looking for fitness pals!

Hi! :) I'm a 23 (24 next week!!)-year-old female who has been using MFP (site and app) for a couple of months. With it, I've shedded another 20 pounds after the 50 I had previously lost. I am a common case fat kid who didn't learn about proper dieting and exercising until I moved away from home and started figuring out what I liked to do physically.

Height: 5'10", medium frame

Highest weight: 250 lbs.
Current weight: 179.4 lbs.
Goal weight: 165.0 lbs. (by June 13th)

My weight goals may fluctuate because I have never been in a normal weight range in my life! So I am still figuring it out. lift weights so I have some other goals related to that so if there are any ladies (or gentlemen really) who are interested in lifting or talking about it should hit me up!

I'm taking Muay Thai kickboxing classes at a local school and I love it! I'm learning a lot about technique in my private lesson (total nerd) and get to punch and kick pads and bags during the group lesson after it. So fun.

I am also trying to eat better and set up good lifelong habits when it comes to food and nutrition :) My boyfriend is a low-carb advocate and has taught me a lot about that. He's been a big help in teaching me about all this stuff, and I also have some awesome ladyfriends (lucky me, they're my housemates) who I do intense DVDs with. I love being active! Making up for lost time I guess :)

Let's be get-in-shape friends!! Tell me about the awesome active stuff you do that makes you feel pumped. Thanks guys :)


  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I'll be your get in shape friend!! Its awesome that you are doing the kickboxing classes! I have a black belt in american karate and one in kenpo karate and they are both great ways to stay in shape (not to mention the self defense techniques that I think are very important for everyone, especially women to learn).
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I will add you for encouragement/support
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    I'll be your get i shape friend too! I am taking a zumba class and its pretty fun.
  • BusyMomma2012
    BusyMomma2012 Posts: 41 Member
    I'll be your get i shape friend too! I am taking a zumba class and its pretty fun.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    request sent
  • lvcsy1
    lvcsy1 Posts: 28
    I will add you!! I constantly upload new songs onto my i-pod to listen to on the treadmill!! It def helps to keep me motivated since I work out during my lunch break alone!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Sending request. :)
  • swaggadactyl
    swaggadactyl Posts: 18 Member
    thanks everybody!!
  • iPandabu
    iPandabu Posts: 1
    Mind if I request too?
    I need a fitness pal too :D