New and need motivation

mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, My name is Mandy and I am 32 years old. I am a wife and mother of three little girls. Ages 9,5 and 3. It is very difficult for me to find time to workout. I am trying to wake up at 545 AM and workout for at least 30 min before I have to get the kids up and ready for school, plus get myself ready. I have been trying to lose weight since my first daughter was born. I only have about 25-30 pounds to lose and I just can't seem to stay motivated to lose it. I can't stay on the healthy path of eating and exercising. I give up very easily because it is too hard or at least it seems that way. I really need to tone too. Most of my weight, I feel, I carry in my stomach. Even though I get up early I am NOT a morning person. I hate it but if I try to do it any other time thru out the day it never gets done. I can't get an hour to myself when the kids are up. How do I stay motivated to keep getting up and working out??? I am not good with getting out of my comfort zone. Oh and also we are trying to sell our house and build a new house in the county. So, in the meantime we are living with my parents. My husband, the kids and myself along with our animals. So far it has been ok but it is still hard to eat healthy when there is 7 people eating every night. Plus, my Mom has a weight problem and she tries to eat healthy but I believe that she sabotages all of us by buying cookies and candy at the store sometimes. There is always food available to eat. It is hard to say no! I need some HELP! Can anyone lend me some HELP! I am reaching out because I don't know how to motivate myself to be the person I want to be!! Thanks to anyone who is willing to give me a hand in my journey!!

Mandy in Ohio


  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Will add you for support/encouragement.
  • cranerdm
    cranerdm Posts: 10
    Hey there. I, too, am a mother of 3 (6, 3, and 2) and 32 years old. THis is what I have found... I am too busy NOT to work out. For me to be the mom I need to be, the wife I need to be, etc., I have to be a more healthy person. I found a gym locally that has childcare, and so I am able to take the kids with me when I go. It gives them time out of the house, but it gives me some time to myself, too. If I expect myself to workout at home, it doesn't happen. There are too many excuses, too many distractions.

    You are worth being focused on, and your family will benefit as much as you will.

    You can do this. No more excuses. Just put one foot in front of the other and make steps to a healthier life.

    You got this!!!
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks! I know you are right but sometimes it seems impossible to conquer. Maybe I will check out my local gyms and see. You are right working out at home has too many distractions! Thanks for responding.
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    Welcome Mandy. You took the first couple of steps by joining MFP and deciding to wake up at 5:45 to exercise. If 30 minutes at a time is too intimidating, try for 10 or 15. Or, get the kids involved. When everyone gets home from school/work, take a "family" 15 minute walk around the block. Once you start seeing results, you'll have more motivation to bump it up to 30 minutes or more.
  • mblanke2000
    mblanke2000 Posts: 21 Member
    I guess the other thing is my food and how to stay on track. I can exercise that 15 - 30 min but I feel like it doesn't do much good if I eat crap I shouldn't eat thru out the day! This is a long time battle for me. I look to food for some emotional reason. I eat even though I know I shouldn't and when I am not hungry. Trying to figure out how to control that?????
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