birth control is the answer. Is it possible I have endometriosis or whatever the spelling is?

    Go to a OB/GYN with a different affiliation. You most definitely could have endometriosis...or a ovarian cyst...or something else. There are many options other than just changing your B/C. Sometimes you have to insist that passing out during a period is NOT normal. I certainly don't. If your blood clots are dark, I don't think there is much cause for alarm, but if they are bright red you should note that to a doctor. MAKE THEM LISTEN to you!! I went to three doctors before I could even get someone to take my IUD out because it was causing me so many problems (wild mood swings, acne, cramping, etc) The two before just told me it was in my head. (just moved, in different climate, etc. yadda, yadda, yadda) If you KNOW something is not right...be persistent!

    As another poster recommended, iron supplements might help and be sure to drink plenty of fuids during that time of month.
  • SteeleMagnolia
    I went to a doctor with heavy bleeding and he said I just needed to lose weight (180). I told him I had already lost over 100 lbs and the problem just got worse. He put me on birth control pills and the heavy bleeding stopped. But so did the weight loss. I had been losing 10 lbs a month without dieting, just portion control. After that my weight started going back up and even after dropping the pills I still can't get my hormones back to normal. My advice? Find a good ob/gyn. If you don't like the one you have, find another one. You know your body better than any body and you know something is wrong.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    My sister-in-law had the same problem. Her hospital is also a Catholic hospital, but the fixed the problem for her because it was not done as a sterilization process but as a health process. I forgot what the term is, but the cauterize the inside of your uterus. She said it was pretty painful, but well worth it. She went about 7 years with no period. She's just now had them start again.

    This can only be done in women who do not have an IUD, and are not planning any more children. It's not a sterilization thing, but they can't tell you if you will ever get pregnant again. If you're interested, message me and I'll find out what it was called.
  • Jentorres8814
    Jentorres8814 Posts: 121 Member
    I bleed pretty heavy as well but never had what your goign threw. My grandmother, for years, around the same time as her period she would get dizzy. turns out she had an inner ear infection that was only really induced when her hormones changed. This was causing her dizziness. Go figure. Go to your reg Dr and get a full exam and include eyes, ear and throat.
  • sandie109
    Good luck! I would say add plenty of iron. I do it myself and it helps so very much. I agree, always see a specialist.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Is it possible I have endometriosis or whatever the spelling is?

    I would definitely get a second opinion or third or fourth...I have endometriosis and ended up having to have my uterus removed at age 32 because of pain, heavy and irregular periods. Inevitably I will have to get a full hysterectomy at some point but they only did a partial due to my age. It has helped tremendously (no periods :bigsmile: ) but I still have pain and things like that even without them.

    The only way to truly diagnosis it is for a doctor to get up in you (for lack of a better phrase). I was diagnosed when I had a laparoscopy.
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Snowbaby,
    I am postmenopausal but i always had heavy and long periods. I was diagnosed with a fairly common bleeding disorder: Type 1 von Willebrand's Disease ... heavy menstrual periods are one of the main symptoms for females. (Males can have this disorder too.)
    I couldn't take the BCP because it made my migraines worse; so I took a medication that decreased the bleeding. It worked really well.
    If you are using so much blood that you are passing out, there there IS a problem ... don't accept "just heavy periods." You might have an issue that has a very simple solution.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I saw three different doctors about this problem and they all had the same opinion, then they said, "we are a CATHOLIC hospital" etc. I don't feel like switching birth control is the answer. Is it possible I have endometriosis or whatever the spelling is?

    I understand but that doesn't mean you dont have issues that need to be addressed. And they can be addressed via methods that do not conflict with your morality. Didn't any of your practioners mention NaPro technology? NaPro technology isn't just for treating infertility but addressing the root of the women's problem... not just masking it with BC.

    Agreed. If you have to travel to another town for PROPER MEDICAL CARE, it's worth it. YOU KNOW YOUR BODY. You know this isn't right.

    I had 3 doctors tell me that a pain and lump in my lower abdomen was simply scar tissue from my c-section. Told me it was tiny, the size of a pea. I told them it was golf ball sized and it hurt like Hades and it needed to come out.

    After 3 years of pain, I would become immobile for days after doing a 30 minute easy elliptical workout. (only tried that twice!) I would experience shooting pains that made me double over, as I sat motionless in my desk chair.

    When my doc finally performed the surgery, he found it was a golf ball sized mass of endometriosis and suddenly realized my pain was not in my head.

    (RANT: sometimes male doctors don't BEGIN to understand female issues. Like being a mechanic without having ever driven a car!)

    Sorry you had to go through all of this for some "professional" to take your pain seriously!! I've had similar experiences with doctors in the past over my issues or my children's issues. Anymore, I dont even think twice about dropping a doctor who I am not comfortable with for someone else who is better. Hope you are healed and doing much better now!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    My Mom had fibroid tumors the size of a seven month baby. Insurance wouldn't cover her hysterectomy (it was a bullsh!t pre-existing condition) so she waited it out and had five blood transfusions until it was life-threatening - literally!

    She was at the hospital during transfusion and started losing more blood than they could replace. Emergency hysterectomy. They were the two largest fibroids the doctor had ever seen (literally two grapefruits).

    Do try a few more doctors, and take a good iron supplement in the meantime. Good luck!