Should you eat before or after working out?

edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Should you eat before or after working out or both?


  • katdon88
    katdon88 Posts: 39 Member
    Bump, I would like to know too.
  • We know some who eat after working out as they claim/state that they eat less. My family and I generally eat before working out and we find by doing so we snack a bit less at night.
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    after, especially after cardio. you burn fat more efficiently on an empty stomach.
  • I'd love to know the answer to this too...I'm never sure what to do.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    If I'm hungry, I'll eat a little bit of fruit before, otherwise I eat after my workout. It sounds silly, but in my head I think that if I eat before I workout, I'm pretty much burning what I just ate instead of my stored fat. Plus, your body needs protein during its recovery after a workout.
  • Both...but it also depends on what youre eating. I personally get home from work, have dinner and let it settle for about 30 mins to an hour. Then i work out. Once the workout is over, i have a protein shake to recover and get some of those calories back. It's good to have protein as it helps turn fat into muscle.
  • I usually find eating after working out works best for me. It's like a treat after exercising. Exercise hard and replenish your body. Just don't eat right before working out, not good for the stomach.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I'm going to go with.....
    during :)
  • buhller
    buhller Posts: 28 Member
    I try to do both. I generally have something light and carby before I work out (a piece or two of toast, or a banana, or a small non-chocolate granola bar), and something small and protein-filled after (a glass of soy milk, a cup of yogurt, maybe a salad w/ chicken or turkey).

    You need carbs before you work out to fuel your stamina so you can work out longer and harder without getting as tired, and you need protein after to help build and repair muscle. I also find that my best workouts come when I've had at least two cups of water before I go -- the better hydrated I am, the better my run makes me feel.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    It's different for everyone. Some people get an upset stomach if they eat right before a work out, and others get upset stomach if they don't eat. I like to carb load about 60 minutes before a workout, then I drink a recovery protein shake immediately after my workout. Usually I won't have an appetite for about an hour or two after working out. There is no right or wrong, but protein following a workout is very beneficial to replenish your muscles!
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Not sure if there is really a correct answer to this other than "Whatever works for you".

    Personally, I have a small snack before (Banana and/or Protien Bar) and then have a regular meal afterward.
  • aljvb23
    aljvb23 Posts: 8
    I work out in the morning and usually have a small high protien snack like nuts about 20 min before. This way I feel neither full or hungry while I am exercising. Also, I believe my appetite after the workout for my breakfast is sigificantly decreased.

    In general, I would never eat a meal before working out. Works for me, but everyone is different.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    It depends on how hard you are working out. If you plan on doing a hard core a small snack about an hour before. Light string cheese and an apple, Peanut butter and a banana, tuna and crackers....something with a little protein. Also you want to eat something after your workout. If I dont have a meal planned for a few hours after a workout, I will have a small snack or a protein shake right after my workout. You need to keep your body fueled to get the best out of your workout!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I'm going to go with.....
    during :)

    I am with you.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I try to listen to my body...if my stomach is growling I eat then work out if not then I work out and then eat.
  • I've heard that it's better to eat before, but I think you should after, cause if you don't eat before, your body will burn fat that's already stored in your body whereas if you eat before then it'll just burn the fat which you just consumed minutes ago x
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    As far as I know, you have to eat something like an apple or banana, granola bar before working out. It is important so you will not put your body in starving position and you will be able to start to burn fat while working out, " basically it force your metabolism burn the fat"! Also if you eat a bit before you will be not only burning fat while working out, but after working out still be able to continue the fat burning. I usually workout after dinner. I eat my dinner at 6pm no later than this time and around 9 or 10pm I start to workout. I also drink at least 1 bottle of water mixed with 2-3 lemon juice, no sugar, no sweetener. Lemon also helps you to burn fat and has many other benefits. Hope it helps.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259

    Running, for instance-
    Recovery Run- after
    Intervals- before
    Longrun- before, during, & after.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    YES! I'm a personal trainer (but NOT advertising). You should have a carb + protein snack 45 min. before working out to give your muscles the glycogen they need to work. Additionally, your glycogen stores are depleted about 40-45 min. into your workout, so replenishing with Gu, Hammer Gel, or a sports drink (with a little protein) is great. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a great pre-workout snack. Working out on an empty stomach encourages muscle destruction because starved muscles will consume themselves, which will lower your metabolism and decrease your ability to consume fat for fuel. No good!

    After working out, you don't want all of your muscle-building work to go to waste, so you need to replenish your muscles with some carbs and protein. Apples, cottage cheese, and some walnuts are a personal fave. However, hummus, whole wheat pita, and veggies are great, as is string cheese, fruit, and crackers.

    You can't expect your car to run on an empty tank. Same goes for your muscles. They need fuel.

    I hope this helps! Friend me if you'd like!
  • That is VERY helpful! Thank you so much!
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