Calories burned from Insanity Workout?

Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I did the fit test today and i am pretty sure that i burned calories. Man that wasn't a joke! The fit test itself is insane!

Anyway, does anybody know where i can find out how many cals you burn from Insanity? Its not in the database


  • TheBestMe
    TheBestMe Posts: 108 Member
    I do the insanity workouts and use my HRM. The fit test I usually burn around 200 calories and the workouts usually between 350 and 400. Insanse Cardio sometimes closer to 450.

    It really depends on a lot of things. I got my HRM for $80.00 at Scheels and it was the best investment I've made towards fitness so far.
  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    im doing the insanity program too, tough huh?!? but it varies so much from person to person that you can really only be accurate with a heart rate monitor. i looked on youtube though and found someone who had a HRM doing insanity and she tells you how much she burned after each disc, she didn't have it for the fit test though.

    thats the link for the cardio one that she did.

    i don't have a HRM yet so I kind of just have to guess :(
  • butterscotchice
    butterscotchice Posts: 9 Member
    I have done the Insanity, and it is difficult to find the amount of calorie burn. However, according to the information packet, with the cardio power dvd, you can burn up to 1000 cal in that workout! If you make it through. If you think the fit test was hard, wait until you do the others!!!! Now that is totally insane. I love it though. I have taken a break from it for a while, and I am afraid to start again. That is how insane it is. You will love it, but it is a legitimate killer!!!! Have fun!!!
  • Another good tool (though somewhat expensive) is the bodybugg. I love mine! It gives you a precise number of calories burned....that's how I've calculated almost all of what I've burned doing beachbody workouts! They are no joke!
  • HealthyPr10
    HealthyPr10 Posts: 12 Member
    I got my HRM at walmart for about $35. The work out is crazy. You might want to get one because everyones reading will be different. I usually burn 550-750 cal per work out, except on the recovery workout I usually burn 300-400.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    I got my HRM at walmart for about $35. The work out is crazy. You might want to get one because everyones reading will be different. I usually burn 550-750 cal per work out, except on the recovery workout I usually burn 300-400.

    Completely agree. You need to get an HRM because even when you do the same fitness test again you won't burn the same amount of calories because your intensity may increase. Each workout will be different so your best bet is to invest in an HRM. I have one with a chest strap which I think gives the most accurate reading.
    I'm close to the end of the 2nd month of Insanity and it's a fantastic workout. You will sweat like crazy, be sore for days but feel great!!! There's also an insanity thread called "Insane Chicks" you might want to check out. Good luck.
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    Is the heart rate monitor the one you strap to your arm?
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Is the heart rate monitor the one you strap to your arm?

    I have a chest strap and it felt tight at first but I'm used to it now and it works very well with the watch. It gives me an accurate account of my heart rate during the workout so I can see if I'm hitting my target heart rate zone throughout the workout. Shaun T will even advise when you should take a look at your watch and check your heart rate throughout each workout.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    the thing you see that people have on their arm (if you are thinking of the upper arm, and not the wrist) is most likely the Bodybugg.
    Heart rate monitors usually look like watches and some come w/ chest straps (more accurate, if you ask me) and some are just the watch itself.

    For most of the Beachbody products like Insanity, P90X, Turbo Fire, really are better off investing (even if just a small investment like 35-40) in a heart rate monitor. Everyone IS so different in what they burn that generic estimates are often not anywhere near close for that kind of HIIT training.

    good job on the fit test. That IS killer, but it's a great program if you stick with it!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I bought a Sportline heart rate monitor from Wal-mart for $30, it tracks your calories as you workout. Make sure you get that feature. First month of Insanity I burned 500-700 calories per workout. With the longer workouts in the second month I burned 700 to 980 calories. However, everyone is different from weight, age, and physical ability.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Bump. I'm an insanity grad but as I return to it occasionally I wonder if it's worth it. I nearly kill myself, my heart rate is at 80-90%, and I burn 250-300 cals. Granted I am petite, but I could do an hour on the elliptical at moderate intensity and earn 500 calories without feeling as though I'm about to vomit. Is the afterburn really favorable enough to justify the strain on my joints? According to articles on hiit, the after burn may be minimal...

    Maybe I'm just trying to talk my way out of doing it today :laugh:
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Everyone is different (as others have mentioned) and calorie burn is based on variables (Age/Current Weight, etc.)
    I definitely recommend getting a HRM WITH chest strap, as you'll get the most accurate calorie burn.
    I believe Timex makes a reasonably priced one, Polar is more pricey but I love mine.

    Fundamentally, I can't do any workout entitled Insanity, I think I'm too mellow for that.
    However, I am doing a hyrid of chalean extreme & turbo fire (low impact version with a serious calorie burn).
    The only way I'm comfortable eating my calories burned, is because I have a HRM.
  • I am on day 16 of Insanity. I have to admit, it is very very hard. but, when you get into the workouts they are over before you know it. I lost 8 lbs in the first week. I know it's prob a bunch of water weight but still....8Lbs!!!
  • phatsa
    phatsa Posts: 1
    I just finished day 6 of Insanity workout.

    My HR monitor (Ciclo CP10L) shows that I burned 1000 kcal for Plyometric Cardio Circuit
    I am a male, 42, 194 lbs, 5'6", and most of my exercise is around 174-182 bpm. My max HR I saw on the monitor is 184.

    Could it be right that I burned 1000 kcal for 43 minutes, considering my body profile?

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • raid1169
    raid1169 Posts: 1
    I just did Insanity plyometric cardio circuit and burned 650 calories. Again, it does depend on how intense you do it. I pretty much do it all out now with no stopping.
  • hi guys, ive just started doing insanity, oh my days its tough.!.. i enjoy it tho, ive just done the second workout and i had to stop a few times, im 47 5ft 4in and weigh 140 pounds and my hrm said that i burned 400 calories..
    hope this helps.
  • are you happy with your results from insanity??
  • Is there an app for an android phone that will track the HRM and count calories while doing the Insanity workout?
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    on amazon you can get the Polar HRM for a decent price and I love mine. It is accurate too. Easy to set up and only around 40 bux.
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